Wednesday, July 16, 2014

SUNDAY XVI (of the Year)


Getting used to a new wireless keyboard on my laptop.  Yes, the letters and numbers are in the same place, but some of my regularly-buttons such as "Home", "End", and "Delete" are in different places, so if I work too fast (and I'm a fairly fast typist), I may just goof.

Anyhoo, without further ado:


Sung Ordinary of the Mass and Alleluia: same as the past couple of weeks

Working from the Maroon hymnal this weekend.

Entrance hymn: Behold a sower! from afar, #401 (We did this as the offertory last Sunday.)
Psalm 86: Lord, you are good and forgiving, music by Owen Alstott (from the missalette)
Offertory hymn: Come, ye thankful people, come, #137 (Listen)
- Hymn starts at about the 1:35 mark on the listen link.
Communion anthem: Sing to the Lord of harvest, set to the tune "Wie lieblich ist der Maien"
Meditation hymn: God himself is with us, #477 (verses 1 and 3 only) (Listen)
Recessional hymn: Soon may the last glad song arise, #539, second tune
- Same tune as Lift up your heads, ye mighty gates.
