Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Another BIG Three-Day Weekend
(Holy Family and Mary, Mother of God)

This three-day weekend, I will be singing all Masses from the console alone, giving a much-deserved break to our singers and brass.  They will return next weekend (January 6/7) for the Epiphany.


- Mass VIII (Gloria)
- Mass XVIII (Sanctus/Agnus)
- Mortem Tuam and Dresden Amen

Alleluia "Divinum Mysterium" (BMP) (PDF)

The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph
Saturday XII-30 at 5 PM; Sunday XII-31 at 7:30, 9, and 11:15 AM

Angels we have heard on high (Maroon hymnal, #42)
Psalm 105: R./ The Lord remembers his covenant for ever (BMP) (PDF)
Once in royal David's city (Maroon hymnal, #236)
Did you not know that I must be about my Father's business? (BMP) (PDF)
- The actual Communion proper, which is really in the form of a dialogue between Mary and Jesus.  It's from the Gospel passage where Jesus, at about 12 years old, spent some time in the temple learning from the elders there.  Mary asks, "Son, why have you treated us so?  Your Father and I have been worried and seeking you."  Jesus replies, "How is it that you are seeking me?  Did you know not that I had to do my Father's business?"  His Father's business is something Jesus tended to throughout his life.
O Sion, open wide thy gates (Maroon hymnal, #116)
God rest you merry, gentlemen (Maroon hymnal, #40)

Mary, Mother of God
Monday I-1-18 at 10 AM

While shepherds watched their flocks by night (Maroon hymnal, #13, first tune)
Psalm 67: R./ May God bless us in his mercy (Alstott)
The first Nowell (Maroon hymnal, #30)
Exult, O daughter of Sion (BMP) (PDF)
In the bleak midwinter (Maroon hymnal, #44)
Angels we have heard on high (Maroon hymnal, #42)

Happy and blessed New Year to all who read this!


Friday, December 22, 2017

The BIG Three-Day Weekend (IV Advent and Christmas)


The Fourth Sunday of Advent
Saturday, XII-23 at 5 PM; Sunday, XII-24 at 7:30, 9, and 11:15 AM

O come, divine Messiah (Worship hymnal, #367)
Kyrie XVII
Psalm 89: R./ For ever I will sing the goodness of the Lord (BMP) (PDF)
Alleluia "Conditor Alme" (adapt. BMP) (PDF)
O come, O come, Emmanuel (Worship hymnal, #357)
Sanctus XVII
Mortem tuam annuntiamus, Domine
Amen (adapted from the beginning of Sanctus VIII)
Agnus Dei XVII
(except 7:30) Rorate Caeli (Fr. Carlo Rossini)
(7:30 only) Behold, a Virgin shall conceive (BMP) (PDF)
Lo! how a Rose e'er blooming (Worship hymnal, #374)
See, amid the winter's snow (Worship hymnal, #375)

Christmas: The Nativity of the Lord
Sunday, XII-24 at 5 and 10 PM; Monday, XII-25 at 9 and 11:15 AM

Prelude (to begin approximately 20 minutes before each Mass)
1. Tu scendi della stelle (traditional Italian)
2. Break forth, O beauteous heavenly light (Johann Schöp, arr. J.S. Bach)
3. Gaudete, Christus est natus (Piae Cantationes, 1582, arr. BMP)
4. Tollite Hostias (Camille Saint-Saëns)
5. La Pastorale di Couperin (Antonio Allegra)

O come, all ye faithful (Worship hymnal, #392; arr. David Willcocks)
Gloria (Mass of the Shepherds) (Pietro A. Yon)
Psalm 96: R./ Today is born our Savior, Christ the Lord (R./ Richard Proulx / V./ Pére Joseph Gelineau, SJ)
Alleluia "Divinum Mysterium" (adapt. BMP) (PDF)
Hark! the herald angels sing (Worship hymnal, #387; arr. David Willcocks)
Sanctus (Mass of the Shepherds)
Mortem tuam annuntiamus, Domine
Dresden Amen
Agnus Dei (Mass of the Shepherds)
Hallelujah! (George Frederick Handel, from "Messiah")
Silent Night (Worship hymnal, #379)
Joy to the world (Worship hymnal, #399, verses 1, 2, 4)

Merry and blessed Christmas to all who read this!


Friday, December 15, 2017

III Advent (Gaudete Sunday)

Not much different in the line of music today, especially since the Gospel readings for the Second and Third Sundays are very much related.


Ordinary of the Mass:
Mass XVII (Kyrie, Sanctus, Agnus Dei)
Memorial: Mortem Tuam
Amen: beginning melody of the Sanctus from Mass VIII

Alleluia "Conditor Alme" (BMP) (PDF)

The rest:
Hark! a thrilling voice is sounding (Maroon hymnal, #9)
Resp. Psalm (Magnificat): R./ My soul rejoices in my God (Sam Schmitt) (PDF)
On Jordan's bank (Maroon hymnal, #10)
Magnificat (Tone 8/Grassi)
Hark! the glad sound (Maroon hymnal, #7)
O come, O come, Emmanuel (Maroon hymnal, #2)


Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Three-Day Weekend II

This Friday: a Holy Day of Obligation - the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Patroness of the United States of America.  Masses are at 9 AM and 7 PM 


Ordinary of the Mass:
Mass XVII (Kyrie, Sanctus, Agnus Dei)
- We rehearsed this Mass setting briefly before each of the Sunday Masses, but not the Saturday Mass, last weekend (mea culpa; I apologize).  This weekend, I will make it a point to rehearse it at the Saturday Mass as well.
Mass VIII (Gloria - Friday only)
Memorial: Mortem Tuam
Amen: beginning melody of the Sanctus from Mass VIII

Alleluia "Conditor Alme" (BMP) (PDF)

The rest:

The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Friday, XII-8, at 9 AM and 7 PM

Immaculate Mary (Worship hymnal, #708)
Psalm 98: R./ Sing to the Lord a new song, for he has done marvelous deeds (Carroll/Gelineau)
The Angel Gabriel from heaven came (Worship hymnal, #695)
Ave Maria (Bach/Gounod)
Lo! how a rose e'er blooming (Worship hymnal, #374)
Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the Lord (Worship hymnal, #534)

The Second Sunday of Advent
Saturday, XII-9, at 5 PM; Sunday, XII-10, at 7:30, 9, and 11:15 AM

Hark! a thrilling voice is sounding (Maroon hymnal, #9)
Psalm 85: R./ Lord, let us see your kindness, and grand us your salvation (BMP) (PDF)
On Jordan's bank (Maroon hymnal, #10)
(7:30 only): Psalm 147: R./ Arise, O Jerusalem, and stand on high, and behold the joy that shall come to you from your God (BMP) (PDF)
(all others) Creator alme siderum (Rossini)
Hark! the glad sound (Maroon hymnal, #7)
O come, O come, Emmanuel (Maroon hymnal, #2)


Wednesday, November 29, 2017

The Three-Day Weekend

This Friday, December 1, we have the First Friday Sacred Heart Community Mass at 6 PM.  It will also be my last Ordinary Time duty for this year, as we go into Advent.


First Friday (Sacred Heart Community Mass)
Friday XII-1 at 6 PM

O Sacred Heart, O Love Divine (on sheets provided)
Responsory: Daniel 3: 75-81 - R./ Give glory and eternal praise to him (page 118 or 190 in missalette, depending on whether or not the new missalettes are in the racks yet)
Alleluia: from the hymn Christ is the King
Lo! He comes with clouds descending (Maroon hymnal, #5, second tune)
Ordinary: Messa Populare "Laus Tibi Christe" (Federico Caudana)
Communion responsory: Let us go rejoicing (BMP) (PDF)
To Jesus' Heart, all-burning (on sheets provided)

First Sunday of Advent
Saturday XII-2 at 5 PM; Sunday XII-3 at 7:30, 9, and 11:15 AM

Lo! He comes with clouds descending (Maroon hymnal, #5, second tune)
Ordinary: Mass XVII (Kyrie, Sanctus, Agnus Dei)
Psalm 80: R./ Lord, make us turn to you, let us see your face and we shall be saved (music by Gregory Evans) (PDF)
Alleluia "Conditor Alme" (BMP) (PDF)
O come, O come, Emmanuel (Maroon hymnal, #2)
Memorial: Mortem tuam annuntiamus, Domine (Jubilate Deo chant)
Amen: adapted from the beginning of the Sanctus of Mass VIII
- (7:30 only): The Lord will bestow his goodness (BMP) (PDF)
- (all others): To you I lift my soul ("Love Unknown" by John Ireland; text: John Dunn)
Come, thou long-expected Jesus (Maroon hymnal, #1)
The King shall come when morning dawns (Maroon hymnal, #11)


Thursday, November 23, 2017

Thanksgiving Day and Christ the King

Usually I post these before the fact, and not after.  Was a bit hectic this week, so the Thanksgiving Day list got posted seven hours late.  Mea culpa! (My bad!)

