Mass Ordinary for October and November (except All Souls): Messa Populare Laus Tibi Christe, music by Federico Caudana. This is the Mass set we did from Trinity Sunday until the end of June.
Alleluia: music by Theodore Marier, which we last sang in those Sundays of Ordinary Time that fell in January and February.
(October 4)
Entrance hymn: O Sacred Heart, O Love Divine, on sheet provided
Responsorial Psalm: Mass of the day in the daily Mass propers in the missalette. Musical setting to be determined.
Offertory anthem: Cor Dulce, Cor Amabile
Communion anthem: Cor Jesu Trinitatis
Recessional hymn: To Jesus' Heart, all-burning, on sheet provided
(October 5/6)
Numbers given are in the MAROON hymnal.
Entrance hymn: 484 Lift up your heads, ye mighty gates
Responsorial Psalm: If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts, music by Owen Alstott (music found in the missalette with the readings for October 6)
Offertory hymn: 393 Faith of our fathers
- Cute little side note: a parishioner at one of my former parishes once asked me, "Hey Brian, what's up with all the Protestant music? Faith of Our Fathers? There's a Wideness in God's Mercy?" The parishioner's jaw dropped to the ground when I told her that although the two texts are popular amongst the Protestant congregations, the texts of those two hymns were written by Fr. Frederick W. Faber, a Catholic priest.
Communion hymn: Ave Verum, music by Lorenzo Perosi
- sung at all Masses except 7:30 (at 7:30 Mass, it will be played as an organ instrumental)
Meditation hymn: 462 (first tune) Jesus, the very thought of thee
Recessional hymn: 570 (second tune) O Jesus, I have promised
(October 5/6)
Numbers given are in the MAROON hymnal.
Entrance hymn: 484 Lift up your heads, ye mighty gates
Responsorial Psalm: If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts, music by Owen Alstott (music found in the missalette with the readings for October 6)
Offertory hymn: 393 Faith of our fathers
- Cute little side note: a parishioner at one of my former parishes once asked me, "Hey Brian, what's up with all the Protestant music? Faith of Our Fathers? There's a Wideness in God's Mercy?" The parishioner's jaw dropped to the ground when I told her that although the two texts are popular amongst the Protestant congregations, the texts of those two hymns were written by Fr. Frederick W. Faber, a Catholic priest.
Communion hymn: Ave Verum, music by Lorenzo Perosi
- sung at all Masses except 7:30 (at 7:30 Mass, it will be played as an organ instrumental)
Meditation hymn: 462 (first tune) Jesus, the very thought of thee
Recessional hymn: 570 (second tune) O Jesus, I have promised