Friday, December 22, 2017

The BIG Three-Day Weekend (IV Advent and Christmas)


The Fourth Sunday of Advent
Saturday, XII-23 at 5 PM; Sunday, XII-24 at 7:30, 9, and 11:15 AM

O come, divine Messiah (Worship hymnal, #367)
Kyrie XVII
Psalm 89: R./ For ever I will sing the goodness of the Lord (BMP) (PDF)
Alleluia "Conditor Alme" (adapt. BMP) (PDF)
O come, O come, Emmanuel (Worship hymnal, #357)
Sanctus XVII
Mortem tuam annuntiamus, Domine
Amen (adapted from the beginning of Sanctus VIII)
Agnus Dei XVII
(except 7:30) Rorate Caeli (Fr. Carlo Rossini)
(7:30 only) Behold, a Virgin shall conceive (BMP) (PDF)
Lo! how a Rose e'er blooming (Worship hymnal, #374)
See, amid the winter's snow (Worship hymnal, #375)

Christmas: The Nativity of the Lord
Sunday, XII-24 at 5 and 10 PM; Monday, XII-25 at 9 and 11:15 AM

Prelude (to begin approximately 20 minutes before each Mass)
1. Tu scendi della stelle (traditional Italian)
2. Break forth, O beauteous heavenly light (Johann Schöp, arr. J.S. Bach)
3. Gaudete, Christus est natus (Piae Cantationes, 1582, arr. BMP)
4. Tollite Hostias (Camille Saint-Saëns)
5. La Pastorale di Couperin (Antonio Allegra)

O come, all ye faithful (Worship hymnal, #392; arr. David Willcocks)
Gloria (Mass of the Shepherds) (Pietro A. Yon)
Psalm 96: R./ Today is born our Savior, Christ the Lord (R./ Richard Proulx / V./ Pére Joseph Gelineau, SJ)
Alleluia "Divinum Mysterium" (adapt. BMP) (PDF)
Hark! the herald angels sing (Worship hymnal, #387; arr. David Willcocks)
Sanctus (Mass of the Shepherds)
Mortem tuam annuntiamus, Domine
Dresden Amen
Agnus Dei (Mass of the Shepherds)
Hallelujah! (George Frederick Handel, from "Messiah")
Silent Night (Worship hymnal, #379)
Joy to the world (Worship hymnal, #399, verses 1, 2, 4)

Merry and blessed Christmas to all who read this!
