Thursday, January 9, 2025


The last day of the Christmas Season!  Then the next day we jump into the First Week of the Year (or "Ordinary Time").  Notice that the First Week of the Year begins on Monday, not on Sunday like the weeks that follow.  Next Sunday will be the Second Sunday, not the First Sunday, of the Year, as the liturgical week begins on Sunday.

This is also the last Sunday of "Mass of the Shepherds" till next Christmas season.  Next Sunday, we will revive "Mass for Christian Unity", which is in English, through the Sunday before Ash Wednesday.


Mass of the Shepherds (Pietro A. Yon) (Gloria, Sanctus, Agnus Dei)
Mortem Tuam... (Memorial)
Dresden Amen

Alleluia "Divinum Mysterium" (BMP) (PDF)
- The Alleluia is adapted from the Mode V hymn tune "Divinum Mysterium", most often sung with the hymn "Of the Father's love begotten".

The rest:

Entrance hymn: On Jordan's bank ("Winchester New") (Listen)
Psalm 104: R./ O bless the Lord, my soul (Fr. Samuel Weber, OSB)
Offertory hymn: When John baptized by Jordan's River ("Rendez à Dieu") (Listen)
- NOTE: Same tune as another hymn we've sung before, "Father, we thank thee who hast planted".
Communion hymn: Let all mortal flesh keep silence ("Picardy") (Listen)
- NOTE: We've sung this hymn a number of times as well over the years.  The listen link given is a gorgeous choral arrangement by Gustav Holst.  Holst is also the composer of the hymntune "Thaxted", part of the "Jupiter" movement of his suite, "The Planets".  "Thaxted" is the tune of a patriotic hymn we often sing, "I vow to thee, my country".
Recessional hymn: Songs of thankfulness and praise ("Salzburg") (Listen)
- NOTE: Same tune as an Easter hymn we often sing, "At the Lamb's High Feast we sing".

Quod scripsi, scripsi!