Thursday, June 27, 2013


...and a special 11:15 Mass in honor of two great saints,
Peter and Paul!

As a result, there will be some special music and our brass trio at the 11:15 Mass this Sunday!


Introit (11:15 only): Proper Introit in Latin for VI Pentecost, music from the Liber Usualis
- Translation: (ANTIPHON) The Lord is the strength of his people, and the protector of the salvation of his anointed: save, O Lord, thy people, and bless thy inheritance and rule them for ever.
(PSALM) Unto thee will I cry, O Lord: O my God, be thou not silent to me, lest if thou be silent to me, I become like them that go down into the pit.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end.  Amen. (Repeat ANTIPHON)
Entrance Hymn (all Masses): Maroon hymnal, #279 Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
Kyrie (sung at 11:15 only): Missa "Te Deum Laudamus", music by Lorenzo Perosi
- except 11:15: recited, or Missa Populare "Laus Tibi Christe", music by Federico Caudana
- 11:15 only: Missa "Te Deum Laudamus", music by Lorenzo Perosi
Responsorial Psalm (all Masses): You are my inheritance, O Lord, music by Owen Alstott
- Music is in the missalette, under "June 30".
Alleluia (all Masses): Chant, mode VI (the Alleluia that we've been singing throughout June)
Credo (sung at 11:15 only): Credo III, music can be found in Worship, #345 (Listen)
- except 11:15: HYMN: Maroon hymnal, #570, second tune O Jesus, I have promised (Listen)
- - (Notes: 1. The title in the link is different, but the tune is the same.  2. We sing this tune one step lower than played in the link.)
- 11:15 only: TWO PIECES - 1. Proper Offertory in Latin for VI Pentecost, music from The Complete Proper of the Mass, by Koch and Greene, and 2. Cor Jesu Trinitatis, tune: "Gott Soll Gepriesen", arranged by yours truly (We sang this at our Patronal Feast.)
- - Translation of the Proper: Perfect thou my goings in thy paths, that my footsteps not be moved: incline thy ear and hear my words: show forth thy wonderful mercies, thou who savest them that trust in thee, O Lord.
- except 11:15: Missa Populare "Laus Tibi Christe", music by Federico Caudana
- 11:15 only: Missa "Te Deum Laudamus", music by Lorenzo Perosi
Memorial Acclamation:
- except 11:15: When we eat this bread..., adapted from excerpts of the Gloria from the "Laus Tibi Christe" Mass
- 11:15 only: Mortem tuam annuntiamus, Domine, music in Worship, #349
- except 11:15: the Amen that ends the Gloria from the "Laus Tibi Christe" Mass
- 11:15 only: single Amen (two notes: Do Do-Re, or, if you like modes, Fa Fa-So)
- - Note: The single two-note Amen is the Amen that traditionally ends the Roman Canon (now "Eucharistic Prayer I"), and to this day still ends the Roman Canon in many Masses where the Roman Canon is prayed in Latin.
Agnus Dei:
- except 11:15: Missa Populare "Laus Tibi Christe", music by Federico Caudana
- 11:15 only: Missa "Te Deum Laudamus", music by Lorenzo Perosi

- except 11:15: Be thou my vision, music by Jean-Hubert Desrocquettes, arranged by yours truly
- 11:15 only: TWO PIECES: 1. Proper Communion in Latin for VI Pentecost, music from the Liber Usualis, and 2. Ave Verum, music by Camille Saint-Saëns.
- - Translation of the Proper: I will go round, and offer up in his Tabernacle a sacrifice of jubilation; I will sing and recite a Psalm to the Lord.

Meditation hymn (except 11:15): Maroon hymnal, #405 I sought the Lord, (Listen)