For the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe (less formally known as "Christ the King"), we will have our brass trio on hand for three of our four weekend Masses!


Ordinary of the Mass: Laus Tibi Christe (Federico Caudana) (no Gloria on Thanksgiving Day)
Alleluia: from the hymn Christ is the King

Thanksgiving Day
Thursday, XI-23 at 9 AM

We gather together (Maroon hymnal, #315)
Psalm 113: R./ Blessed be the Name of the Lord for ever (BMP) (PDF)
Come, ye thankful people, come (Maroon hymnal, #137)
Now thank we all our God (Maroon hymnal, #276)

Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
Saturday, XI-25 at 5 PM; Sunday, XI-26 at 7:30, 9, and 11:15 AM

Lo! he comes with clouds descending (Maroon hymnal, #5, second tune)
Psalm 23: R./ The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want (Owen Alstott)
Christ is the King (Worship hymnal, #500)
Laudate Dominum (Giuseppe Pitoni)
Tantum Ergo (Worship hymnal, #758)
To Jesus Christ, our sov'reign King (Worship hymnal, #497)

Hope you're all having a happy and blessed Thanksgiving!


Saturday, November 18, 2017



Ordinary: Messa Populare "Laus Tibi Christe" (Federico Caudana)
Psalm 128: R./ Blessed are those who fear the Lord (BMP) (PDF)
Alleluia: from the hymn Christ is the King (Worship hymnal, #500)

The rest:
Fight the good fight (Maroon hymnal, #560, for words)
O Jesus, I have promised (Maroon hymnal, #570, second tune)
Ave verum Corpus (Lorenzo Perosi)
Jesus, Son of Mary (Maroon hymnal, #223)
Ye holy angels bright (Maroon hymnal, #600)


Friday, November 10, 2017

Sunday XXXII


Ordinary: Messa Populare "Laus Tibi Christe" (Federico Caudana)
Psalm 63: R./ My soul is thirsting for you, O Lord, my God (Fr. Samuel Weber, OSB)
Alleluia: from the hymn Christ is the King

The rest:
To the Name of our salvation (Maroon hymnal, #326)
Rejoice, rejoice, believers (Maroon hymnal, #4)
Pie Jesu (Gabriel Faure)
Jesus, Son of Mary (Maroon hymnal, #223)
The Star-Spangled Banner (for the vets) (Worship hymnal, #761)

Quod scripsi, scripsi!

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Sunday XXXI

While you're at it, stop in and check out our Christmas Bazaar downstairs, open Friday, November 3, from 12 noon - 8 PM, and Saturday, November 4, from 10 AM - 7 PM.


Ordinary: Messa Populare "Laus Tibi Christe" (Federico Caudana)
Psalm 131: R./ In you, Lord, I have found my peace (BMP) (PDF)
Alleluia: from the hymn Christ is the King

The rest:
For all the saints (Maroon hymnal, #126, first tune)
In heav'nly love abiding (Maroon hymnal, #431)
Like as the hart (Vincent Novello)
Jesus, Son of Mary (Maroon hymnal, #223)
Jesus, Name all names above (Maroon hymnal, #342)

Quod scripsi, scripsi!

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

All Saints, All Souls, First Friday

Lists below are for Wednesday, November 1 (All Saints - a Holy Day of Obligation), Thursday, November 2 (All Souls), and Friday, November 3 (First Friday).


Solemnity of All Saints
Wednesday, XI-1 at 9 AM and 7 PM

Ordinary: Messa Populare "Laus Tibi Christe" (Federico Caudana)
Psalm 24: R./ Lord, this is the people that longs to see your face (R./ by J. Robert Carroll/V./ by Père Joseph Gelineau, SJ)
Alleluia: from the hymn Christ is the King

For all the saints (Worship hymnal, #705)
By all your saints still striving (Worship hymnal, #706)
Ye watchers and ye holy ones (Worship hymnal, #707)

Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls)
Thursday, XI-2 at 9 AM and 7 PM

Note: At the 7 PM Mass, we pay a special remembrance to those of the parish who have died in the past year.

Ordinary: Mass XVIII (pro defunctis) (S, Ag)
- Memorial: Mortem tuam annuntiamus, Domine; Amen: adapted from the Sanctus of Mass VIII
- Note: in the "pro defunctis" Agnus Dei, instead of "miserere nobis" (have mercy on us), we sing "dona eis requiem" (grant them rest), and instead of "dona nobis pacem" (grant us peace), we sing "dona eis requiem sempiternam" (grant them eternal rest).  Musically, it is the usual simple chant tune.
Psalm 23: R./ My shepherd is the Lord, nothing indeed shall I want (Gelineau)
Alleluia: Marier

The rest:
Requiem aeternam (Mode VI)
Jesus, Son of Mary (Maroon hymnal, #223)
Pie Jesu (G. Faure)
In Paradisum (Worship hymnal, #178)

Sacred Heart Community Mass (First Friday)
Optional Memorial: St. Martin de Porres
Friday, XI-3 at 6 PM

Ordinary: Messa Populare "Laus Tibi Christe" (Federico Caudana)
Psalm 147 or 131, depending on weekday Mass readings or optional Memorial Mass readings.  R./ Praise the Lord, Jerusalem OR In you, Lord, I have found my peace (both settings by BMP)
(PDF of Psalm 147) (PDF of Psalm 131)
Alleluia: from the hymn Christ is the King

The rest:
O Sacred Heart, O Love Divine (on sheets provided)
In heavenly love abiding (Maroon hymnal, #431)
Panis angelicus (Hungarian tune)
To Jesus' Heart, all-burning (on sheets provided)

The weekend Masses (Sunday XXXI) will come in a post later this week.


Friday, October 27, 2017

Sunday XXX

He's Baaaaaaaaaack!


Ordinary of the Mass:
Gloria: recited, or Holy Angels Mass (BMP) (PDF)
Sanctus through Agnus Dei: A Community Mass (Richard Proulx)

Psalm 30: R./ I love you, Lord, my strength (Sam Schmitt)
Alleluia: Dom Anthony Gregory Murray, OSB

The rest:
O that I had a thousand voices (Maroon hymnal, #302) (Listen)
Fight the good fight (Maroon hymnal, #560)
- using an alternate tune.
Ubi Caritas (Mode VI)
- This is the Communion anthem, but feel free to join.  It's in the red Worship hymnal, #598.
O love that casts out fear (Maroon hymnal, #457) (Listen)
For all the saints (Maroon hymnal, #126, first tune)


Thursday, October 19, 2017

Sunday XXIX, and guest organists - three of them!

This weekend, I will be out of state, attending my son's wedding.  However, we still have music, thanks to three fine substitute organists.  They are: Stephen Higgins (5:00 on Saturday), Paul Boucher (7:30 and 9:00 on Sunday), and Christopher Souza (11:15 on Sunday).


