Thursday, October 31, 2013


Friday through Sunday, November 1-3, 2013


Mass Ordinary:
- (Except All Souls) Messa Populare "Laus Tibi Christe", music by Federico Caudana.  This is the Mass we sang last month.  We're continuing it through Christ the King, except for All Souls Day.
- (All Souls) Mass XVIII (Pro Defunctis), Gregorian Chant.
Alleluia: taken from the hymn Christ is the King, Worship #500
ALL SAINTS - Friday XI-1-13; 9 AM and 6 PM

Entrance hymn: By all your saints still striving, Worship #706 (Listen)
- The tune is the same as the famed Palm Sunday processional, All glory, laud, and honor.

Responsorial Psalm: Lord, this is the people that longs to see your face, Worship #1053 (Listen)

Offertory hymn: Ye watchers and ye holy ones, Worship #707

Communion hymn: Who are these like stars appearing, Maroon #130

Recessional hymn: For all the saints, Worship #705 (Listen)

ALL SOULS - Saturday XI-2-13; 9 AM and 5 PM

Since the 5 PM Mass this Saturday is the memorial Mass for those parishioners departed over the past year, the music is that of All Souls, not for the Sunday as the normal occurance.  Also, since All Souls Day is a "commemoration of all the faithful departed", the Mass used (at both 9 AM AND 5 PM) is the "Missa pro defunctis", that is, the "Mass for the dead".  The sung Ordinary is the same as what you normally hear at a funeral at Sacred Heart, as well as the proper chant Introit (the Entrance that the Mass actually calls for, thus the name "proper"), the proper chant Communion, and the proper chant Recessional.  Back on XII-30-12, I wrote this little article for the parish music blog, explaining how the music for funerals come about.  All Souls is the same idea.

You will notice a difference in the Agnus Dei (Lamb of God).  The chant is the simple chant that you've sung many times before.  However, instead of "miserere nobis" (have mercy on us), the text is "dona eis requiem" (grant them rest), and instead of "dona nobis pacem" (grant us peace) at the end, the text is "dona eis requiem sempiternam" (grant them eternal rest - the melody is slightly extended).

Introit (Entrance chant): Requiem aeternam, Mode VI chant.
- Translation of the antiphon: Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and may perpetual light shine upon them.

Responsorial Psalm: My Shepherd is the Lord, nothing indeed shall I want, Worship #32 (Listen)

Offertory hymn: Jesus, Son of Mary, Maroon #223
- The tune is the same as the chant Adoro Te Devote, which you may have heard before. (Listen)

Communion proper: Lux aeterna, Mode VIII chant.
- Translation: May eternal light shine upon them O Lord, with your saints forever, for you are gracious. Grant them eternal rest, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them, with your saints forever, for you are gracious.

Communion anthem: Pie Jesu, music by Gabriel Faure, sung by soloist Elaine.
- Similar to the Agnus Dei, except the text is Pie Jesu Domine, dona eis requiem (and at the end, the added word sempiternam).  Translates to Loving Lord Jesus, grant them rest, and ending with grant them eternal rest.

Recessional chant: In Paradisum, Worship #178, in Latin.
- There is a translation in the Worship hymnal that goes along with this text.

Sunday XI-3-13; 7:30, 9, and 11:15 AM

Entrance hymn: Sing praise to God who reigns above, Worship #528 (Listen)

Responsorial Psalm: I will praise your name for ever, my King and my God, music by yours truly.

Offertory hymn: Amazing grace, Worship #583
- I don't think we need to insert a listen link for this one. ;)

Communion anthem: God so loved the world, music by Sir John Stainer

Meditation hymn: Jesus, my Lord, my God, my All, Worship #488

Recessional hymn: For all the saints, Worship #705