Recessional hymn (all Masses): Worship, #524, Holy God, we praise thy Name


Wednesday, June 19, 2013


...and some more lessons on liturgical nomenclature

As I present the music for this coming weekend, I'm going to notate on some "terms" used when compiling a music list for Holy Mass.
Sung Ordinary of the Mass: Messa Populare "Laus Tibi Christe", music by Federico Caudana (the setting we've been using throughout the month of June)
- The sung Mass has two different categories of chants.  The aforementioned "Ordinary" is the collective name given to the fixed texts of the Mass - they are the same throughout.  The Ordinary would consist of such pieces as the Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus, and Agnus Dei.
- The other category of Mass chants is the "Proper".  These chants vary from day to day.  The Proper includes the Responsorial Psalm and Alleluia, and more traditionally, the Introit, Gradual, Offertory, and Communion chants that are appointed by the Church.  (Yes, the Alleluia is a Proper.  Although the response of the people is the same, Alleluia, except during Lent, the verse still varies from day to day.)
Entrance hymn: Maroon 343 Praise to the holiest in the height (First tune) (Listen)
- A good number of parishes will announce a "gathering song" instead.  As I mentioned a few months ago in a post, there is no such thing as a "gathering song".  If you're singing and gathering at the same time, you're probably late for Mass.  "Entrance hymn", or even more accurate, "Entrance chant" comes from the Latin "Introitus", from where we get our "Introit" in the traditional Mass.  It focuses on the procession of the priest "in persona Christi" (in the person of Christ), as to where "gathering song" simply focuses on the people gathered.
Responsorial Psalm: My soul is thirsting for you, O Lord, my God, music by Fr. Samuel Weber
Alleluia: Mode VI chant (same as last few weeks)
- Again, the Alleluia is the Proper, not the Ordinary, as the verse text (sung by the cantor(s)) varies from day to day.
- "Mode VI" is one of eight Gregorian modes used in chant melodies.  Other modes that "sound" major are Modes V, VII, and VIII.  Modes I and II "sound" blatantly minor.  Modes III and IV seem like they could go either way, but the tonic of those two modes are ultimately minor (that is, should you use actually put the melody over its tonic chord, which is minor).
Offertory hymn: Worship 634 Take up your cross
- Sorry, I don't have a listen link available.  We have done this one before.  Nice Italian tune: O Jesu, mi dulcissime
- Mainstream parishes will refer to the Offertory as the "Preparation Song", or "Song at the Preparation of the Gifts", or the grammatically insipid "Preparation of the Gifts Song".  No matter which way you slice it, the "Preparation of the Altar and Gifts" is the action taking place by Father.  The hymn or chant being sung is still, even to this day, the "Offertory", as we offer our gifts (the money, to a minor extent, as that helps a parish operate, but to a far greater extent, the Bread and Wine which become the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ).  Consider the words spoken by the celebrant (aloud when there is no singing, silently when there is singing): Blessed are you, Lord God of all creation, for through your goodness we have received the bread/wine we OFFER you..."
Communion anthem:
- (5:00 Saturday): TBA
- (7:30 Sunday): organ improvisation
- (9:00 and 11:15): O Sacrum Convivium, music by Roberto Remondi
- In many "mainstream parishes", at this time you may hear some pop ditty that focuses on "we are gathered as one" (there we go with that word "gather" again), instead of giving reverence to our Eucharistic Lord.  Here at Sacred Heart, we are firm believers that the spoken word and music must agree.  As the spoken word reverences our Eucharistic Lord, so must our music.  "Come and sit at my table and be one in this banquet hall on holy ground" just does not satisfy that reverence.  It's more focused on the people receiving the Lord.  Our music here should focus on the Lord we receive.
Meditation hymn: Worship 728 Shepherd of souls (Listen)
- A meditation hymn is completely optional, but certainly good to have.  Some parishes sing a "hymn of praise" in this spot (both nomenclatures here are fine, according to the General Instruction of the Roman Missal).  Some parishes use a Marian Antiphon (as we do throughout Easter Season with the Regina Caeli), also perfectly fine.
Recessional hymn: on the sheet in the pew, To Jesus' Heart, all-burning
- Often mis-named in many churches as a "Sending Forth Song" (more insipid grammar) or "Song of Sending Forth", or some just say, a "Sending Song".  Again, we need to re-shift our focus off the people and back onto Christ.  Thus the "Recessional Hymn", which focuses on, once again, the priest celebrant "in persona Christi" as he leaves the sanctuary.
Some fellow bloggers, along with myself, started use of a really good saying about eight years ago:
The goal is to bring us closer to heaven, not to bring heaven to us.  The former is my goal as a parish organist.  It is (obviously) the goal of Fr. Bucci, our pastor.  I think I can safely say it is our goal as a parish.  It should be the goal of all parishes.

Thursday, June 13, 2013



Numbers refer to the Maroon hymnal ("The Hymnal").

The sung Ordinary of the Mass (Gloria, if sung, and from Sanctus to Agnus Dei), and the Alleluia before the Gospel are the same as the past three weeks.