- Gloria: recited
- Sanctus through Agnus Dei: A Community Mass (Richard Proulx)

Psalm 96: R./ Give the Lord glory and honor (Adam Bartlett)
Alleluia: Dom Anthony Gregory Murray, OSB

The rest:
Love divine, all loves excelling (Worship hymnal, #588)
Crown him with many crowns (Worship hymnal, #496)
Tantum ergo (Oreste Ravanello)
I sought the Lord (Worship hymnal, #593)
Christ is the King (Worship hymnal, #500)


Thursday, October 12, 2017



Ordinary of the Mass:
Gloria: recited, or Holy Angels Mass (BMP) (PDF)
Sanctus through Agnus Dei: A Community Mass (Richard Proulx)

Psalm 23: R./ I shall live in the house of the Lord... (Sam Schmitt)
Alleluia: Murray

The rest (all numbers are in the Maroon hymnal)
Christ for the world, we sing (#537)
Father, we thank thee who hast planted (#195)
In heav'nly love abiding (#431)
- This is the anthem during Communion, but feel free to join in.
Deck thyself, my soul, with gladness (#210) (Listen)
Christ is the world's true light (#258) (Listen)
- Probably a little (but not much) slower in tempo than in the listen link! ;)


Friday, October 6, 2017

The Three-Day Weekend at Sacred Heart


Ordinary of the Mass:
Gloria: recited, or Holy Angels Mass (BMP) (PDF) (omitted on Friday)
Sanctus through Agnus Dei: A Community Mass (Richard Proulx)

Alleluia: Dom Anthony Gregory Murray, OSB

Sacred Heart Community Mass (First Friday)
Friday X-6 at 6 PM

O Sacred Heart, O Love Divine (on sheets provided)
Psalm 79: R./ For the glory of your Name, O Lord, deliver us (Tone 2)
Cor Jesu Trinitatis ("Gott Soll Gepriesen", alt.)
Panis Angelicus (Hungarian tune)
To Jesus' Heart, All-Burning (on sheets provided)

Sunday XXVII of the Year
Saturday X-7 at 5 PM; Sunday X-8 at 7:30, 9, and 11:15 AM

Christ is made the sure foundation (Worship hymnal, #617)
Psalm 80: R./ The vineyard of the Lord is the house of Israel (Adam Bartlett)
O Christ, the great foundation (Worship hymnal, #618)
O Sacrum Convivium (Roberto Remondi)
Wherefore, O Father (Maroon hymnal, #205)
A mighty fortress is our God (Maroon hymnal, #551)


Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Sunday XXVI


Gloria: recited, or Holy Angels Mass (BMP) (PDF)
Sanctus through Agnus Dei: A Community Mass (Richard Proulx)

Psalm 25: R./ Remember your mercies, O Lord (Sam Schmitt) (PDF)
Alleluia: Dom Anthony Gregory Murray, OSB (Worship hymnal, #360)

The rest:
At the Name of Jesus (Worship hymnal, #499)
Jesus shall reign (Worship hymnal, #492)
To you I lift my soul ("Love Unknown"/John Ireland, text by John Dunn)
Amazing grace (Worship hymnal, #583)
All hail the pow'r of Jesus' Name (Worship hymnal, #494)

Quod scripsi, scripsi!

Friday, September 22, 2017

Sunday XXV


Gloria: recited, or Holy Angels Mass (BMP) (PDF)
Sanctus through Agnus Dei: A Community Mass (Proulx)

Psalm 145: R./ The Lord is near to all who call him (Richard Rice)
Alleluia: Alstott (chant version in A-flat)

The rest:
Entrance: All creatures of our God and King (Worship hymnal, #520)
Offertory: O God, our help in ages past (Worship hymnal, #579)
Communion: Magnificat (Ciro Grassi)
Post-Communion: All you who seek a comfort sure (Worship hymnal, #490)
Recessional: Sing praise to the Lord (Worship hymnal, #539)


Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Sunday XXIV


Gloria: recited, or Holy Angels Mass (BMP) (PDF)
Sanctus through Agnus Dei: A Community Mass (Proulx)

Psalm 103: R./ The Lord is kind and merciful, slow to anger and rich in compassion (Richard Rice)
Alleluia: Alstott (chant version in A-flat)

The rest:
Entrance: Praise to the Holiest in the height (Maroon hymnal, #343, first tune)
Offertory: At the Name of Jesus (Maroon hymnal, #356, first tune)
during Communion: In thee is gladness ("In der ist Freude"/Giovanni Gastoldi)
post-Communion: Blest are the pure in heart (Maroon hymnal, #418)
Recessional: Immortal, invisible, God only wise (Maroon hymnal, #301)

Quod scripsi, scripsi!

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Sunday XXIII


Gloria: recited, or Holy Angels Mass (BMP) (PDF)
Sanctus through Agnus Dei: A Community Mass (Richard Proulx)

Psalm 95: R./ If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts (Owen Alstott)
Alleluia: Alstott (chant version in A-flat)

The rest:
All people that on earth do dwell (Worship hymnal, #669)
The living God my shepherd is (Worship hymnal, #612)
Like as the heart (Vincent Novello)
Tantum Ergo (Worship hymnal, #758, in Latin)
The Master came to bring good news (Worship hymnal, #752)
- Same tune as To Jesus Christ, our sov'reign King.


Wednesday, August 30, 2017

The Three-Day Weekend

No, I don't mean Saturday, Sunday, and Labor Day.  I mean First Friday, Saturday, and Sunday!


Gloria: recited, or Holy Angels Mass (BMP) (PDF) (omitted on Friday)
Sanctus, Amen, and Agnus Dei: A Community Mass (Richard Proulx)
Memorial C: ICEL chant

Alleluia: Owen Alstott (chant version in A-flat)

The rest:

First Friday (Sacred Heart Community Mass)
Friday IX-1 at 6 PM

O Sacred Heart, O Love Divine
Psalm 97: R./ Rejoice in the Lord, you just (Psalm Tone 8G)
Cor Dulce, Cor Amabile
Pange Lingua Gloriosi (Worship hymnal, #813, in Latin)
To Jesus' Heart, All-Burning ("Cor Amoris")

Sunday XXII of the Year
Saturday IX-2 at 5 PM; Sunday IX-3 at 7:30, 9, and 11:15 AM

Take up your cross (Worship hymnal, #634)
Psalm 63: R./ My soul is thirsting for you, O Lord, my God (Weber) (PDF)
When I survey the wondrous cross (Worship hymnal, #433)
Jesus, my Lord, my God, my All (Mother Alexis Donnelly, RSM)
- An audio file can be found by clicking here.  It is the sixth file on the sidebar of that site.  The recording was done at Holy Name of Jesus Church in Providence (where I was music director from 1999-2003) back in 1990 under the direction of the late Jon Carew.  I inherited this tune from the library of my predecessor (and still good friend) Dave Sylvestre.
All you who seek a comfort sure (Worship hymnal, #490)
Lift high the cross (Worship hymnal, #704)

Quod scripsi, scripsi!

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Sunday XXI


- Gloria: Holy Angels Mass (BMP) or recited
- Sanctus and Agnus: Mass for Christian Unity (Jan Vermulst)
- Memorial Acclamation A: Holy Angels Mass (BMP)
- Amen: Theodore Marier

Psalm 138: R./ Lord, your love is eternal; do not forsake the work of your hands (R./ Richard Proulx; V./ Joseph Gelineau)
Alleluia: Owen Alstott

Hymns, etc.:
The Church's one foundation (Maroon hymnal, #396)
Thou who at thy first Eucharst didst pray (Maroon hymnal, #191)
- sung to the familiar tune used with At that first Eucharist
He comes to us as one unknown ("Repton"; Charles Hubert Hastings Parry)
- This is the anthem during Communion.  However, feel free to join in.  It's in the Worship hymnal, #573.
How sweet the Name of Jesus sounds (Maroon hymnal, #455) (vv. 1-4)
Christ is made the sure foundation (back section of Maroon hymnal, #780)


Thursday, August 17, 2017

Sunday XX, and the Patrons of Fornelli

This Saturday's 5 PM Mass is our "Italian Heritage" Mass, in which we commemorate two patron saints (San Pietro Martire é San Domenico Abate) from Fornelli, Italy, the birthplace of much of our parish's ancestry. Brass trio (two trumpets and French horn) will be on hand).  Scripture and prayers, of course, correspond to the Sunday, that is, Sunday XX of the Year.


Ordinary (Saturday)
- Gloria, Sanctus, Amen (end of Gloria), and Agnus: Messa Populare "Laus Tibi Christe" (Federico Caudana)
- Memorial Acclamation (in Italian)
Ordinary (Sunday)
- Gloria: recited, or Holy Angels Mass (BMP)
- Sanctus and Agnus: Mass for Christian Unity (Jan Vermulst)
- Memorial Acclamation: Holy Angels Mass (BMP)
- Amen: Theodore Marier

Psalm 67 (all Masses): R./ O God, let all the nations praise you (Sam Schmitt) (PDF)
Alleluia (all Masses): Owen Alstott

Hymns, etc. (All Masses, except where noted)
Entrance: For all the saints (Worship hymnal, #705)
- (Saturday) By all your saints still striving (Worship hymnal, #706)
- (Sunday) Your hands, O Lord, in days of old (Worship hymnal, #750)
Communion anthem (except 7:30, of course): I cieli immensi (Benedetto Marcello, and yes, in Italian)
Post-Communion: Jesus, my Lord, my God, my All (Worship hymnal, #488)
Recessional: Holy God, we praise thy Name (Worship hymnal, #524)

Quod scripsi, scripsi!

Friday, August 11, 2017

The (Almost) Four-Day Weekend

You heard that right!  Almost four-day weekend!  Saturday and Sunday for the Nineteenth Sunday of the Year, and Tuesday for the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, a Holy Day of Obligation.


