Before I post the music for the Masses of Christmas, I would like to wish our singers, brass trio, pastor, parishioners, and my own family a very merry and blessed Christmas, as well as thank them for their help and/or support to our music department.
Masses are at 5 and 10 PM on Christmas Eve, 9 and 11:15 AM on Christmas Day.
Each Mass will be preceded by some organ/brass and choral music, beginning roughly 20 minutes before Mass. The prelude will consist of five pieces:
1. Laudamus Te, from Gloria, by Antonio Vivaldi (Elaine and Kate, with organ)
2. Coventry Carol, English carol, arranged by Martin Shaw (SATB)
3. Gaudete Christus Est Natus, from Piae Cantones, 16th century (SATB)
4. Bel Bambino, Italian carol, arranged by C. Alexander Peloquin (SATB)
5. Nöel Suisse, by Louis-Claude Daquin (organ and brass)
Sung Ordinary of the Mass: Mass of the Shepherds, by Pietro A. Yon.
- Italian-born Pietro Yon was organist at New York City's St. Patrick's Cathedral from 1926 until shortly before his death in 1943. The great Kilgen organ at the Cathedral, Kilgen's magnum opus to this day, was installed while Yon was organist there. Yon is most famous for the beloved Gesu Bambino (When blossoms flowered 'mid the snows...).
The Memorial Acclamation Mortem Tuam Annuntiamus, Domine (which we used throughout Advent) and the short but festive Dresden Amen (arranged by Theodore Marier) will also be used.
The readings for all four Masses will be those of Midnight Mass. All numbers given are found in the red Worship hymnal.
Entrance hymn: O come, all ye faithful, #392, arranged by Sir David Willcocks
Responsorial Psalm: Today is born our Savior, Christ the Lord, music by Richard Proulx (antiphon) and Pére Joseph Gelineau, SJ (verses), #779
Alleluia: adapted by yours truly from the Mode V chant Divinum Mysterium (Of the Father's love begotten) (the hymn itself is in Worship, #398)

Offertory hymn: Hark! the herald angels sing, #387, arranged by Sir David Willcocks
Communion anthem: Hallelujah!, from Messiah, by George Frederick Handel
Meditation hymn: Silent night, #379
Recessional hymn: Joy to the world, #399
Postludes will consist of:
1. Angels We Have Heard on High (organ and brass)
2. Variations on "Coventry Carol", by yours truly (organ)
Your humble organist,