Peter and Paul!
As a result, there will be some special music and our brass trio at the 11:15 Mass this Sunday!
Introit (11:15 only): Proper Introit in Latin for VI Pentecost, music from the Liber Usualis
- Translation: (ANTIPHON) The Lord is the strength of his people, and the protector of the salvation of his anointed: save, O Lord, thy people, and bless thy inheritance and rule them for ever.
(PSALM) Unto thee will I cry, O Lord: O my God, be thou not silent to me, lest if thou be silent to me, I become like them that go down into the pit.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. (Repeat ANTIPHON)
Entrance Hymn (all Masses): Maroon hymnal, #279 Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
Kyrie (sung at 11:15 only): Missa "Te Deum Laudamus", music by Lorenzo Perosi
- except 11:15: recited, or Missa Populare "Laus Tibi Christe", music by Federico Caudana
- 11:15 only: Missa "Te Deum Laudamus", music by Lorenzo Perosi
Responsorial Psalm (all Masses): You are my inheritance, O Lord, music by Owen Alstott
- Music is in the missalette, under "June 30".
Alleluia (all Masses): Chant, mode VI (the Alleluia that we've been singing throughout June)
Credo (sung at 11:15 only): Credo III, music can be found in Worship, #345 (Listen)
- except 11:15: HYMN: Maroon hymnal, #570, second tune O Jesus, I have promised (Listen)
- - (Notes: 1. The title in the link is different, but the tune is the same. 2. We sing this tune one step lower than played in the link.)
- 11:15 only: TWO PIECES - 1. Proper Offertory in Latin for VI Pentecost, music from The Complete Proper of the Mass, by Koch and Greene, and 2. Cor Jesu Trinitatis, tune: "Gott Soll Gepriesen", arranged by yours truly (We sang this at our Patronal Feast.)
- - Translation of the Proper: Perfect thou my goings in thy paths, that my footsteps not be moved: incline thy ear and hear my words: show forth thy wonderful mercies, thou who savest them that trust in thee, O Lord.
- except 11:15: Missa Populare "Laus Tibi Christe", music by Federico Caudana
- 11:15 only: Missa "Te Deum Laudamus", music by Lorenzo Perosi
Memorial Acclamation:
- except 11:15: When we eat this bread..., adapted from excerpts of the Gloria from the "Laus Tibi Christe" Mass
- 11:15 only: Mortem tuam annuntiamus, Domine, music in Worship, #349
- except 11:15: the Amen that ends the Gloria from the "Laus Tibi Christe" Mass
- 11:15 only: single Amen (two notes: Do Do-Re, or, if you like modes, Fa Fa-So)
- - Note: The single two-note Amen is the Amen that traditionally ends the Roman Canon (now "Eucharistic Prayer I"), and to this day still ends the Roman Canon in many Masses where the Roman Canon is prayed in Latin.
- except 11:15: Missa Populare "Laus Tibi Christe", music by Federico Caudana
- 11:15 only: Missa "Te Deum Laudamus", music by Lorenzo Perosi
- except 11:15: Be thou my vision, music by Jean-Hubert Desrocquettes, arranged by yours truly
- 11:15 only: TWO PIECES: 1. Proper Communion in Latin for VI Pentecost, music from the Liber Usualis, and 2. Ave Verum, music by Camille Saint-Saëns.
- - Translation of the Proper: I will go round, and offer up in his Tabernacle a sacrifice of jubilation; I will sing and recite a Psalm to the Lord.
Meditation hymn (except 11:15): Maroon hymnal, #405 I sought the Lord, (Listen)
Recessional hymn (all Masses): Worship, #524, Holy God, we praise thy Name