Monday, May 9, 2016

Pentecost at Sacred Heart

This weekend, as we conclude Paschaltide with the Birth of the Church (50 days after Easter), we will have our brass trio (affectionately dubbed, "The Plumbers"), consisting of two trumpets and a French horn, at three of our four Masses.

This will be the final weekend of the Picchi Mass until next Easter.


Prelude: Improv on the Mode VIII Veni, Creator Spiritus
Entrance hymn: Come, Holy Ghost, Worship, #482
Gloria: Missa "Christo Risusciti", Luigi Picchi
Psalm 104: R./ Lord, send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth, Owen Alstot
Sequence: Veni, Sancte Spiritus, Mode I
Alleluia: BMP, adapted from O Filii et Filiae, Mode II (.pdf)
Offertory hymn: Fire of God, undying flame, Worship, #474
Liturgy of the Eucharist: Missa "Christo Risusciti", Luigi Picchi, and adaptations thereof
(Elevations: Fanfare in B-flat, John Ferguson)
- NOTE: "Elevations" is the name given to the fanfares played when Father Bucci elevates the Host and Chalice.
Communion anthem: Veni, Creator Spiritus, alternating the SATB setting of Oreste Ravanello (odd verses) with the Mode VIII chant setting (even verses) (The music to the even verses is in Worship, #479, for those who would like to join in.)
Post-Communion hymn: Regina Caeli, Worship, #443
Recessional hymn: Now thank we all our God, Worship, #560
Postlude: Improv on the Mode I Veni, Sancte Spiritus

Quod scripsi, scripsi!