Ordinary of the Mass:
Gloria: recited, or Holy Angels Mass (BMP)
Sanctus and Agnus Dei: Mass for Christian Unity (Jan Vermulst)
Memorial A: Holy Angels Mass (BMP)
Amen: Theodore Marier

Alleluia: Owen Alstott (A-flat chant setting)

The rest:

Sunday XIX of the Year
Saturday VIII-12 at 5 PM; Sunday VIII-13 at 7:30, 9, and 11:15 AM

When morning gilds the skies (Maroon hymnal, #367)
Psalm 85: R./ Lord, let us see your kindness, and grant us your salvation (BMP) (PDF)
O worship the King (Maroon hymnal, #288)
Adoro Te Devote (Mode V)
- This is the anthem during Communion.  However, you can join in.  This hymn is in the Worship hymnal, #489.
I sought the Lord (Maroon hymnal, #405)
Ye holy angels bright (Maroon hymnal, #600)

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Tuesday VIII-15 at 9 AM and 7 PM

Hail, holy Queen enthroned above (Worship hymnal, #702)
Psalm 45: R./ The queen stands at your right hand arrayed in gold (BMP) (PDF)
O Sanctissima (Worship hymnal, #712)
Ave Maria (setting TBD)
Salve Regina (Worship hymnal, #713)
Immaculate Mary (Worship hymnal, #708)


Thursday, August 3, 2017

The Three-Day Weekend

First Friday (Sacred Heart Community Mass), which is also the feast of St. John Vianney, plus this weekend, in which we celebrate the fixed date (August 6) feast of the Transfiguration of Our Lord, which trumps the 18th Sunday of the Year.  (The Gospel reading for the Transfiguration is very much similar to that of the Second Sunday of Lent.)


First Friday (Sacred Heart Community Mass)
Feast of St. John Vianney, Priest
Friday VIII-4 at 6 PM

O Sacred Heart, O Love Divine (on sheets provided)
Psalm 81: R./ Sing with joy to God our help (BMP) (PDF, versicles 1, 2, 4)
Alleluia: Alstott (the A-flat chant setting)
Alleluia! sing to Jesus (Maroon hymnal, #347, second tune, stanzas 1 and 4)
- I was looking for that "priest" motif and found it in stanza 4: Thou within the vail hast entered, robed in flesh our great High Priest, Thou on earth both Priest and Victim in the Eucharistic Feast.
Sung Mass:
- Sanctus and Agnus: Mass for Christian Unity (Vermulst)
- Memorial Acclamation A: Holy Angels Mass (BMP)
- Amen: Marier
Panis Angelicus (Hungarian tune)
To Jesus' Heart, all-burning (on sheets provided)

Transfiguration of the Lord
Saturday VIII-5 at 5 PM; Sunday VIII-6 at 7:30, 9, and 11:15 AM

O wondrous type, O vision fair (Maroon hymnal, #119)
Sung Mass:
- Gloria: Holy Angels Mass (BMP) or recited
- Sanctus and Agnus: Mass for Christian Unity (Vermulst)
- Memorial Acclamation A: Holy Angels Mass (BMP)
- Amen: Marier
Psalm 97: R./ The Lord is King, the Most High over all the earth (Proulx/Gelineau)
Alleluia: Alstott (the A-flat chant setting)
All hail the power of Jesus' Name (Maroon hymnal, #355, first tune)
Fairest Lord Jesus (tune: "Schonster Herr Jesu")
- Though this is the Communion anthem for the singers, you may join in.  It is in the maroon hymnal, #346, first tune.
I worship thee, Lord Jesus (Maroon hymnal, #252) (Listen)
Crown him with many crowns (Maroon hymnal, #352)


Thursday, July 27, 2017

Sunday XVII


Ordinary of the Mass:
- Gloria (Sat./Sun.): recited, or Holy Angels Mass (BMP)
- Sanctus/Agnus: Mass for Christian Unity (Jan Vermulst)
- Memorial A: Holy Angels Mass (BMP)
- Amen: Theodore Marier

Psalm 119: R./ Lord, I love your commands (R./ Robert Batastini; V./ Joseph Gelineau, SJ)
- The music for this Psalm is in the Worship hymnal, #913.
Alleluia: Lucien Deiss, C.S.Sp.

The rest:
Christ for the world we sing (Maroon hymnal, #537)
God, my King, thy might confessing (Maroon hymnal, #280)
Be thou my vision (Jean-Hubert Desrocquettes)
O God, unseen yet ever near (Maroon hymnal, #198, first tune)
Jesus shall reign (Maroon hymnal, #542)

Quod scripsi, scripsi!

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Sunday XVI


Ordinary of the Mass:
- Gloria (Sat./Sun.): recited, or Holy Angels Mass (BMP)
- Sanctus/Agnus: Mass for Christian Unity (Jan Vermulst)
- Memorial A: Holy Angels Mass (BMP)
- Amen: Theodore Marier

Psalm 86: R./ Lord, you are good and forgiving (BMP) (PDF)
Alleluia: Lucien Deiss, C.S.Sp.

Hymns, etc.:
Behold! a sower! from afar (Maroon hymnal, #401)
Come, ye thankful people, come (Maroon hymnal, #137)
Ecce Panis Angelorum (Fr. Carlo Rossini)
O saving Victim, opening wide (Maroon hymnal, #209, first tune)
- a translation of the Latin O Salutaris Hostia
Soon may the last glad song arise (Maroon hymnal, #539, second tune)
- same tune as Lift up your heads, ye mighty gates


Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Sunday XV


Ordinary of the Mass:
- Gloria (Sat./Sun.): recited, or Holy Angels Mass (BMP)
- Sanctus/Agnus: Mass for Christian Unity (Jan Vermulst)
- Memorial A: Holy Angels Mass (BMP)
- Amen: Theodore Marier

Psalm 65: R./ The seed that falls on good ground will yield a fruitful harvest (Sam Schmitt) (PDF)
Alleluia: Lucien Deiss, C.S.Sp.

The rest:
Behold! a sower! from afar (Maroon hymnal, #401)
How firm a foundation (Maroon hymnal, #564)
Jesu, joy of man's desiring ("Werde Munter", arr. J.S. Bach)
Come with us, O blessed Jesus (Maroon hymnal, #211)
- Same tune as the aforementioned Jesu, joy of man's desiring that we are singing as a Communion anthem, but in a lower key to make it "congregation friendly".
O Jesus, I have promised (Maroon hymnal, #570, second tune)

Quod scripsi, scripsi!

Friday, July 7, 2017

The Three-Day Weekend


Ordinary of the Mass:
- Gloria (Sat./Sun.): recited, or Holy Angels Mass (BMP)
- Sanctus/Agnus: Mass for Christian Unity (Jan Vermulst)
- Memorial A: Holy Angels Mass (BMP)
- Amen: Theodore Marier

Alleluia: Lucien Deiss, C.S.Sp.

Sacred Heart Community Mass (First Friday)
Friday VII-7 at 6 PM

The rest:
O Sacred Heart, O Love Divine (on sheets provided)
Psalm 106: R./ Give thanks to the Lord for he is good (Tone 8g)
I heard the voice of Jesus say (Worship hymnal, #607)
Cor Jesu Trinitatis (tune: "Gott Soll Gepriesen")
To Jesus' Heart, all-burning (on sheets provided)

Sunday XIV of the Year
Saturday VII-8 at 5 PM; Sunday VII-9 at 7:30, 9, and 11:15 AM

The rest:
Holy, holy, holy (Maroon hymnal, #266)
Psalm 145: R./ I will praise your Name for ever, my King and my God (BMP) (PDF)
At the Name of Jesus (Maroon hymnal, #356, first tune)
He shall feed his flock (George Frederick Handel, from Messiah)
O Thou in all thy might so far (Maroon hymnal, #444)
From all that dwell below the skies (Maroon hymnal, #277)

Quod scripsi, scripsi!

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Sunday XIII

Back to English Mass Ordinary settings for the next four months (with only a couple of exceptions).


- Gloria: recited or Holy Angels Mass (BMP)
- Sanctus and Agnus Dei: Mass for Christian Unity (Jan Vermulst)
- Memorial A: Holy Angels Mass 
- Amen: Theodore Marier

Psalm 89: R./ For ever I will sing the goodness of the Lord (BMP) (PDF)
Alleluia: Lucien Deiss, C.S.Sp.

