Wednesday, January 14, 2015

SUNDAY II (of Ordered Time)

Back to that little-over-a-month of relief (from the busy seasons) known as Ordinary Time before Ash Wednesday hits and Lent soon begins.  Because last Monday began the "First Week" of Ordinary Time (or "Ordered Time", or "of the Year", faithful to the Latin "per Annum"), the numbering of the Sundays of the Year begin with the Second Sunday (or for short, "Sunday II").


Sung Ordinary of the Mass (for the next five Sundays): Holy Angels Mass, music by yours truly
- This is the Mass setting we used last fall (roughly September and October).  The music cards for this Mass is already in the pew racks.
Alleluia: Mode VI chant setting (probably the most familiar of all Alleluias sung around the world!)

All numbers given are in the maroon hymnal, except where noted.  You'll notice that most of the hymns are those of last week's list.  That is because the Gospel reading of this Sunday continues more on the story of John the Baptist and his announcing of the coming of the Lord.  The entrance and offertory hymns this day especially reflect that.

Entrance hymn: On Jordan's bank, #10
Psalm 40: Here am I, Lord, I come to do your will, music by Richard Proulx (response) and Pére Joseph Gelineau, SJ (versicles).  Music can be found in Worship, #869.
Offertory hymn: Hark! a thrilling voice is sounding, #9
Communion anthem: Asperges Me, music by Joseph Gruber
- It won't be the first time that a piece of Mass Ordinary is used as a choral piece outside of the actual place of the Ordinary.  I've heard settings of the Agnus Dei performed as a Communion anthem.  Same with the Sanctus, believe it or not!
- The Asperges Me is normally used at the beginning of Mass if the celebrant opts to use the Rite of Sprinkling instead of the Penitential Act (I confess... and Kyrie).  In fact, at the 9:00 Mass last week, Father Feeney exercised the Sprinkling Rite, and we chanted from the loft the chant version of the Asperges Me.
- In the Traditional Latin Mass (that is, the Extraordinary Form), the Asperges Me is required on Sundays when High Mass is chanted.
- In this Sunday's Gospel, John the Baptist proclaims "Behold the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world."  The Asperges Me prays that we may be cleansed of our sins and that the Lord "have mercy on us" and "according to his great compassion, blot out our offenses".
Meditation hymn: I sought the Lord, #405
Recessional hymn: Songs of thankfulness and praise, #53
