The sung Mass Ordinary and Alleluia are the same as last Sunday.
Entrance hymn: The kingdom of God (Worship, #615)
- Same tune as Sing praise to the Lord, which we have sung before.
Responsorial Psalm: Lord, when your glory appears, my joy will be full, music by Father Samuel Weber, OSB (though it sounds like it could have been Ted Marier).
Offertory hymn: I heard the voice of Jesus say (Worship #607) (Listen)
Communion anthem: Jesu, joy of man's desiring, music by Johann Sebastian Bach
Meditation hymn: I vow to thee, my country (words will be printed in the bulletin) (Listen)
- Text written by Cecil Spring-Rice. Tune, Thaxted, by Gustav Holst, which also served as part of Jupiter, from Holst's major work, The Planets.
Recessional hymn: God of our fathers (Worship, #764) (Listen)