Hymns, etc.:
Lift high the cross (Worship hymnal, #704)
Take up your cross (Worship hymnal, #634)
O Sacrum Convivium (Roberto Remondi)
O God of love, O King of peace (Worship hymnal, #652)
Mine eyes have seen the glory (Worship hymnal, #686)

Quod scripsi, scripsi!

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Three-Day Weekend #2 this Month


Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
Friday, VI-23 at 7 PM

The brass will be on hand for one more round.  They will return next on August 19, the day of the Italian Heritage Festival.

Ordinary: Messa Populare Laus Tibi Christe (Caudana)
Psalm 103: R./ The Lord's kindness is everlasting to those who fear him (Sam Schmitt) (PDF)
Alleluia: Deiss

Hymns, etc.:
O Sacred Heart, O Love Divine (on sheets provided)
Cor Jesu Trinitatis (Tune: "Gott Soll Gepriesen", arr. BMP)
I Cieli Immensi (Benedetto Marcello)
O Salutaris Hostia (Anthony Werner)
Tantum Ergo (Oreste Ravanello)
To Jesus' Heart, all-burning (on sheets provided)

Twelfth Sunday of the Year
Saturday, VI-24 at 5 PM; Sunday, VI-25 at 7:30, 9, and 11:15 AM

Ordinary: Messa Populare Laus Tibi Christe (Caudana)
Psalm 69: R./ Lord, in your great love, answer me (BMP) (PDF)
Alleluia: Deiss

Hymns, etc.:
Fight the good fight (Maroon hymnal, #560, but using the tune "Mendon")
Abide with me (Maroon hymnal, #467)
Soul of my Savior (William J. Maher)
Blest are the pure in heart (Maroon hymnal, #418)
Ye holy angels bright (Maroon hymnal, #600)


Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Corpus Christi and First Communion

The Solemnity traditionally known as Corpus Christi, now known as the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ.  Some liturgical trivia: How many remember Corpus Christi and Precious Blood being two separate feasts?  Before the Novus Ordo (1969), Corpus Christi was the Thursday after Trinity (the Sunday after Trinity was simply the Second Sunday after Pentecost), while the Precious Blood was on the fixed date of July 1.


Brass trio (two trumpets and a French horn) will be on hand for three of the Masses, one of them (the 11:15) is also our First Communion Mass.

Ordinary: Messa Populare Laus Tibi Christe (Federico Caudana)
Psalm 147: R./ Praise the Lord, Jerusalem (BMP) (PDF)
Alleluia: Lucien Deiss, C.S.Sp.

Hymns, etc:
Lift up your heads, O mighty gates (Worship hymnal, #363)
Ecce Panis Angelorum (Sequence)
- 7:30 AM: Mode V
- All other Masses: G.B. Polleri
Alleluia! sing to Jesus (Worship hymnal, #737)
Ave Verum Corpus (Saint-Saëns)
Jesus, my Lord, my God, my All (Worship hymnal, #488)
Holy God, we praise Thy Name (Worship hymnal, #524)

Quod scripsi, scripsi!

Thursday, June 8, 2017

The Most Holy Trinity

- O Most Holy Trinity, undivided Unity, holy God, mighty God, God immortal, be adored!


Ordinary: Messa Populare "Laus Tibi Christe" (Federico Caudana)
Responsorial Psalm (Daniel 3/Canticle of the Three Children): R./ Glory and praise for ever (BMP) (PDF)
Alleluia: Lucien Deiss, C.S.Sp.

Hymns, etc.:
Come now, almighty King (Worship hymnal, #487)
Holy, holy, holy (Worship hymnal, #485)
Festive Alleluia (Gordon Young)
Jesus, my Lord, my God, my All (Worship hymnal, #488)
O God, almighty Father (Worship hymnal, #484)


Wednesday, May 31, 2017

The Three-Day Weekend


Common for all Masses:
Ordinary (for the last times until next Easter): Missa "Cristo Risusciti" (Luigi Picchi)
Alleluia "O Filii et Filiae" (Mode II/BMP)

First Friday (Sacred Heart Community Mass)
Optional Memorial: SS. Marcellinus and Peter
Friday VI-2, 6 PM

O Sacred Heart, O Love Divine (on sheets provided)
Psalm 103: R./ The Lord has set his throne in heaven (Theodore Marier)
Come, Holy Ghost (Worship hymnal, #482)
Veni, Creator Spiritus (Worship hymnal, #479)
To Jesus' Heart, All-Burning (on sheets provided)

The Solemnity of Pentecost
Saturday VI-3, 5 PM; Sunday VI-4, 7:30, 9, and 11:15 AM

Brass trio at all Masses, except 7:30.

Come, Holy Ghost (Worship hymnal, #482)
Psalm 104: R./ Lord, send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth (Owen Alstott)
Sequence: Come, O Holy Spirit, Come (Mode I) (missalette, page 106, with readings of the day)
Fire of God, undying flame (Worship hymnal, #474)
- NOTE: same tune as the Advent hymn Savior of the nations, come.
Veni, Creator Spiritus (Mode VIII/Ravanello)
- SATB setting for odd-numbered verses by Oreste Ravanello.  Even-numbered versicles sung to the chant tune, which can be found in the Worship hymnal, #479.
Regina Caeli (Worship hymnal, #443)
Now thank we all our God (Worship hymnal, #560)


Monday, May 22, 2017

Confirmation, Ascension, and VII Easter

This Wednesday at 6 PM is the Vigil Mass of the Ascension of the Lord.  Confirmation is also being administered by Bishop Thomas J. Tobin at this Mass.  Yes, this fulfills the Holy Day of Obligation.  The Thursday Masses (the Day of Ascension) are at 9 AM and 7 PM.

Our brass trio will be on hand for the Confirmation Mass.


The Ascension of the Lord
Wednesday, V-24 (with Confirmation), at 6 PM; Thursday, V-25, at 9 AM and 7 PM

Ordinary: Cristo Risusciti (Picchi)
Alleluia: O Filii et Filiae (Mode II/BMP)

Hail the day that sees him rise (Worship, #471)
Psalm 47: R./ God mounts his throne to shouts of joy; a blare of trumpets for the Lord (Kreutz/Gelineau)
Veni, Creator Spiritus (Wednesday only) (Mode VIII/Ravanello)
- The verses alternate between the choral setting by Oreste Ravanello (odd verses) and the Mode VIII chant (even verses, which you can find at #479 in Worship).
Crown him with many crowns (Worship, #496)
Regina Caeli (Lotti) (Wednesday only)
Christus Vincit (BMP) (PDF)
Regina Caeli (Worship, #443)
Go, make of all disciples (Worship, #628)

Seventh Sunday of Easter
Saturday, V-27, at 5 PM; Sunday, V-28, at 7:30, 9, and 11:15 AM

Ordinary: Cristo Risusciti (Picchi)
Alleluia: O Filii et Filiae (Mode II/BMP)

A hymn of glory let us sing (Worship, #469)
Psalm 27: R./ I believe that I shall see the good things of the Lord in the land of the living (BMP) (PDF)
Alleluia! sing to Jesus (Worship, #737)
Christus Vincit (BMP) (PDF)
Regina Caeli (Worship, #443)
Come, Holy Ghost (Worship, #482)

Quod scripsi, scripsi!

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

VI Easter


Christ is alive (Worship hymnal, #466)
- same tune as Lift up your heads, ye mighty gates
Gloria: recited, or Cristo Risusciti (Picchi)
Psalm 66 (R./ Let all the earth cry out to God with joy) (BMP) (PDF)
Alleluia "O Filii et Filiae" (Mode II/BMP)
Christ is the King (Worship hymnal, #500)
Missa Cristo Risusciti (Picchi)
Regina Caeli (Lotti, during Communion)
Regina Caeli (Mode VI, after Communion) (Worship hymnal, #443, both languages)
Hail the day that sees him rise (Worship hymnal, #471)

Quod scripsi, scripsi!

Thursday, May 11, 2017

V Easter

At the 7:30 AM Mass, the CCD children will crown the Blessed Mother!