Entrance hymn: 282 Praise, my soul, the King of heaven (Listen)
- Note about the performance on the listen link: the two organists preforming this at the Methuen Music Hall (Methuen, Massachusetts) are using the grandiose Aeolian-Skinner pipe organ of the Hall, and a smaller Rodgers digital organ (our organ at Sacred Heart is a Rodgers).  The two performers themselves, Douglas Marshall and David Ogeltree, are partners of an organ firm that until not long ago was the New England representatives for the Rodgers Organ Company.  They have been concentrating as of late on building their own digital organs, many to high-profile clients such as Ave Maria University, Florida, and Trinity (Episcopal) Wall Street, New York City.
Responsorial Psalm: Lord, forgive the wrong I have done, music by Fr. Samuel Weber, OSB
- Fr. Weber is at the Institute of Sacred Music at the Kenrick-Glennon Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri.  Many of his settings, like those of Richard Rice that we often use, are chant-style.
Offertory hymn: 415 (First tune) Jesus, lover of my soul (Listen)
- An Advent-themed tune, titled Watchman, tell us of the night, often is sung to this tune as well.
Communion anthem: 431 In heav'nly love abiding
- Being used as an anthem by our duet for this weekend, but can also be used as a hymn.  Number here is given.  Feel free to sing along.  ;)
Meditation hymn: 418 Blest are the pure in heart (Listen)
Recessional hymn: on sheets in the pew, To Jesus' Heart, all-burning
- Reminder: please leave the sheets in the pew when Holy Mass is finished.

Thursday, June 6, 2013


Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
VI-7-13 / 6 PM

The patronal feast of our parish.  Also the First Friday of June.  Two years ago, you might remember, the patronal feast fell on the First Friday of July (July 1, to be exact).  Why is this?  The same reason that the dates of Ash Wednesday, Ascension, Pentecost, Trinity, and Corpus Christi vary so widely - they all depend on the date of Easter, which depends on the date of the spring equinox for that year.  Thus, Easter can fall anytime from March 22 to April 25, meaning that the patronal feast of the Sacred Heart can fall anytime from May 29 to July 2.
There will be music sheets provided for the entrance and recessional hymns for this day.  We ask that you please leave them in the pew after Mass, as the recessional hymn will be repeated for the Saturday and Sunday Masses.
Entrance hymn: O Sacred Heart, O Love Divine
Gloria: same as last Sunday
Responsorial Psalm: Worship, #32 My shepherd is the Lord; nothing indeed shall I want, music by Pére Joseph Gelineau, SJ
Alleluia: same as last Sunday
Offertory anthem (singers and brass): Cor Jesu Trinitatis, sung to an altered form of the German hymn tune Gott Soll Gepriesen, which is often associated with a "Lost 45" titled Accept, Almighty Father, which probably hasn't appeared in a hymnal or missalette since the mid 1970's (last appearances would have been Worship II, an earlier edition of the Worship hymnal currently in our pews, and Monthly Missalette, now known as Seasonal Missalette).
Sanctus through Agnus Dei: same as last Sunday, including the Fanfare in B-flat by John Ferguson as music during the elevations.
Communion anthem (singers): Ave Verum, music by Camille Saint-Saëns
Meditation hymn: Worship, #488 Jesus, my Lord, my God, my All
Benediction music:
757 O Salutaris Hostia and 758 Tantum Ergo (both in Latin)
Fanfare in B-flat (organ and brass), music by John Ferguson
Recessional hymn: To Jesus' Heart, All-Burning
Sunday X / VI-9-13
"Sunday X" - shorthand for "The Tenth Sunday of Ordinary Time", or really "Ordered Time" - ordered numbering of those weeks that are not within one of the actual seasons in the liturgical calendar (Advent, Christmas, Lent, or Easter).  The resuming of Ordinary Time actually began with the Seventh Week on the Monday after Pentecost (remember, Pentecost closes Easter Season; it does not resume Ordinary Time).  Most Holy Trinity and the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ superseded (trumped, if you will) the Eighth and Ninth Sundays.
By no means should "Ordinary Time" be defined as "plain old, run-of-the-mill, less sacred, less solemn, etc.", or (using a word that I think emanated from the late Fr. Rene Gagne, a former pastor of mine) "anti-climactic".
Numbers will be from the red Worship hymnal.  The Gloria may be sung or said, at Father's discretion.  If it is sung, it will be the same as we've been doing the past few weeks.  The sung Alleluia, and sung Ordinary from the Sanctus through the Agnus Dei will also be the same as the previous couple of weeks.
The rest of the music:
Entrance hymn: 617 Christ is made the sure foundation (Listen)
Responsorial Psalm: I will praise you, Lord, for you have rescued me, music in Worship, #894
Offertory hymn: 750 Your hands, O Lord, in days of old, Sorry I don't have a listen link available, but rest assured that this is a hymn we have sung before.
Communion anthem: Soul of my Savior, a translation of the Anima Christi set to music by William Maher.  The arrangement we are using comes from the Pius X Hymnal.
Meditation hymn: 491 To Christ, the Prince of Peace (Listen)
Recessional hymn: To Jesus' Heart, all-burning (provided on sheet in pew)