Music for the sung Ordinary of the Mass and the Alleluia before the Gospel are the same as the past couple of weeks.
Entrance hymn: Love divine, all loves excelling, Maroon #479, first tune
- Same tune as the more familiar Alleluia! sing to Jesus
Psalm 103: The Lord is kind and merciful, music by David Haas (antiphon) and Pére Joseph Gelineau, SJ (verses). Can be found in Worship, #883.
Offertory hymn: Jesus, lover of my soul, Maroon #415, first tune (Listen)
Communion anthem: Jesus, my Lord, my God, my All, music by Mother Alexis Donnelly, RSM
- A nifty (but different) little tune to a familiar hymn text that I inherited from Dave Sylvester, my distinguished predecessor. :)
Meditation hymn: Fairest Lord Jesus, Maroon #346, second tune (Listen)
- The text is a translation from the German Schönster Herr Jesu. Some hymnals have another translation, Beautiful Savior, set to the same tune. Others might recognize the tune with the hymn God's blessing sends us forth, which was a staple back in the days of Monthly Missalette, or the now out of print missalette We Worship (which was in the pew at Sacred Heart back in 1989, my first stint as organist there).
Recessional hymn: Father, we thank thee who hast planted, Maroon #195 (Listen)
- The tune Rendez a Dieu that is sung with this hymn is written by Louis Bourgeois, who also gave us the Old Hundredth, which you would recognize with the hymns All people that on earth do dwell and Praise God, from whom all blessings flow.