HYMN #702 (Worship): Hail, holy Queen enthroned above
Gloria: recited, or Cristo Risusciti (Picchi)
Psalm 33: Proulx/Gelineau (Lord, let your mercy be on us as we place our trust in you)
- Can be found in Worship at #845
Alleluia "O Filii et Filiae" (Mode II/BMP)
HYMN #90 (Maroon): He is risen
Missa Cristo Risusciti (Picchi)
Ave Maria (Bach/Gounod at 7:30; Perosi at all others)
HYMN #356 (Maroon): At the Name of Jesus (first tune)
HYMN #599 (Maroon): Ye watchers and ye holy ones


Thursday, May 4, 2017

The Three-Day Weekend


First Friday (Sacred Heart Community Mass)
Feria in Paschaltide
6 PM - Friday V-5-17

HYMN: O Sacred Heart, O Love Divine (on sheets provided)
Psalm 117: BMP (Go out to all the world, and tell the Good News) (PDF)
Alleluia "O Filii et Filiae"
HYMN #89 (Maroon): At the Lamb's high feast we sing
Missa Cristo Risusciti (Picchi)
HYMN #489 (Worship) Adoro Te Devote (Mode V) (in Latin)
To Jesus' Heart, all-burning (on sheets provided)

Fourth Sunday of Easter
5 PM - Saturday V-6-17
7;30, 9, and 11:15 AM - Sunday V-7-17

(Key of D day as far as hymns, well, except 7:30 AM, one or two might be lowered!) ;)
HYMN #89 (Maroon): At the Lamb's high feast we sing
Gloria: recited, or Cristo Risusciti (Picchi)
Psalm 23: Alstott (The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want)
Alleluia "O Filii et Filiae"
HYMN #345 (Maroon): The King of love my shepherd is (First Tune)
Missa Cristo Risusciti (Picchi)
He shall feed his flock (Handel, from "Messiah")
HYMN #247 (Maroon): Savior, like a shepherd lead us
- Tune is that of the beloved Marian hymn, O Sanctissima, with minor alterations
HYMN #352 (Maroon): Crown him with many crowns


Friday, April 28, 2017

III Easter


Ordinary: Misa "Cristo Risusciti" (Luigi Picchi, based on Surgit in haec dies)
Psalm 16: R./ Lord, you will show us the path of life (BMP) (PDF)
Alleluia "O Filii et Filiae" (Mode II/BMP) (PDF)

Hymns, etc.:
Jesus Christ is ris'n today (Maroon hymnal, #85)
At the Lamb's high feast we sing (Maroon hymnal, #89)
O Sacrum Convivium (Remondi)
Regina Caeli (Worship hymnal, #443, English and Latin)
He is risen, he is risen (Maroon hymnal, #90)

Quod scripsi, scripsi! (Those famous words of Pontius Pilate!)

Thursday, April 20, 2017

II Easter (Divine Mercy)


Ordinary: Misa "Cristo Risusciti" (Luigi Picchi, based on Surgit in haec dies)
Psalm 118: R./ Give thanks to the Lord for he is good; his love is everlasting (Owen Alstott)
- (as written in the missalette, pages 84-85)
Alleluia "O Filii et Filiae" (Mode II/BMP)

Hymns, etc.:
Jesus lives! thy terrors now (Maroon hymnal, #88)
The strife is o'er (Maroon hymnal, #91)
Adoro te devote (Mode V)
- (Although it's the Communion anthem, feel free to join - Worship #489)
Christians to the Paschal Victim (Maroon hymnal, #97)
- (The Easter Sequence)
This joyful Eastertide (Worship, #449)


Wednesday, April 12, 2017



Messa Populare "Laus Tibi Christe" (Federico Caudana) (Kyrie and Gloria)
Mass XVIII (Sanctus and Agnus)
Save us, Savior of the world (ICEL)
Amen (adapted from Sanctus VIII)

Psalm 116: R./ Our blessing cup is a communion with the blood of Christ (BMP) (PDF)
Gospel Acclamation "Vexilla Regis" (BMP) (PDF)

Hymns, etc.:
Lift high the cross (Worship hymnal, #704)
At that first Eucharist (Worship hymnal, #733)
Ave verum (Camille Saint-Saëns)
Pange lingua gloriosi (Mode III, alternating with a choral setting by BMP) (PDF)
- Feel free to join in singing the odd-numbered verses - see the Worship hymnal, #813)


Psalm 31: R./ Father, into your hands I commend my spirit (Sam Schmitt) (PDF)
Gospel Acclamation "Vexilla Regis" (BMP)
Adoramus Te, Christe (Theodore Dubois)
God so loved the world (Sir John Stainer, from "The Crucifixion")
Tenebrae factae sunt (Johann Michael Haydn)
Adoro Te, O Panis Caelice (Louvain)
Jesu, Salvator Noster (Fr. Carlo Rossini)
Tantum Ergo (Oreste Ravanello)
Abide with me (Maroon hymnal, #467)

with brass trio

Psalm 104: R./ Lord, send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth (Owen Alstott)
- music as found on page 45 in the missalette
Psalm 16: R./ You are my inheritance, O Lord (BMP) (PDF)
Exodus 15 (Responsory) R./ Let us sing to the Lord; he has covered himself in glory (BMP) (PDF)
Missa "Christo Risusciti" (Luigi Picchi) (Gloria, Sanctus, and Agnus, and adaptations by BMP for the Memorial Acclamation and Amen)
Alleluia "O Filii et Filiae" for the Easter Vigil (BMP) (PDF)
Litany of Saints (Roman Missal chant)
Vidi Aquam (Joseph Gruber)
The Day of Resurrection (Maroon hymnal, #96, first tune)
Hallelujah (George Frederick Handel, from "Messiah")
Regina Caeli (Worship hymnal, #443, English and Latin)
Jesus Christ is ris'n today (Maroon hymnal, #85)

7:30, 9, and 11:15 AM
with brass trio except 7:30 AM

Missa "Christo Risusciti" (Luigi Picchi) (Gloria, Sanctus, and Agnus, and adaptations by BMP for the Memorial Acclamation and Amen)
Psalm 118: R./ This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad (Sam Schmitt) (PDF)
Sequence: page 82 in missalette (English)
Alleluia "O Filii et Filiae" for the Easter Season (BMP) (PDF)
Vidi Aquam (Joseph Gruber)

Hymns, etc.:
The Day of Resurrection (Maroon hymnal, #96, first tune)
That Easter Day with joy was bright (Maroon hymnal, #98)
Hallelujah (George Frederick Handel, from "Messiah")
Regina Caeli (Worship hymnal, #443, English and Latin)
Jesus Christ is ris'n today (Maroon hymnal, #85)

Happy and blessed Triduum and Easter Season to all!

Quod scripsi, scripsi!* (see post scriptum below)

*Post Scriptum: "Quod scripsi, scripsi" were the words of Pontius Pilate in St. John's account of the Passion of our Lord, which is read on Good Friday.  When Pilate wrote on Jesus' cross, "Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews", the chief priests told Pilate to write instead that Jesus *said* that he was the King of the Jews, to which Pilate responded, "What I have written, I have written," or in Latin, "Quod scripsi, scripsi," which I have taken for my trademark since changing the name of my personal blog from "Christus Vincit" to "Epistles from the Scriptorium".

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

First Friday and Palm Sunday

And an action-packed three-day weekend it is!  Our First Friday Sacred Heart Community Mass as usual, followed by Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion.  At the Saturday 5 PM Mass and the Sunday 9 and 11:15 AM Masses, we will be joined by our brass trio!

Without further ado...


Sacred Heart Community Mass (First Friday)
IV-7-17 at 6 PM

O Sacred Heart, O Love Divine (on sheets provided)
Kyrie "Laus Tibi Christe" (Federico Caudana)
Psalm 1: R./ Blessed are they who hope in the Lord (BMP) (PDF)
Gospel Acclamation "Vexilla Regis" (BMP) (PDF)
O Sacred Head (Maroon #75)
Sanctus XVIII, Mortem Tuam, Amen (adapt. Sanctus VIII), Agnus XVIII
My God, my Father, while I stray (Troyte/Montani)
To Jesus' Heart, All-Burning (on sheets provided)

Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion
IV-8-17 at 5 PM; IV-9-17 at 7:30, 9, and 11:15 AM

Hosanna Filio David
- (7:30) Mode VII;
- (all other Masses) Mode VII, arr. BMP for SATB, organ, and brass) (PDF)
All glory, laud, and honor (Maroon, #62)
Gospel Acclamation "Vexilla Regis" (BMP) (PDF)
O Sacred Head (Maroon, #75)
- (7:30) Mass XVIII
- (all other Masses) from Six Palm Sunday Acclamations (Schubert)
Mortem Tuam, Amen (adapt. Sanctus VIII)
Agnus Dei "Laus Tibi Christe" (Federico Caudana)
Tenebrae Factae Sunt (Johann Michael Haydn)
To Jesus Christ, our sov'reign King (Worship, #497)


Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Fifth Sunday of Lent


Messa Populare "Laus Tibi Christe" (Federico Caudana) (Kyrie)
Mass XVIII (Sanctus/Agnus)
Save Us, Savior of the World (ICEL) (Memorial)
Amen adapted from the Sanctus of Mass VIII

Psalm 130: R./ With the Lord there is mercy and fullness of redemption (Sam Schmitt) (PDF)
Gospel Acclamation: Gospel Acclamation "Vexilla Regis" (BMP) (PDF)

Hymns, etc (all numbers given are in the MAROON hymnal).
We sing the praise of him who died (#340)
When I survey the wondrous cross (#337)
God so loved the world (Sir John Stainer, from his oratorio, The Crucifixion)
Let thy blood in mercy poured (#190)
There is a green hill far away (#65, first tune)

Quod scripsi, scripsi!

