Sung Ordinary of the Mass and Alleluia: same as last weekend
Numbers are in the red Worship hymnal.
Entrance hymn: At the Lamb's high feast we sing, #459
Psalm 34: Taste and see the goodness of the Lord, music by yours truly
- the third of three consecutive Sundays that this Psalm is assigned.
Offertory hymn: God with hidden majesty, #489, one Latin verse, the rest in English
- This is the Adoro Te Devote. We've used the tune before with Jesus, Son of Mary, and the Adoro Te Devote itself as a Communion anthem.
Communion anthem: Adoro te, O Panis caelice, music from Louvain.
Meditation hymn: To Christ, the Prince of Peace, #491
Recessional hymn: To Jesus Christ, our sov'reign King, #497