Kyrie: Messa Popolare "Laus Tibi Christe" (Federico Caudana)
Sanctus and Agnus Dei:
- Ash Wednesday and First Friday: Mass XVIII (Pew Missal, #18 and #21, respectively)
- Sundays of Lent: Mass XVII
- St. Joseph Solemnity (March 20): Mass VIII
Memorial Acclamation: Save us, Savior of the world... (ICEL chant) (Pew Missal, #35)
Amen: adapted from Sanctus of Mass VIII
GOSPEL ACCLAMATION: Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ... (Fr. Samuel Weber, OSB)
- This setting is inserted with the readings of the day in the Pew Missal in chant notation. It will also appear in the weekly Mass Guide in modern notation.
The rest:
February 22 - Ash Wednesday (9 AM, 12:05 and 7 PM)
Entrance hymn: Lord, who throughout these forty days ("St. Flavian"/Maroon hymnal, #59)
Psalm 51: Be merciful, O Lord... (Fr. Samuel Weber, OSB) (Pew Missal, bottom of page 518)
Offertory hymn: Our Father, we have wandered ("Passion Chorale"/Worship hymnal, #755)
- Same tune as "O Sacred Head surrounded"
Communion responsory: Attende, Domine (Mode V/Pew Missal, #93)
During the Imposition of Ashes: Parce Domine
- 9:00 and 7:00: Mode I with Psalm 51 in Latin set to tone adapted to the chant tune by BMP
- 12:05: Fr. Carlo Rossini
February 26 - First Sunday of Lent
Entrance hymn: Praise to the Holiest in the height ("Newman"/Maroon hymnal, #343, first tune)
Psalm 51: Be merciful, O Lord... (Fr. Samuel Weber, OSB) (Pew Missal, bottom of page 518)
Offertory hymn: Jesus, Name all names above ("St. Theoctistus"/Maroon hymnal, #342)
Communion responsory: Parce Domine (Mode I/BMP or Rossini, depending on availability of singers)
Meditation hymn: When I survey the wondrous cross ("Rockingham"/Worship hymnal, #433)
Recessional hymn: Lord, who throughout these forty days ("St. Flavian"/Maroon hymnal, #59)
March 3 - Sacred Heart Community Mass/First Friday (6 PM)
Optional Memorial: St. Katharine Drexel
Entrance hymn: O Sacred Heart, O Love Divine (in Mass Guide)
Psalm 148: Young men and women, praise the Name of the Lord (Tone 8G)
Offertory responsory: Attende, Domine (Mode V/Pew Missal, #93)
Communion responsory: Parce, Domine (Fr. Carlo Rossini)
Recessional hymn: To Jesus' Heart, all-burning ("Cor Amoris"/in Mass Guide)
March 5 - Second Sunday of Lent
Entrance hymn: The glory of these forty days ("Erhalt Uns, Herr"/Pew Missal, #260)
Psalm 33: Lord, let your mercy be on us... (Proulx/Gelineau/Worship hymnal, #790)
Offertory hymn: O wondrous type, O vision fair ("Wareham"/Maroon hymnal, #119)
Communion hymn: Fairest Lord Jesus ("Schönster Herr Jesu"/Maroon hymnal, #346, first tune)
Meditation hymn: Soul of my Savior ("Anima Christi"/Pew Missal, #247)
Recessional hymn: Fight the good fight ("Mendon"/in Mass Guide)
March 12 - Third Sunday of Lent
Entrance hymn: Jesus, Name all names above ("St. Theoctistus"/Maroon hymnal, #342)
Psalm 95: If today you hear his voice... (Owen Alstott)
Offertory hymn: I heard the voice of Jesus say ("Kingsfold"/Pew Missal, #161)
Communion hymn: My God, my Father, while I stray (Montani/Troyte/in Mass Guide)
Meditation hymn: O Love, how deep... ("Deus Tuorum Militum"/Maroon hymnal, #344, vv. 1-4)
Recessional hymn: There is a green hill far away ("Horsley"/Maroon hymnal, #65, first tune)
March 19 - Fourth Sunday of Lent (Laetare Sunday)
Entrance hymn: Your hands, O Lord, in days of old ("Mozart"/Worship hymnal, #750)
Psalm 23: The Lord is my shepherd... (Owen Alstott)
Offertory hymn: Take up thy cross ("Breslau"/Pew Missal, #253)
- Responsory: Psalm 27, I began to see... (BMP)
- or Motet: Jesu, Salvator noster (Fr. Carlo Rossini)
Meditation hymn: Let thy blood in mercy poured ("Jesu, Meine Zuversicht"/Maroon hymnal, #190)
Recessional hymn: The Master came to bring good news ("Ich Glaub an Gott"/Worship hymnal, #752)
- Same tune as "To Jesus Christ, our sovereign King".
March 20 - St. Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary
(9 AM and 12:05 PM) Coffee and Zeppoles after the 9 AM Mass!!!
Entrance hymn: Joseph, be our guide and pattern ("Oriel"/Worship hymnal, #693)
Psalm 89: The Son of David will live for ever (BMP)
Offertory hymn: Come now and praise the humble saint ("Land of Rest"/Worship hymnal, #694)
Communion responsory: Did you not know that I must be about my Father's business? (BMP)
Recessional hymn: Holy Patron, thee saluting ("Pleading Savior"/in Mass Guide)
- Same tune as "Sing of Mary, pure and lowly"
March 26 - Fifth Sunday of Lent
Entrance hymn: We sing the praise of him who died ("Breslau"/Maroon hymnal, #340)
Psalm 130: With the Lord there is mercy... (BMP)
Offertory hymn: When I survey the wondrous cross ("Rockingham"/Worship hymnal, #433)
Communion hymn: We give immortal praise ("Love Unknown"/in Mass Guide)
Meditation hymn: Let thy blood in mercy poured ("Jesu, Meine Zuversicht"/Maroon hymnal, #190)
Recessional hymn: There is a green hill far away ("Horsley"/Maroon hymnal, #65, first tune)
Quod scripsi, scripsi!