Thursday, July 29, 2021



- Gloria: recited or Holy Angels Mass (BMP) (PDF)
- Sanctus through Agnus Dei: A Community Mass (Richard Proulx)

ALLELUIA "O Clemens" (BMP) (based on the ending of the Mode V Salve Regina)

And now, the rest of the story... (with all due respect to the late great Paul Harvey)

August 1 - Sunday XVIII through the Year

Entrance hymn: Alleluia! sing to Jesus! ("Hyfrydol"/Pew Missal, #84)
Responsorial Psalm 78: The Lord gave them bread from heaven (Richard Rice) (PDF)
Offertory hymn: Father, we thank thee who hast planted ("Rendez à Dieu"/Maroon hymnal, #195)
Communion hymn: O esca viatorum (J. Michael Haydn/in Mass guide) (Listen)
Meditation hymn: Tantum ergo (Oreste Ravanello/in Mass guide) 
Recessional hymn: Tell out, my soul ("Woodlands"/Worship hymnal, #534) (Listen)

August 6 - Sacred Heart Community Mass (6 PM)
The Transfiguration of the Lord

Entrance hymn: O wondrous type, O vision fair ("Wareham"/Maroon hymnal, #119) (Listen)
Responsorial Psalm 93: The Lord is King, the Most High over all the earth (Richard Proulx/Joseph Gelineau) (Worship hymnal, #1043)
Offertory hymn: All hail the pow'r of Jesus' Name ("Coronation"/Pew Missal, #79)
Communion hymn: Fairest Lord Jesus ("St. Elizabeth"/Pew Missal, #128) (Listen)
Meditation hymn: I worship thee, Lord Jesus ("Christ Who Is My Life"/Maroon hymnal, #252) (Listen)
Recessional hymn: Crown him with many crowns ("Diademata"/Pew Missal, #120)

August 8 - Sunday XIX through the Year

Entrance hymn: God the omnipotent ("Russia"/Maroon hymnal, #523) (Listen)
Responsorial Psalm 34: Taste and see the goodness of the Lord (BMP) (PDF)
Offertory hymn: The living God my shepherd is ("Brother James' Air"/Worship hymnal, #612) (PDF)
- NOTE: The PDF is to a complete Mass from the Crypt Church of the National Shrine in DC.  The hymn in question is at the very beginning.
Communion hymn: Soul of my Savior ("Anima Christi"/Pew Missal, #248)
Meditation hymn: O Food of exiles lowly ("Innsbruck"/Worship hymnal, #729) (Listen)
Recessional hymn: Glorious things of thee are spoken ("Austria"/Maroon hymnal, #385) (Listen)

August 15 - The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
(Falls on Sunday this year; supersedes Sunday XX)

Entrance hymn: Hail, holy Queen enthroned above ("Salve Regina Caelitum"/Worship hymnal, #702)
Responsorial Psalm 45: The Queen stands at your right hand, arrayed in gold (BMP) (PDF)
Offertory hymn: O Sanctissima ("Sicilian Mariners"/Pew Missal, #316)
Communion music:
- Responsory: Magnificat, All generations shall call me blessed (BMP) (PDF)
- or Motet: Ave Maria (Lorenzo Perosi)
Meditation hymn: Salve Regina (Mode V/Pew Missal, #237)
Recessional hymn: Tell out, my soul ("Woodlands"/Worship hymnal, #534) (Listen)

August 22 - Sunday XXI through the Year

Entrance hymn: Immortal, invisible, God only wise ("St. Denio"/Pew Missal, #166) (Listen)
Responsorial Psalm 34: Taste and see the goodness of the Lord (BMP) (PDF)
Offertory hymn: O Jesus, I have promised ("Day of Rest"/Maroon hymnal, #570, second tune) (Listen)
Communion music:
- Responsory: Psalm 104, The earth with be satisfied with the work of your hands, O Lord (BMP) (PDF)
- or Motet: Adoro te, O Panis Caelice (Louvain)
Meditation hymn: I sought the Lord ("Artavia"/Maroon hymnal, #405) (Listen)
Recessional hymn: O worship the King ("Hanover"/Maroon hymnal, #288) (Listen)

