Extraordinary Form vs. Ordinary Form (Part 1)
A side-by-side comparison of some of the elements of the two forms of the Latin Rite Mass
Missal, Language, and Posture of the Mass
Extraordinary Form (EF): Roman Missal of 1962, entirely in Latin, except for the Kyrie, which is in Greek. Also, "Amen" and "Alleluia" are Hebrew words. Much of the Mass is said in hushed tones by the priest and servers. The priest prays the Mass "ad orientem", that is, "facing the East" - the East, where our Lord spent his years on the earth, but the priest does face the people on certain brief dialogues. Some opponents of the Extraordinary Form often say the priest has his back to the people, but such is not the case at all. It is all the people praying in the same direction - to the Lord.
Ordinary Form (OF): Roman Missal of 1969, in Latin, with the Greek/Hebrew exceptions described in the Extraordinary Form, but can be prayed in the vernacular (the texts we use in English are translated from the Latin). Much of the Mass is said aloud by the priest and congregation. Can be prayed "ad orientem" (facing the East) or "versus populum" (facing the people). As many at Sacred Heart know, Father Bucci says the Liturgy of the Eucharist "ad orientem" during Lent and Passiontide, and the first half of the Credo "ad orientem" year-round (he goes to his chair for the second half, also a common practice at a Latin High Mass).
In this installment, we will cover the Mass of the Catechumens (Extraordinary Form) or the Liturgy of the Word (Ordinary Form)
The beginning of Mass
EF: 1. In procession, a hymn in Latin or the vernacular may be sung. In this form of the Mass, it is considered "before Mass" and not actually part of the Mass. Instrumental (organ) music may also be played here instead, or the choir may sing an anthem or motet.
- 2. On Sundays, if it is High Mass, the Asperges Me (Vidi Aquam at Paschal Time) is chanted as the priest sprinkles the congregation with Holy Water. At Low Mass or non-Sundays, the Asperges Me is omitted.
- 3. The Prayers at the Foot of the Altar, which consists of Psalm 42(43) and TWO Confiteors ("I Confess") - one by the priest, followed by one by the servers.
- 4. The Introit, said by the priest (simultaneously chanted by the choir at High Mass)
- 5. The Kyrie is said by the priest and servers (simultaneously chanted by the choir at High Mass)
OF: 1. In procession, options include singing of the Introit (from the Graduale Romanum or Graduale Simplex), the reciting of the Entrance Antiphon (from the Roman Missal) if there is no singing at all, or a hymn. While the hymn option is the most common, the Introit (which is a Proper of the Mass) is the most preferred. In some churches (St. Paul's, Cambridge, MA, Our Savior, New York City, and the Cathedral of the Madeleine, Salt Lake City, UT, where the music is top notch), the choir may chant the Introit just before the procession starts, followed by the hymn.
2. The priest greets the people ("In the name of the Father..." and "The grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ...")
3. ONE Confiteor said aloud by priest and people, followed by the Kyrie, or an invocation by the priest incorporated with the Kyrie OR (Sunday Masses only, Saturday anticipated Masses count) the Asperges (Sprinkling of Holy Water)
Gloria (when appropriate)
EF: said by the priest (simultaneously chanted by the choir at High Mass)
OF: said or sung aloud by the choir and/or the congregation
Collect: same format in both forms, except in the Extraordinary Form, the priest begins with "Dominus vobiscum" ("The Lord be with you"), to which we respond "Et cum spiritu tuo" ("And with your spirit").
Readings from Scripture
EF: There are ALWAYS two readings. The first is usually the Epistle (a letter from the New Testament), though on rare occasion it is the Lesson (from the Old Testament). The second is always from the Gospel. Between the two readings are the Gradual and Alleluia (or Tract during Septuagesima, Lent, and Passiontide), which are read silently by the priest (simultaneously chanted by the choir at High Mass). Also, at High Mass, the priest may CHANT the Epistle and Gospel.
