Wednesday, September 16, 2015


Please pray for my family and me as we make our move this week (house, not job - you're not getting rid of me that easily! lol)


Sung Ordinary of the Mass and Alleluia: same as last two weeks
All numbers given are in the Maroon hymnal.

Entrance hymn: Fight the good fight, text at #560
- sung to the alternate tune Mendon, which we sang as our recessional hymn last Sunday.
Psalm 54: The Lord upholds my life, music by Owen Alstott
- music in missalette with the readings for September 20.
Offertory hymn: When Jesus left his Father's throne, #331
- tune same as I heard the voice of Jesus say and All you who seek a comfort sure
Communion anthem: He shall feed his flock, from Messiah, by George Frederick Handel
- Alto solo: Kate; soprano solo: Elaine
Meditation hymn: Jesus, meek and gentle, #358 (Listen)
Recessional hymn: O Jesus, I have promised, #570, second tune