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Fourth Sunday of Lent (Laetare Sunday)

"Laetare", the beginning of the Introit for the day, which means "Rejoice".


Messa Populare "Laus Tibi Christe" (Caudana) (Kyrie)
Mass XVIII (Sanctus/Agnus)
Save Us, Savior of the World (ICEL) (Memorial)
Amen adapted from the Sanctus of Mass VIII

Psalm 23: R./ The Lord is my shepherd, there is nothing I shall want (music in missalette, page 71)
Gospel Acclamation: Gospel Acclamation "Vexilla Regis" (BMP) (PDF)

Hymns, etc.
Jesus, Lover of my soul (Maroon hymnal, #415, first tune)
Your hands, O Lord, in days of old (Worship hymnal, #750)
Jesu, salvator noster (Rossini)
Let thy blood in mercy poured (Maroon hymnal, #190)
Jesus, Name all names above (Maroon hymnal, #342)


Thursday, March 16, 2017

The Three Day Weekend (brought to you by Zeppoles!)

In addition to this Sunday's Masses, we have the Solemnity of St. Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary.  Normally, this falls on March 19, but since that date falls on a Sunday in Lent, it is moved to Monday, March 20.  On that day, we have one Mass at 9 AM, followed by zeppoles (yummy!) downstairs!

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Second Sunday of Lent


Messa Populare "Laus Tibi Christe" (Federico Caudana) (Kyrie)
Mass XVIII (Sanctus/Agnus)
Save Us, Savior of the World (ICEL) (Memorial)
Amen adapted from the Sanctus of Mass VIII

Psalm 33: R./ Lord, let your mercy be on us, as we place our trust in you (R./ by Richard Proulx / V./ by Pére Joseph Gelineau, SJ)
Gospel Acclamation: Gospel Acclamation "Vexilla Regis" (BMP) (PDF)

Hymns, etc.
The glory of these forty days (Maroon hymnl, #61)
O wondrous type, O vision fair (Maroon hymnal, #119)
Fairest Lord Jesus 
- This is the Communion anthem, sung by the choir, but feel free to join.  It's in the maroon hymnal, #346, first tune.
Soul of my Savior (Missalette, #122)
Fight the good fight (Maroon hymnal, #560, using the tune "Mendon") (Listen)


Thursday, March 2, 2017

The Three-Day Weekend

This Friday, we have our First Friday Mass at 6 PM.  It is not only the Friday after Ash Wednesday, but also the Optional Memorial for Saint Katharine Drexel.


Ordinary (All Masses):
Messa Populare "Laus Tibi Christe" (Caudana) (Kyrie)
Mass XVIII (Sanctus/Agnus)
Save Us, Savior of the World (ICEL) (Memorial)
Amen adapted from the Sanctus of Mass VIII

Gospel Acclamation (All Masses): Gospel Acclamation "Vexilla Regis" (BMP)

First Friday (Sacred Heart Community Mass)
III-3-17 at 6 PM

O Sacred Heart, O Love Divine (on sheets provided)
Psalm 16: R./ You are my inheritance, O Lord (BMP) (PDF)
Attende, Domine (Worship hymnal, #414, in Latin)
Parce, Domine (Mode I)
To Jesus' Heart, all-burning (on sheets provided)

First Sunday of Lent
III-4-17 at 5 PM; III-5-17 at 7:30, 9, and 11:15 AM

Lord, who throughout these forty days (Maroon hymnal, #59)
Psalm 51: R./ Be merciful, O Lord, for we have sinned (music by RI's own Alexander Peloquin)
The glory of these forty days (Maroon hymnal, #61)
Parce, Domine (Rossini)
When I survey the wondrous cross (Maroon hymnal, #337)
Forty days and forty nights (Maroon hymnal, #55)


Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Ash Wednesday

Masses at 9 AM, 12 Noon, and 6:30 PM


Lord, who throughout these forty days (Maroon hymnal, #59)
Psalm 51: R./ Be merciful, O Lord, for we have sinned (Peloquin)
Gospel Acclamation "Vexilla Regis" (BMP) (PDF)
Our Father, we have wandered (Worship hymnal, #755)
- same tune as O sacred Head surrounded
Mass XVIII / Save us, Savior of the world (ICEL) / Amen (adapt. from Sanctus VIII)
Attende, Domine (Worship hymnal, #414)
Ashes: Parce, Domine
- 9 AM, 12 Noon: Mode I, arr. BMP (PDF)
- 6:30 PM: Rossini


Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Putting the Alleluia Away: Sunday VIII


The last Sunday before Ash Wednesday (or, in an Extraordinary Form Mass, the last Sunday before Septuagesima) is the day we like to "put the Alleluia away with a bang", since Alleluias are not allowed from Ash Wednesday until the Easter Vigil.  In doing that, three of our hymns, plus the Communion anthem, are all laden with Alleluias!


- Gloria: recited or Holy Angels Mass (BMP) (PDF)
- Sanctus and Agnus Dei: Mass for Christian Unity (Jan Vermulst)
- Memorial Acclamation: We proclaim your death, O Lord (Holy Angels Mass/BMP) (PDF)
- Dresden Amen

Psalm 62: R./ Rest in God alone, my soul (Richard Rice) (PDF)
Alleluia: Marier

Prelude and Elevations: improvisations on Alleluia themes TBD
Postlude: Homage à Gordon Young (improvisation based on his Festive Alleluia)

Hymns, etc.:
Alleluia! sing to Jesus (Maroon hymnal, #347, second tune)
Ye watchers and ye holy ones (Maroon hymnal, #599)
Festive Alleluia (Gordon Young)
I sought the Lord (Maroon hymnal, #405)
For all the saints (Maroon hymnal, #126, first tune)


Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Sunday VII

Wow!  Time is flying!  Ash Wednesday isn't until March 1 this year, but the last 46 days have just FLOWN!


- Gloria: recited or Holy Angels Mass (BMP) (PDF)
- Sanctus and Agnus Dei: Mass for Christian Unity (Jan Vermulst)
- Memorial Acclamation: We proclaim your death, O Lord (Holy Angels Mass/BMP) (PDF)
- Dresden Amen

Psalm 103: R./ The Lord is kind and merciful (BMP) (PDF)
Alleluia: Marier

Prelude: Theme and improvised variations on Wondrous Love
Elevations and Postlude: TBD

Hymns, etc.:
Christ is made the sure foundation (Worship hymnal, #617)
Love divine, all loves excelling (Worship hymnal, #588)
Fairest Lord Jesus ("Schönster Herr Jesu")
- This is the choral Communion anthem, but is actually congregation-friendly as well.  This is the lesser familiar, however, of the two tunes in the Maroon hymnal.  Feel free to join in.  It's #346 in the maroon hymnal, first tune. (Listen)
What wondrous love is this (Worship hymnal, #600) - Might be new to you! (Listen)
Christ is the King (Worship hymnal, #500)


Thursday, February 9, 2017

Sunday VI


- Gloria: recited or Holy Angels Mass (BMP) (PDF)
- Sanctus and Agnus Dei: Mass for Christian Unity (Jan Vermulst)
- Memorial Acclamation: We proclaim your death, O Lord (Holy Angels Mass/BMP) (PDF)
- Dresden Amen

Psalm 119: R./ Blessed are they who follow the law of the Lord (Jeff Ostrowski) (PDF)
Alleluia: Marier

Prelude: improvisation on Breslau 
Elevations and Postlude: TBD

Hymns, etc.:
We sing the praise of him who died (Maroon hymnal, #340)
O Jesus, I have promised (Maroon hymnal, #570, second tune)
Pange Lingua (Mode III, alternating with a newly-written setting by BMP) (PDF)
- The even verses are choral verses.  However, you may feel free to join in the odd verses, which are in the Worship hymnal, #813.  These are, of course, in Latin.
O God of love, O King of Peace (Maroon hymnal, #528)
When morning gilds the skies (Maroon hymnal, #367)


Thursday, February 2, 2017

Three-Day Weekend II of II

On this three-day weekend we have our regular First Friday (Sacred Heart Community Mass / Optional Memorial of Saint Blaise, and yes, throats will be blessed after Mass!), plus the regular weekend Masses.