August 29 - Sunday XXII through the Year

Entrance hymn: To the Name of our salvation ("Oriel"/Maroon hymnal, #326) (Listen)
Responsorial Psalm 15: He who does justice will live in the presence of the Lord (Fr. Samuel Weber, OSB)
Offertory hymn: At the Name of Jesus ("King's Weston"/Pew Missal, #92) (Listen)
Communion music:
- Responsory: Psalm 31, How great is the goodness, Lord, that you keep for those who fear you (Pew Missal, page 232)
- or Motet: Cantate Domino canticum novum (Vincent d'Indy)
Meditation hymn: Soul of my Savior ("Anima Christi"/Pew Missal, #248)
Recessional hymn: When morning gilds the skies ("Laudes Domini"/Maroon hymnal, #367) (Listen)

Quod scripsi, scripsi!

PS: Ann and I will hopefully see many at the cookout on August 8!  The famous HAVEN BROTHERS will be there!!!

Saturday, July 3, 2021

JULY AT SACRED HEART (First Friday, and Sundays XIV through XVII)

By popular demand, announcing of the hymns resumes on Friday, July 2.

Here it is, the entire month of July all in one post!


Gloria: Holy Angels Mass (BMP) (PDF) or said
Sanctus through Agnus Dei: A Community Mass (Richard Proulx)

ALLELUIA: Lucien Deiss, C.S.Sp.

The rest...

July 2: Sacred Heart Community Mass (First Friday)
Votive Mass in Honor of Jesus Christ, Eternal High Priest

6 PM

To Jesus Christ, our Sovereign King (Pew Missal, #269)
Alleluia, Sing to Jesus (Pew Missal, #84, verses 1 and 4)
Holy God, We Praise Thy Name (Pew Missal, #156)

Responsorial Psalm 93: R./ The Lord is King; he is robed in majesty (BMP) (PDF)
Communion Psalm 29: R./ The Lord sits as King for ever; the Lord will bless his people with peace (music in Pew Missal on page 260)

July 4: Sunday XIV of the Year

God of Our Fathers (Pew Missal, #140)
Fight the Good Fight (in the bulletin insert)
Hark, my soul, it is the Lord (Maroon hymnal, #459)
I vow to thee my country (in the bulletin insert)

Responsorial Psalm 123: R./ Our eyes are fixed on the Lord, pleading for his mercy (Theodore Marier)
Communion hymn: Jesu, the very thought of thee (tune: St. Botolph; in the bulletin insert)

July 11: Sunday XV of the Year

Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation (Pew Missal, #105)
Go, Make of All Disciples (Worship hymnal, #628)
How Shall They Hear the Word of God (Worship hymnal, #629) (Listen)
Christ Is the King (Worship hymnal, #500)

Responsorial Psalm 85: R./ Lord, let us see your kindness, and grant us your salvation (BMP) (PDF)
Communion hymn: To you I lift my soul (tune: Love Unknown; in the bulletin insert)

July 18: Sunday XVI of the Year

To the Name of Our Salvation (Maroon hymnal, #326)
At the Name of Jesus (Pew Missal, #92)
O Jesus, I have promised (Maroon hymnal, #570, second tune)

Responsorial Psalm 23: R./ The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want (Owen Alstott)
Communion Psalm 51: R./ Accept a sacrifice of justice; oblations and burnt offerings placed upon your altar, O Lord (BMP) (PDF)
- or anthem: He Shall Feed His Flock (G.F. Handel, from Messiah)

July 25: Sunday XVII of the Year

Father, we Thank Thee Who Hast Planted (Maroon hymnal, #195)
Lord, Who at Thy First Eucharist Didst Pray (Pew Missal, #191)
Jesus, My Lord, My God, My All (Worship hymnal, #488)
Holy God, We Praise Thy Name (Pew Missal, #156)

Responsorial Psalm 145: R./ The hand of the Lord feeds us; he answers all our needs (Worship hymnal, #914)
Communion Psalm 103: R./ Bless the Lord, O my soul, and never forget all his benefits (Adam Bartlett)
- or motet: O Sacrum Convivium (Roberto Remondi)

Quod scripsi, scripsi!