For the first time in three years, The Baptism of the Lord falls on a Sunday. Why the absence of this feast in 2017 and 2018? That is because when the Epiphany falls on January 7 or 8, the Baptism of the Lord is celebrated on Monday (the next day). Last year, the Epiphany was January 7. and the year before that, January 8. This year, the Epiphany fell on the traditional date: January 6. Thus, the Baptism of the Lord falls this year on its traditional date: January 13. When the Epiphany is celebrated on January 2-6, The Baptism of the Lord is the following Sunday. Before the "Novus Ordo" first took place in 1969, the Epiphany and the Baptism of the Lord fell on January 6 and 13, respectively, regardless of which day of the week it fell on.
Ordinary of the Mass:
- Mass of the Shepherds (Pietro Yon) (Gloria, Sanctus, Agnus) (11:15)
- Mass VIII (Gloria, Sanctus, Agnus) (all others)
- Mortem tuam annuntiamus, Domine (Memorial Acclamation)
- Dresden Amen
The rest:
Entrance hymn: On Jordan's Bank (Maroon hymnal, #10)
Psalm 104: R./ O bless the Lord, my soul (BMP) (PDF)
Alleluia "Divinum Mysterium" (BMP) (PDF)
Offertory hymn: Hark! a thrilling voice is sounding (Maroon hymnal, #9)
Communion music:
- Psalm 29: R./ All who have been baptized in Christ, you have put on Christ, alleluia (BMP) (PDF)
- (11:15): Blest be the God of Israel (BMP) ("Forest Green"; text by J. Quinn, SJ)
- - NOTE: The 11:15 Communion anthem is a translation of the Canticle of Zechariah ("Benedictus"), one of three canticles from Luke's Gospel that is sung during the Office of the Hours. The "Benedictus" is sung at Lauds (Morning Prayer). The other two are the Canticle of the Blessed Virgin Mary ("Magnificat"), which is sung at Vespers (Evening Prayer), and the Canticle of Simeon ("Nunc Dimittis"), which is sung at Compline (Night Prayer).
Meditation hymn: Let all mortal flesh keep silence (Maroon hymnal, #197)
Recessional hymn: Songs of thankfulness and praise (Maroon hymnal, #53)
Quod scripsi, scripsi!
Entrance hymn: On Jordan's Bank (Maroon hymnal, #10)
Psalm 104: R./ O bless the Lord, my soul (BMP) (PDF)
Alleluia "Divinum Mysterium" (BMP) (PDF)
Offertory hymn: Hark! a thrilling voice is sounding (Maroon hymnal, #9)
Communion music:
- Psalm 29: R./ All who have been baptized in Christ, you have put on Christ, alleluia (BMP) (PDF)
- (11:15): Blest be the God of Israel (BMP) ("Forest Green"; text by J. Quinn, SJ)
- - NOTE: The 11:15 Communion anthem is a translation of the Canticle of Zechariah ("Benedictus"), one of three canticles from Luke's Gospel that is sung during the Office of the Hours. The "Benedictus" is sung at Lauds (Morning Prayer). The other two are the Canticle of the Blessed Virgin Mary ("Magnificat"), which is sung at Vespers (Evening Prayer), and the Canticle of Simeon ("Nunc Dimittis"), which is sung at Compline (Night Prayer).
Meditation hymn: Let all mortal flesh keep silence (Maroon hymnal, #197)
Recessional hymn: Songs of thankfulness and praise (Maroon hymnal, #53)
Quod scripsi, scripsi!