Numbers refer to Worship - mostly stuff that is familiar. Alleluia and sung Mass Ordinary is the same musical settings as the previous few Sundays.
Entrance hymn: 449 This joyful Eastertide
Responsorial Psalm: Their message goes out through all the earth, music: Psalm Tone 8G
Offertory hymn: O Sacred Heart, O Love Divine
Communion anthem: Panis Angelicus, sung to a Hungarian tune
Recessional hymn: 469 A hymn of glory let us sing
- same tune as Ye watchers and ye holy ones, which we sang last Sunday
Sunday VI of Easter: V-5-13
Numbers refer to Worship - mostly stuff that is familiar. Alleluia and sung Mass Ordinary is the same musical settings as the previous few Sundays.
Entrance hymn: 449 This joyful Eastertide
Responsorial Psalm: O God, let all the nations praise you, music in missalette for May 5
Offertory hymn: 451 The strife is o'er
- using the tune of Christ is the King, a tune we used a couple of weeks ago
Communion anthem: Omni die dic Mariae/Daily, daily sing to Mary (alternating Latin and English)
Meditation hymn: 443 O Queen of heaven/Regina caeli (English/Latin)
Recessional hymn: 469 A hymn of glory let us sing
Tuesdays in May: 7 PM, Devotions to the Blessed Virgin Mary
Numbers refer to Worship
Entrance hymn: 708 Immaculate Mary
Exposition hymn: O Salutaris Hostia
- Tune is an altered form of the tune used mainly with the hymn O Jesus, joy of loving hearts
Rosary and Litany are recited.
Benediction hymn: Tantum ergo, music by Oreste Ravanello
- This is a tune we used on Good Friday, as well as during Devotions last October
After the Divine Praises: 443 O Queen of heaven/Regina caeli (English/Latin)
Recessional hymn: 702 Hail, holy Queen enthroned above
Confirmation; V-8-13, 7 PM (also Vigil of Ascension)
The Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ; V-9-13, 9 AM, 7 PM
The Mass for Confirmation falls on the eve (Vigil/Anticipated Mass) of the Ascension (Bishop availability just happened to work that way). Therefore, the music is the same for both Wednesday and Thursday. Our brass trio will be with us on Wednesday (Confirmation).
Numbers refer to Worship - mostly stuff that is familiar. Alleluia and sung Mass Ordinary is the same musical settings as the previous few Sundays.
Entrance hymn: 471 Hail the day that sees him rise
- same tune as Christ the Lord is risen today, alleluia, which we sang two weeks ago.
Responsorial Psalm: God mounts his throne to shouts of joy, a blare of trumpets for the Lord, music by Robert Kreutz and Joseph Gelineau, SJ.
Anointing (Confirmation Mass only): 479 Veni, Creator Spiritus (Listen)
Offertory hymn: 496 Crown him with many crowns
Communion anthem: Christus Vincit, music by yours truly
Meditation hymn: 443 O Queen of heaven/Regina caeli (English/Latin)
Recessional hymn: 628 Go, make of all disciples
- same tune as The Day of Resurrection, which we sang on Easter Day.