Thursday, May 28, 2015


Today begins the string of solemnities that come up within these first weeks of the post-Pentecost portion of "Ordinary Time".  Following are the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (aka "Corpus Christi", June 7), the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus (our Patronal Feast, this year it's June 12), and two other solemnities that supersede the Sunday should that fall there (not this year, though): the Nativity of St. John the Baptist (June 24) and SS. Peter and Paul (patrons of our Cathedral in Providence).


The sung Ordinary of the Mass for this weekend and throughout June will be from Missa Populare "Laus Tibi Christe" by Federico Caudana (which we last did in November).
The Alleluia for this weekend and throughout June and July is that of Theodore Marier (which we've also sung before).

All hymn numbers are in the red Worship hymnal.

Entrance hymn: Come now, almighty King, #487
Psalm 33: Blessed the people the Lord has chosen to be his own, music by Fr. Columba Kelly, OSB (response) and Père Joseph Gelineau, SJ (versicles)
Offertory hymn: Holy, holy, holy, #485
Communion anthem: Psalm 150 (O praise God in his holiness), music by Charles Villiers Stanford
- Side note: For anyone familiar with Gregorian Psalm Tones, the music for this anthem is based on Psalm Tone 8G, which is by far the most widely used Psalm Tone in Catholic churches in the United States today.
Meditation hymn: Jesus, my Lord, my God, my All, #488
Recessional hymn: O God, almighty Father, #484
- The introit of this day's Mass, as found in the Graduale Romanum, translates thus: Blessed be the Holy Trinity and its undivided Unity; we shall ever give him thanks, for he has dealt with us according to his mercy.  (O most Holy Trinity, undivided Unity, holy God, mighty God, God immortal be adored!)


Wednesday, May 20, 2015


For the first time in a few years (since before the flood of 2010, at least), we will have our brass trio for three of the four weekend Masses for the Solemnity of Pentecost, the birth of the Church.


Although on the most part a blueprint of last year's Pentecost Mass, I figured it would be good to post it anyways.  We're doing something different for a Communion anthem.  For the last few years, we've done a beautiful hymn in English called Spirit seeking light and beauty, from the "Pius X Hymnal", and set to a nice Gaelic tune: Dohmnach Trionoide.  This year we're doing something cool with the hymn Veni, Creator Spiritus.  We are alternating the usual chant melody with a metrical setting by Oreste Ravanello, who also gave us the music for the Tantum Ergo that we have been using for Benediction at Marian Devotions.

All numbers given are in the red Worship hymnal.

Sung Ordinary of the Mass and Alleluia are the same as the previous few weeks.  This is the last Sunday this year that these settings will be in use.  We'll be switching to the Laus Tibi, Christe Mass setting starting the following Sunday (Most Holy Trinity).

Entrance hymn: Come, Holy Ghost, #482
Psalm 104: Lord, send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth, music by Owen Alstott (as written in the Missalette, under "May 24 - Pentecost Sunday").  As per usual, by the way, we will use the Sunday readings at ALL weekend Masses, including the vigil (Saturday).
Sequence: Veni, Sancte Spiritus, in Latin (Mode I), also as written in the Missalette.
Offertory hymn: Fire of God, undying Flame, #474
- Same tune as a more familiar Advent hymn, Savior of the nations, come.
Communion anthem: Veni, Creator Spiritus, alternating settings: Odd verses (1, 3, 5, and 7) sung to the tune by Oreste Ravanello, even verses (2, 4, and 6) sung to the Mode VIII chant, which can be found in Worship, #479.
Meditation hymn: Regina Caeli, #443 (in English and Latin)
- As you may notice, I generally don't announce this hymn, for the simple reason that it is short and sweet, and many seem to sing it well by memory.
Recessional hymn: Now thank we all our God, #560


Friday, May 15, 2015



On the most part, a repeat of Ascension (a couple of changes).  After all, we are (traditionally) in Ascension Octave.  Until 1969, this Sunday was marked "Sunday after Ascension" or "Sunday in the Octave of Ascension".

