Tuesday, November 7, 2023


Sorry I'm late with this, but here it is...


THE ORDINARY OF THE MASS: Messa Popolare Laus Tibi Christe (Federico Caudana)

- NOTE: The Memorial Acclamation ("When we eat this bread...") and Amen are adaptations thereof, as the "Laus Tibi Christe" Mass was written at least 30 years before there was any such thing as a "Memorial Acclamation" in the Mass.

All Souls (November 2): setting by Theodore Marier
All other November dates: from the tune Gelobt sei Gott (the tune used for Christ Is the King)

The rest...

November 1 - All Saints (9 AM and 7 PM)

Entrance hymn: For all the saints ("Sine Nomine"/Pew Missal, #130)
Psalm 24: R./ Lord, this is the people that longs to see your face (Carroll/Gelineau/Worship hymnal, #1053)
Offertory hymn: From all thy saints in warfare ("St. Theodulph"/Pew Missal, #134)
Communion hymn: Who are these like stars appearing ("All Saints"/Maroon hymnal, #130)
Recessional hymn: Ye watchers and ye holy ones ("Lasst uns Erfreuen"/Pew Missal, #286)

November 2 - Commemoration of All Faithful Departed (All Souls)
(9 AM and 7 PM in church, 12 Noon in chapel)

Introit: Requiem aeternam (Mode VI)
Psalm 23: R./ The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want (BMP)
Offertory hymn: Jesus, Son of Mary ("Adoro Te Devote"/Maroon hymnal, #223)
Communion hymn: Panis Angelicus ("Sacris Solemniis"/Pew Missal, #227)
Recessional chant: In paradisum (Mode VII/Mode VIII/Worship hymnal, #178)
- NOTE: The first half of the chant (In paradisum) is Mode VII, while the other half (Chorus angelorum) is Mode VIII.  While this is often done as a complete unit, the two halves have been seen as separate units in a number of books as well.

November 3 - Sacred Heart Community Mass (First Friday)
Optional Memorial of St. Martin de Porres (6 PM)

Entrance hymn: O Sacred Heart, O Love Divine (in Mass Guide)
Psalm 131: R./ In you, Lord, I have found my peace (BMP)
Offertory hymn: In heav'nly love abiding ("Nyland"/Maroon hymnal, #431)
Communion hymn: Panis Angelicus (Hungarian tune/in Mass Guide)
- NOTE: This tune is found in the Pius X Hymnal, published in 1953 by McLaughlin and Reilly of Boston.  Ted Marier (of the Boston Choir School fame) made a number of contributions to this hymnal.
Recessional hymn: To Jesus' Heart, all-burning ("Cor Amoris"/in Mass Guide)

November 5 - Thirty-First Sunday of the Year

Entrance hymn: For all the saints ("Sine Nomine"/Pew Missal, #130)
Psalm 131: R./ In you, Lord, I have found my peace (BMP)
Offertory hymn: In heav'nly love abiding ("Nyland"/Maroon hymnal, #431)
Communion responsory: Psalm 16, R./ Lord, you will show us the path of life (BMP)
Meditation hymn: Jesus, Son of Mary ("Adoro Te Devote"/Maroon hymnal, #223)
Recessional hymn: Jesus, Name all names above ("St. Theoctistus"/Maroon hymnal, #342)

November 12 - Thirty-Second Sunday of the Year

Entrance hymn: To the Name of our salvation ("Oriel"/Maroon hymnal, #326)
Psalm 63: R./ My soul is thirsting for you, O Lord, my God (Fr. Samuel Weber, OSB)
Offertory hymn: Rejoice, rejoice, believers ("Greenland"/Maroon hymnal, #4)
Communion music:
- Responsory: Psalm 34, R. Behold the bridegroom is here... (BMP)
- or Anthem: Pie Jesu (Gabriel Faure, from his Requiem)
Meditation hymn: Jesus, Son of Mary ("Adoro Te Devote"/Maroon hymnal, #223)
Recessional hymn: Tell out my soul ("Woodlands"/Worship hymnal, #534)

November 19 - Thirty-Third Sunday of the Year

Entrance hymn: Fight the good fight ("Mendon"/in Mass Guide)
Psalm 128: R./ Blessed are those who fear the Lord (Richard Rice)
Offertory hymn: O Jesus, I have promised ("Day of Rest"/Maroon hymnal, #570, second tune)
Communion hymn: God of Gods, we sound his praises ("In Babilone"/in Mass Guide)
Meditation hymn: I vow to thee, my country ("Thaxted"/in Mass Guide)
Recessional hymn: Ye holy angels bright ("Darwall's 148th"/Maroon hymnal, #600)

November 23 - Thanksgiving Day (9 AM)

Entrance hymn: We gather together ("Kremser"/Maroon hymnal, #315)
Psalm 145: R./ I will praise your Name for ever, O Lord (Fr. Samuel Weber, OSB)
Offertory hymn: Come, ye thankful people, come ("St. George's Windsor"/Maroon hymnal, #137)
Communion responsory: Psalm 96, R./ Bring an offering and enter his courts... (Howell/Gelineau/Worship hymnal, #52, antiphon II)
Recessional hymn: Now thank we all our God ("Nun Danket"/Pew Missal, #197)

November 26 - Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe

Entrance hymn: Lo! he comes with clouds descending ("Helmsley"/Pew Missal, #186)
Psalm 23: R./ The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want (Owen Alstott)
Offertory hymn: Christ is the King ("Gelobt sei Gott"/Worship hymnal, #500)
Communion responsory: Psalm 93, R./ Christus Vincit (BMP)
Meditation hymn: Tantum Ergo (Oreste Ravanello/in Mass Guide)
Recessional hymn: To Jesus Christ, our sov'reign King ("Ich Glaub an Gott"/Pew Missal, #268)

Quod scripsi, scripsi!