Thursday, January 28, 2016

Sunday IV


Entrance hymn: To the Name of our salvation, Maroon hymnal, #326
Gloria: Holy Angels Mass, BMP, or spoken
Psalm 71: R. I will sing of your salvation, Richard Rice
Alleluia: setting by Owen Alstott (chant-style setting in A-flat, with verse to tone 8G)
Offertory hymn: At the Name of Jesus, Maroon hymnal, #356, first tune
SanctusHoly Angels Mass, BMP
Memorial AcclamationWe proclaim your death, O Lord, BMP (Holy Angels Mass)
AmenDresden Amen, arr. by Theodore Marier
Agnus DeiHoly Angels Mass, BMP
Communion anthem: Ubi Caritas, Mode VI
- Feel free to join in the response from the Worship hymnal, #598 - Ubi caritas et amor, Deus ibi est. (Where there is charity and love, God himself is there).
Post-Communion hymn: Jesus, Name of wondrous love, Maroon hymnal, #323, second tune
- (Listen) Short, simple hymn tune, St. Bees, written by John Bacchus Dykes, who also wrote the tune Nicaea, which we most commonly associate with the hymn Holy, Holy, Holy, and the tune Melita, which is commonly sung with Eternal Father, Strong to Save, aka, the "Navy Hymn".
Recessional hymn: All hail the pow'r of Jesus' Name, Maroon hymnal, #355, first tune

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Sunday III


Entrance HymnPraise, my soul, the King of heaven, Worship, #530
GloriaHoly Angels Mass, BMP
Psalm 19: R./ Your words, Lord, are Spirit, and life, BMP
Alleluia: setting by Owen Alstott (chant-style setting in A-flat, with verse to tone 8G)
Offertory hymnCome, Holy Ghost, Worship, #482
SanctusHoly Angels Mass, BMP
Memorial AcclamationWe proclaim your death, O Lord, BMP (Holy Angels Mass)
AmenDresden Amen, arr. by Theodore Marier
Agnus DeiHoly Angels Mass, BMP
Communion anthemIn thee is gladness, Giovanni Gastoldi
Post-Communion hymnJesus, my Lord, my God, my All, Worship, #488
Recessional hymnRejoice, the Lord is King, Worship, #493


Wednesday, January 13, 2016


Two of my favorite quotes come to mind, well, perhaps three.  

The first is Warren Harding's famous campaign quote in his 1920 successful bid for the White House, "Return to normalcy".  Before Harding was President, there was World War I (I don't think people back then knew there would be a World War II not long after), and, as I interpreted this in second year U.S. History class in my sophomore year of high school, it was the calming after the storm.

In our Liturgical Calendar, we have such a "return to normalcy" in the form of Ordinary Time (Seasons after Epiphany and after Pentecost in the Extraordinary Form Calendar), where, though the Mass is still much more than just plain old ordinary, it is that calming after one of the busiest seasons of the year.

The second and third quotes I speak of here come from Fr. Bucci and Jesus, respectively.  This winter portion of Ordinary Time (in Extraordinary Form, Season after Epiphany) will last "for a time", until that time of Lent begins.  In this year's case, because Easter is early (March 27), Ash Wednesday is early (February 10).  So even shorter than "for a time" is our current portion of Ordinary Time.  It's just "for a little while".  And in the case of the traditional Season after Epiphany, that "little while" is even littler than that, as Septuagesima (often dubbed as that "little Lent before Lent") is on January 24.

So, "for a time", or even better, "for a little while", enjoy the "return to normalcy" while you can.

Without further ado...

Second Sunday of Ordinary Time

We have now put away the Mass of the Shepherds and are switching to an English sung Ordinary, my own Holy Angels Mass, "for a time".

Entrance hymn: Songs of thankfulness and praise, Maroon hymnal, #53
Gloria: Holy Angels Mass, BMP
Psalm 96: Proclaim his marvelous deeds to all the nations, Sam Schmitt
Alleluia: setting by Owen Alstott
Offertory hymn: Sing of Mary, pure and lowly, Maroon hymnal, #117
Sanctus: Holy Angels Mass, BMP
Memorial Acclamation: We proclaim your death, O Lord, BMP (Holy Angels Mass)
Amen: Dresden Amen, arr. by Theodore Marier
Agnus Dei: Holy Angels Mass, BMP
Communion anthem: Cantate Domino Canticum Novum, Vincent d'Indy
Post-Communion hymn: I need thee every hour, Maroon hymnal, #438 (first tune)
Recessional hymn: Hail to the Lord's Anointed, text in Maroon hymnal, #545
- Tune is the same tune as Go, make of all disciples and The Day of Resurrection.


Thursday, January 7, 2016


I know of many who think Christmas ends with the Epiphany (the "12th day of Christmas").
Then you have the retail industry and mainstream media who have botched up Christmas so bad, they think it starts on All Saints Day and ends at midnight on St. Stephen's feast day (December 26), not to mention that Jesus isn't even thought of in their eyes.  It's all about cuddling up by the fire and riding in a sleigh and swapping gifts to them.
Christmas actually ends with the Baptism of the Lord, which we celebrate this Sunday.  Two of our hymns are Advent-themed, but depict John the Baptist, the "herald's voice": "One is greater than I to come; I am not fit to loosen his sandal straps.  I baptize with water, but he baptizes with the Holy Spirit and fire."  The Communion anthem is Christmas-themed (remember, we're still in Christmas).  The final hymn, usually found in the Epiphany section of most hymnals (the ones sorted liturgically, at least), begins the second verse with "Manifest at Jordan's stream, Prophet, Priest, and King supreme."

So, without further ado...


Entrance hymn: On Jordan's bank, Maroon hymnal, #10
Gloria: Mass of the Shepherds, Pietro Yon (except 7:30: Gloria VIII)
Psalm 104: O bless the Lord, my soul, Royce Nickel
Alleluia: Alleluia "Divinum Mysterium" (Mode V, adapted by BMP)
Offertory hymn: Hark! a thrilling voice is sounding, Maroon hymnal, #9
Sanctus: Mass of the Shepherds (except 7:30: Sanctus XVIII)
Memorial Acclamation: Mortem tuam annuntiamus, Domine, chant
Amen: Dresden Amen, arr. Theodore Marier
Agnus Dei: Mass of the Shepherds (except 7:30: Agnus XVIII)
Communion anthem: Break forth, O beauteous heav'nly light, tune: Ermuntre Dich by Johann Schop, arranged by Johann Sebastian Bach
Post-commuion hymn: Let all mortal flesh keep silence, Maroon hymnal, #197
Recessional hymn: Songs of thankfulness and praise, Maroon hymnal, #53

Come Monday, it's back to "Ordinary Time", folks.  A "return to normalcy" for a brief time, as Ash Wednesday is only a month away (February 10).  During this "return to normalcy", we'll be using the sung Ordinary from my own Holy Angels Mass, which we did last fall.