- Gloria: recited or Holy Angels Mass (BMP) (PDF) (omitted on Friday)
- Sanctus and Agnus Dei: Mass for Christian Unity (Jan Vermulst)
- Memorial Acclamation: We proclaim your death, O Lord (Holy Angels Mass/BMP) (PDF)
- Dresden Amen

Alleluia: Marier

First Friday (Sacred Heart Community Mass)
Optional Memorial of Saint Blaise
Friday II-3 at 6 PM, with blessing of throats!

Prelude: improvisation on Breslau 
Elevations and Postlude: TBD

To Jesus' Heart, All-burning (on sheets provided)
Psalm 117: R./ Go out to all the world, and tell the Good News. (BMP)
Take up your cross, the Savior said (Worship hymnal, #634)
Pange lingua (Worship hymnal, #813, in Latin)
For all the saints (Maroon hymnal, #126)

Sunday V of Ordered Time
Saturday II-4 at 5 PM; Sunday II-5 at 7:30, 9, and 11:15 AM

Prelude and Elevations: TBD
Postlude: hybrid improvisations incorporating the tunes Hanover and Lyons

To the Name of our salvation (Maroon hymnal, #326)
Psalm 112: R./ The just man is a light in darkness to the upright (Sam Schmitt) (PDF)
Faith of our fathers (Maroon hymnal, #393)
Laudate Dominum (Lorenzo Perosi)
Psalm 23: R. / My shepherd is the Lord; nothing indeed shall I want (Worship hymnal, #32)
- Response is marked "Antiphon I"
O worship the King (Maroon hymnal, #288)


Thursday, January 26, 2017

Holy Hour and Sunday IV

This Friday we have a special Holy Hour at 7 PM in honor of the Miraculous Missionary Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe.  The format is the same as our usual Marian Devotions we have in May and October.


Immaculate Mary (Worship hymnal, #708)
O Salutaris Hostia (Back cover of missalette, tune by Anthony Werner)
(Rosary and Litany are said)
Tantum Ergo (Back cover of missalette, tune by Oreste Ravanello)
Adoremus in aeternum Sanctissimum Sacramentum (Mode V)
Hail, holy Queen enthroned above (Worship hymnal, #702)

Sunday IV

- Gloria: recited or Holy Angels Mass (BMP) (PDF)
- Sanctus and Agnus Dei: Mass for Christian Unity (Jan Vermulst)
- Memorial Acclamation: We proclaim your death, O Lord (Holy Angels Mass/BMP) (PDF)
- Dresden Amen

Psalm 146: R./ Blessed the poor in spirit; the kingdom of heaven is theirs (Sam Schmitt) (PDF)
Alleluia: Marier

Prelude: improvisation on Deus Tuorum Militum
Elevations and Postlude: improvisation on Deo Gratias (aka "The Agincourt Song")

Hymns, etc.:
Come, thou almighty King (Maroon hymnal, #271)
O love, how deep, how broad, how high (Maroon hymnal, #344)
Beati qui lugent ("Motetto") (Lorenzo Perosi)
Blest are the pure in heart (Maroon hymnal, #418)
Crown him with many crowns (Maroon hymnal, #352)


Thursday, January 19, 2017

Sunday III


- Gloria: recited or Holy Angels Mass (BMP) (PDF)
- Sanctus and Agnus Dei: Mass for Christian Unity (Jan Vermulst)
- Memorial Acclamation: We proclaim your death, O Lord (Holy Angels Mass/BMP) (PDF)
- Dresden Amen

Psalm 27: R./ The Lord is my light and my salvation (Richard Proulx/Pére Joseph Gelineau, SJ)
- Music in Worship hymnal, #871
Alleluia: Marier

Voluntaries: TBD

Hymns, etc.
Sing praise to God who reigns above (Worship hymnal, #528)
Go, make of all disciples (Worship hymnal, #628)
Cantate Domino canticum novum (Vincent d'Indy)
I sought the Lord (Maroon hymnal, #405)
The Church's one Foundation (Maroon hymnal, #396)


Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Sunday II, Ordinary Time, and Numbering

I'll bet some were expecting Baptism of the Lord this Sunday.  Sorry, that was last Monday.  You see, anytime the Sunday of Epiphany falls on January 7 or 8 (in this year's case, January 8), Baptism of the Lord gets moved to the Monday following (in this year's case, January 9).

Instead, we move onto the Second Sunday of Ordinary Time.  How is it that we always skip to the Second Sunday of Ordinary Time and not the First?  That's because the Baptism of the Lord (even when it does fall on a Sunday) is not the beginning of Ordinary Time, but the end of the Christmas Season.  The following day (this year, Tuesday, January 10) marks the beginning of the First Week of Ordinary Time.  So we call the Sunday that follows the "Second Sunday" (even though there was no "First Sunday") to mark the beginning of the new week.

So, without furthere ado...


- Gloria: recited or Holy Angels Mass (BMP) (PDF)
- Sanctus and Agnus Dei: Mass for Christian Unity (Jan Vermulst)
- Memorial Acclamation: We proclaim your death, O Lord (Holy Angels Mass/BMP) (PDF)
- Dresden Amen

Psalm 40: R./ Here am I, Lord, I come to do your will (Richard Proulx/Pére Joseph Gelineau, SJ)
- The music is in the Worship hymnal, #868.
Alleluia: Theodore Marier

- Prelude and Elevations: TBD
- Postlude: improvisation on In der ist Freude

Hymns, etc.:
(Note: while the first two hymns appear in the Advent section of the hymnal, and the recessional hymn appears in the Epiphany section, all three go hand-in-hand with the Gospel for this Sunday.)
On Jordan's bank (Maroon hymnal, #10)
Hark! a thrilling voice is sounding (Maroon hymnal, #9)
In thee is gladness ("In der ist Freude"/Gastoldi)
Blest are the pure in heart (Maroon hymnal, #418)
Songs of thankfulness and praise (Maroon hymnal, #53)

Quod scripsi, scripsi!

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

First Three-Day weekend of 2017

This three-day weekend consists of the First Friday (January 6: Optional Memorial of Saint Andre Bessette) and this weekend (January 7/8: Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord).


First Friday (Sacred Heart Community Mass)
Optional Memorial of St. Andre Bessette
Friday I-6 at 6 PM

St. Andre spent some time in little old West Warwick.

Ordinary: Mass XVIII (Sanctus, Agnus); Mortem Tuam, Dresden Amen
Psalm 34: R./ Taste and see the goodness of the Lord (BMP) (PDF)
Alleluia "Divinum Mysterium" (Mode V, adapt. BMP) (PDF)

Prelude and Postlude: TBD
Elevations: improvisation on the Mode I Puer Natus in Bethlehem

Hymns, etc.:
Angels we have heard on high (Worship hymnal, #376)
Adeste Fideles (in Latin, Worship hymnal, #392)
Puer natus in Bethlehem (Mode I)
Hark! the herald angels sing (Worship hymnal, #387)

Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord
Saturday I-7 at 5 PM; Sunday I-8 at 7:30, 9, and 11:15 AM

The brass will be on hand for the 5 PM Mass this Saturday, and the 9 and 11:15 AM Masses this Sunday.

- except 7:30: Mass of the Shepherds (Yon) (Gloria, Sanctus, Agnus)
- 7:30 only: Mass VIII (Gloria); Mass XVIII (Sanctus, Agnus)
- all Masses: Mortem Tuam, Dresden Amen
Psalm 72: R./ Lord, every nation on earth will adore you (BMP) (PDF)
Alleluia "Divinum Mysterium" (Mode V, adapt. BMP) (PDF)

Prelude: TBD
Elevations: Fanfare in B-flat (Ferguson)
Postlude: Nöel Suisse (Daquin)

Hymns, etc.:
O come, all ye faithful (Maroon hymnal, #12, verses 1, 2, 3, and 6)
We three kings of Orient are (Maroon hymnal, #51)
Break forth, O beauteous heav'nly light (Schop, arr. J.S. Bach)
As with gladness men of old (Maroon hymnal, #52)
What star is this with beams so bright (Maroon hymnal, #47)