Sung Ordinary of the Mass and Alleluia: same as previous few weeks
All numbers given are in the red Worship hymnal.

Entrance hymn: Hail the day that sees him rise, #471
Psalm 103: The Lord has set his throne in heaven, music by yours truly
Offertory hymn: Crown him with many crowns, #496
Communion anthem: Christus Vincit, music by yours truly
Meditation hymn: Regina Caeli, #443
Recessional hymn: Come, Holy Ghost, #482


Wednesday, May 13, 2015


This Thursday (May 14) is the Solemnity of the Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ, a holy day of obligation.  Masses are at 9 AM and 7 PM.  There is no vigil Mass on Wednesday (May 13).

Further, at the 7 PM Mass, we will have two youngsters (both boys) receiving Holy Communion for the first time, AND the Sacrament of Confirmation will be administered to 16 candidates by the Most Reverend Robert C. Evans, Auxiliary Bishop of Providence.  Our brass trio will also be on hand.

On the most part, the music is the same for both Masses.  However, there will be some additions in the evening Mass.


All numbers given are in the red Worship hymnal.  Unless noted, selection is for both Masses.

Entrance hymn(s):
- At both Masses, Hail the day that sees him rise, #471.
- However, at the evening Mass, the above hymn will be preceded by Maximillian Stadler's setting of the Ecce Sacerdos (taken from the St. Gregory Hymnal and Catholic Choir Book), which is traditionally sung to welcome the Bishop.  This will be the first time that I've been able to use an Ecce Sacerdos, and was more than happy that Father Bucci suggested it.
- The Latin: Ecce sacerdos magnus, qui in diébus suis plácuit Deo: Ideo jure jurando fecit illum Dóminus crescere in plebem suam. Benedictiónem ómnium géntium dedit illi, et testaméntum suum confirmávit super caput ejus. Ideo jure jurando fecit illum Dóminus crescere in plebem suam. Gloria patri et filio et spiritui sancto...
- Translation: Behold a great priest who in his days pleased God: Therefore by an oath the Lord made him to increase among his people. To him He gave the blessing of all nations, and confirmed His covenant upon his head. Therefore by an oath the Lord made him to increase among his people. Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.

Kyrie (sung at the evening Mass): Laus Tibi Christe, music by Federico Caudana
Gloria: Cristo Riscuciti, music by Luigi Picchi (the one we've been using all season)
Psalm 47: God mounts his throne to shouts of joy; a blare of trumpets for the Lord, music by Robert Kreutz (response) and Pére Joseph Gelineau, SJ (versicles)
Alleluia: O filii et filiae, chant, Mode II, adapted by yours truly
During the anointing of the Confirmation candidates: Veni, Creator Spiritus, #479
Offertory hymn: Crown him with many crowns, #496
Sanctus through Agnus Dei: same as we've been using all season (Picchi's Cristo Riscuciti Mass)

Communion anthem(s):
- Christus Vincit, music by yours truly (at both Masses)
- At the evening Mass, the above anthem will be preceded by Camille Saint-Saëns' setting of the Ave Verum, to accompany the Sacrament of Holy Communion being received by our two young boys for the first time.

Meditation hymn: Regina Caeli, #443 (English and Latin)
Recessional hymn: Go, make of all disciples, #628 (same tune as The Day of Resurrection)

Congratulations to our First Communion and Confirmation candidates of Sacred Heart Parish!


Wednesday, May 6, 2015


Happy Mothers Day to all the mothers of the parish.


Sung Ordinary of the Mass and Alleluia: same as last few weeks
Numbers given are in the Maroon hymnal ("The Hymnal").

Entrance hymn: Jesus lives! thy terrors now, #88
Psalm 98: The Lord has revealed to the nations his saving power, music by Richard Rice
Offertory hymn: At the Lamb's high feast we sing, #89
Communion anthem: Ave Maria
- 7:30 musical setting to be determined (probably either Arcadelt or Bach/Gounod)
- All other Masses: setting by Lorenzo Perosi
Meditation hymn: Thou art the way, #361 (Listen)
Recessional hymn: Ye watchers and ye holy ones, #599
