Friday, October 25, 2019

Sunday XXX

Ah yes, Sunday Triple-X, or "30" if you're using Arabic numerals, lol.


Gloria: recited or Holy Angels Mass (BMP)
Sanctus through Agnus: A Community Mass (Richard Proulx)

Alleluia: Dom Anthony Gregory Murray, OSB

The rest:
Entrance hymn: Praise, my soul, the King of heaven (Worship hymnal, #530)
Psalm 34: R./ The Lord hears the cry of the poor (BMP) (PDF)
Offertory hymn: Fight the good fight (Maroon hymnal, #560)
Communion music:
- (11:15): Magnificat (Tone 8g; Ciro Grassi)
- (all others): Psalm 20, R./ We shall rejoice in your salvation (BMP) (PDF)
Meditation hymn: O Salutaris Hostia (Worship hymnal, #757, Latin verses)
Recessional hymn: Go, make of all disciples (Worship hymnal, #628)

Quod scripsi, scripsi!

Friday, October 18, 2019

Sunday XXIX "Per Annum"


Gloria: recited or Holy Angels Mass (BMP)
Sanctus through Agnus: A Community Mass (Richard Proulx)

Alleluia: Dom Anthony Gregory Murray, OSB

The rest:
Entrance hymn: To the Name of our salvation (Maroon hymnal, #326)
Psalm 121: R./ Our help is from the Lord who made heaven and earth (Fr. Samuel Weber, OSB) (PDF)
Offertory hymn: God himself is with us (Maroon hymnal, #477) (omit verse 2)
Communion music:
- (11:15) Ave Maria (Lorenzo Perosi)
- (all others) Psalm 8, R./ How great is your Name, O Lord, our God, through all the earth (Worship hymnal, #27, antiphon I at top of page)
Meditation hymn: At the Name of Jesus (Maroon hymnal, #356, first tune)
Recessional hynm: Christ for the world, we sing (Maroon hymnal, #537)

Quod scripsi, scripsi!

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Sunday XXVIII THROUGH the Year

Anyone ever notice that while most vernacular tongues (including English) label their Sundays of the "green seasons" as Sundays of Ordinary Time, I have been making it a habit of using the label that was being used for the first few years of the "Novus Ordo" (roughly 1969-1975) as Sundays of the Year.  In printing the bulletins, I have also labeled these Sundays as "Sundays of the Year".  This actually goes in line with the Latin labeling of such Sundays (remember, the English Mass we celebrate is a translation of the Latin, not the other way around).  In the Latin Missal, even to this day, this Sunday would be numbered as "Dominica XXVIII per Annum", which translates (according to 1969-1975 usage, anyways), "28th Sunday of the Year".  Literally translated, it's "28th Sunday THROUGH the Year", "per" meaning "through".  "Per Christum Dominum Nostrum" = "Through Christ our Lord".  "Per ipsum, cum ipsum, et in ipsum" = "Through him, with him, and in him".  I realized that when I started looking through the headings of the Psalm settings of Fr. Samuel Weber, one of my favorite Benedictine composers (along with the late Fr. Columba Kelly - both from St. Meinrad Archabbey in Indiana).  If you scroll down to the Psalm 98 setting and click on the "PDF" link at the end of that line, you will see that Fr. Weber used the literal translation in his heading - "Sunday XXVIII through the Year".

Weird note: Google Translate does well in many translations, but not totally accurate with Latin, I don't think.  But if you type in "Ordinary Time" in English and translate to Latin, you get "per Annum".  However, if you type in "per Annum" in Latin and translate to English, you get "a year", forgetting the "per", or "through".  As Sir Paul McCartney utters in the Beatles' hit Penny Lane, "very strange!"

Without further ado...


Gloria: recited or Holy Angels Mass (BMP)
Sanctus through Agnus: A Community Mass (Proulx)

Alleluia: Dom A.G. Murray, OSB

The rest:
Entrance hymn: Your hands, O Lord, in days of old (Worship hymnal, #750)
Psalm 98: R./ The Lord has revealed to the nations his saving pow'r (Fr. Weber, OSB) (PDF)
Offertory hymn: Now thank we all our God (Worship hymnal, #560)
Communion hymn: Lead kindly, light (Maroon hymnal, #430, first tune)
Meditation hymn: To Christ, the Prince of Peace (Worship hymnal, #491)
Recessional hymn: Hail, holy Queen enthroned above (Worship hymnal, #702)

Quod scripsi, scripsi!

Thursday, October 3, 2019

First Friday, Sunday XXVII, and Devotions


Gloria: recited or Holy Angels Mass (BMP) (omitted on Friday)
Sanctus through Agnus: A Community Mass (Richard Proulx)

Alleluia: Dom Anthony Grogory Murray, OSB

Sacred Heart Community Mass (First Friday)
Memorial of Saint Francis of Assisi
Friday, X-4, at 6 PM

Entrance: O Sacred Heart, O Love Divine (on sheets provided)
Psalm 16: R./ You are my inheritance, O Lord (BMP) (PDF) (verses 1, 2, and 4 in the .pdf)
Offertory: Cor dulce, Cor amabile
Communion: R./ Blessed are the poor in spirit, the kingdom of heaven is theirs (Bartlett)
Recessional: To Jesus' heart, all burning (on sheets provided)

Sunday XXVII of the Year
Saturday, X-5, at 5 PM; Sunday, X-6, at 7:30, 9, and 11:15 AM

Entrance: Jesus, Lover of my soul (Maroon hymnal, #415, first tune)
Psalm 95: R./ If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts (music as written in missalette, page 59)
Offertory: O God, our help in ages past (Maroon hymnal, #289)
- (11:15) Ave Verum (Lorenzo Perosi)
- (all others): R./ The Lord is good to all who hope in him, to the soul that seeks him (Adam Bartlett)
Meditation: I sought the Lord (Maroon hymnal, #405)
Recessional: O Jesus, I have promised (Maroon hymnal, #570, second tune)

Devotions to the Blessed Virgin Mary
All Tuesdays in October (X-1, 8, 15, 22, and 29) at 7 PM

Entrance: Immaculate Mary (Worship hymnal, #708)
- followed immediately by O Salutaris Hostia (Anthony Werner)
Rosary is recited
Litany of Loreto is recited
Tantum Ergo (Oreste Ravanello)
As Father returns the Blessed Sacrament to the Tabernacle: R./ Adoremus in Aeternum Sanctissimum Sacramentum (We forever adore the Most Holy Sacrament)
Recessional: Hail, holy Queen enthroned above (Worship hymnal, #702)

Quod scripsi, scripsi!