OF: At weekday Masses, there are usually two readings, the second always being from the Gospel. At Sunday Masses, and Masses for Solemnities and major feasts of the Church, there are three readings. The first is usually from the Old Testament, though during Easter Season that reading will usually come from the Acts of the Apostles. The second is an Epistle (letter) from the New Testament. The third is from the Gospel. After the first reading, the Responsorial Psalm is sung, with a response that is sung by all, and verses sung by a cantor or choir. This is usually taken from the Lectionary, but can be replaced by the Gradual from the Graduale Romanum or the Responsorial Psalm from the Graduale Simplex. Before the Gospel, the Alleluia (or Gospel Acclamation during Lent and Passiontide) is sung, with a single verse. (Note: on weekdays, where there are two readings, the Alleluia immediately follows the Responsorial Psalm).
EF: Before the homily is preached, the priest may (but is not required to) re-read the Epistle and Gospel in the vernacular. This is also the time any announcements are made. Then, the homily.
OF: Straight to the homily.
Credo (Sundays, Solemnities, Major Feasts)
EF: said by the priest (simultaneously chanted by the choir at High Mass)
OF: sung or said by all
The Prayer of the Faithful (General Intercessions)
EF: never heard of. After the credo, it's straight to the offertory!
OF: usually prayed after the Credo
Next week, I will cover the Mass of the Faithful (Extraordinary Form) or the Liturgy of the Eucharist (Ordinary Form). And now, without further ado...
SUNDAY XXIX of Ordered Time (Ordinary Form)
Numbers given are in Worship (red hymnal).
Sung Ordinary of the Mass and Alleluia are the same as the last few weeks.
Entrance hymn: Come now, almighty King, #487
Psalm 96: Give the Lord glory and honor, music by Sam Schmitt
- By the way, you may notice a format in some of our Responsorial Psalm settings (this Sunday's is no exception) where one voice sings the first part of the Psalm verse in a chant tone (in this case, Tone 5), while the choir or a semichorus (or in our case, the duet) sings the second half in harmony, usually to a faux-bourdon where the melody is in a voice other than soprano/treble, or to polyphony (like in a choral motet). This is often the practice in places like St. Paul's in Cambridge, MA (home of the choir school that, as I mentioned before, Ted Marier had founded and is still thriving today), at times at the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, DC, and yes, at the Vatican Basilica of St. Peter.
Offertory hymn: Christ is the King, #500
Communion anthem: Cantate Domino Canticum Novum, music by Vincent d'Indy
Meditation hymn: To Christ, the Prince of Peace, #491
Recessional hymn: To Jesus Christ, our Sov'reign King, #497
SUNDAY XIX after Pentecost (Extraordinary Form)
Numbers given are in Worship (red hymnal).
Low Mass
Entrance hymn: The kingdom of God, #615
Offertory: Organ improvisation on the Mode V Tantum Ergo
Communion hymn: Tantum Ergo, music by Oreste Ravanello
Recessional hymn: Now thank we all our God, #560
Numbers given are in Worship (red hymnal).
Sung Ordinary of the Mass and Alleluia are the same as the last few weeks.
Entrance hymn: Come now, almighty King, #487
Psalm 96: Give the Lord glory and honor, music by Sam Schmitt
- By the way, you may notice a format in some of our Responsorial Psalm settings (this Sunday's is no exception) where one voice sings the first part of the Psalm verse in a chant tone (in this case, Tone 5), while the choir or a semichorus (or in our case, the duet) sings the second half in harmony, usually to a faux-bourdon where the melody is in a voice other than soprano/treble, or to polyphony (like in a choral motet). This is often the practice in places like St. Paul's in Cambridge, MA (home of the choir school that, as I mentioned before, Ted Marier had founded and is still thriving today), at times at the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, DC, and yes, at the Vatican Basilica of St. Peter.
Offertory hymn: Christ is the King, #500
Communion anthem: Cantate Domino Canticum Novum, music by Vincent d'Indy
Meditation hymn: To Christ, the Prince of Peace, #491
Recessional hymn: To Jesus Christ, our Sov'reign King, #497
SUNDAY XIX after Pentecost (Extraordinary Form)
Numbers given are in Worship (red hymnal).
Low Mass
Entrance hymn: The kingdom of God, #615
Offertory: Organ improvisation on the Mode V Tantum Ergo
Communion hymn: Tantum Ergo, music by Oreste Ravanello
Recessional hymn: Now thank we all our God, #560