"Ordinary Time" (which the liturgical calendars in English and French call it), "Ordered Time" (a little more accurate in a sense that the Sundays are numbered in order), "of the Year" (more faithful to the Latin, "per Annum"). In the traditional liturgical calendar (used before 1969), this Sunday would have been named the "Second Sunday after the Epiphany" (which would have really been accurate, given this Sunday's Gospel reading).
As a composer whose concentration as of late has been re-working my own settings of responsorial Psalms, in using the Sunday or feast as a sub-header (the Psalm number being the title), I have been using the phrase "of the Year", which is, as I mentioned above, more faithful to the Latin. Thus, "Dominica II per Annum" translates "2nd Sunday of the Year".
As for the "Second Sunday after the Epiphany" reference - last Sunday, the Baptism of the Lord, we heard Matthew's account of John the Baptist about to baptize Jesus. This Sunday, we hear that story, one more time, according to John. For that reason, three of the four hymns we sang last Sunday are repeated this Sunday (the meditation was the only change).
Ordinary of the Mass: Gloria (if sung) will be the chant setting from Mass VIII, which we have sung before. The music is in Worship (red), #341. The rest (Sanctus through Agnus Dei) will be from A Community Mass, by Richard Proulx, which we introduced last summer. (Listen)
The hymns for this Sunday come from the Maroon hymnal.
Entrance hymn: On Jordan's bank the baptist's cry, #10
Responsorial Psalm: Here am I, Lord, I come to do your will, music by Richard Proulx and Pére Joseph Gelineau, SJ. (Listen)
- The listen link is one I created from the First Friday Mass of December 6, 2013, the feast of St. Nicholas, here at Sacred Heart.
Alleluia: music by Dom Anthony Gregory Murray, OSB. (This is in Worship, #360)
Offertory hymn: Hark! a thrilling voice is sounding, #9
Communion anthem: In thee is gladness, a tune with a German title (In der ist Freude), written by an Italian (Giovanni Giacomo Gastoldi).
Meditation hymn: Shepherd of souls, refresh and bless, #213
Recessional hymn: Songs of thankfulness and praise, #53