Friday, February 28, 2020

I Lent and Stations of the Cross

Stations of the Cross

As per custom, Stations of the Cross is held on Fridays during Lent and Holy Week at 12:05 PM in the Chapel, and on Tuesdays during Lent and Holy Week at 7:00 PM in the Church.  The Tuesday Stations of the Cross contains music accompanied by the organ.

At the entrance, and at each station we sing selected verses of the Stabat Mater (At the Cross Her Station Keeping) in English, as given in the booklet provided.
Holy Communion is also included in the Stations.
We chant the Agnus Dei from Mass XVIII (the simple chant).
During Communion, we alternate by week:
Jesus, my Lord, my God, my All (Worship hymnal, #488) (on Weeks I, III, and V of Lent)
Let thy Blood in mercy poured (Maroon hymnal, #190) (on Weeks II and IV of Lent and in Holy Week)
The recessional hymn is Lift High the Cross (Worship hymnal, #704)

First Sunday of Lent

The 5:00 PM Saturday Mass and the 7:30 and 9:00 AM Masses are in the Ordinary Form.  The 11:15 AM this weekend will be the Anglican Use Mass.  Traditional Mass texts, but in English (though some sung Ordinary in Latin).

Also, beginning with this weekend, the Creed (I believe in one God...) will be chanted in English at all Masses (except 7:30 AM).  Music is on laminated cards in the pew rack.  Click here to listen.  This music will also be played as the prelude before all Masses this weekend.


Ordinary of the Mass:
- Asperges Me (Mode VII) (11:15)
- Kyrie: Messa Popolare "Laus Tibi Christe" (Federico Caudana) (all Masses)
- Credo III in English (all Masses) (on laminated cards in the pew rack)
- Sanctus and Agnus Dei: Mass XVII (all Masses)
- Memorial Acclamation: Save us, Savior of the world... (#12 on page 93 in missalette)
- Amen: adapted from the Sanctus of Mass VIII 

Proper of the Mass:
- (Ordinary Form 5 PM Sat., 7:30 and 9 AM Sun.)
- - Psalm 51: R./ Be merciful, O Lord, for we have sinned (Worship hymnal, #1091)
- - - (This setting was written by C. Alexander Peloquin, who was the music director at Providence's Cathedral of SS. Peter and Paul, 1950-1990.)
- - Gospel Acclamation Vexilla Regis (BMP) (PDF)

- (Anglican Use 11:15 AM Sun.)
- - Introit, Gradual, Tract, Offertory, and Communion from the Anglican Use Gradual.

Hymns, etc.
Entrance: Lord, who throughout these forty days (Maroon hymnal, #59)
Offertory: The glory of these forty days (Maroon hymnal, #61) (At 11:15, this is after the proper)
- (11:15, after the proper): Parce Domine (Fr. Carlo Rossini)
- (all other Masses): Parce Domine (Mode I/BMP) (PDF)
Meditation: When I survey the wondrous cross (Maroon hymnal, #337)
Recessional: Forty days and forty nights (Maroon hymnal, #55)

Quod scripsi, scripsi!

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Sunday VII and Ash Wednesday, plus a sung Creed!


Sunday VII through the Year
Saturday, II-22, at 5 PM; Sunday, II-23, at 7:30, 9, and 11:15 AM

Gloria: recited or Holy Angels Mass (BMP) (PDF)
Sanctus/Agnus: Mass for Christian Unity (Jan Vermulst)
Memorial: We proclaim your death... (Holy Angels Mass/BMP) (PDF)
Dresden Amen

Alleluia: Marier

Entrance hymn: Father, we thank thee who hast planted (Worship hymnal, #558)
Psalm 103: R./ The Lord is kind and merciful (BMP) (PDF)
Offertory hymn: Love divine, all loves excelling (Worship hymnal, #588)
Communion music:
- (11:15): Fairest Lord Jesus (Maroon hymnal, #346, first tune)
- (all others): Psalm 9, R./ I will sing to your Name, O Most High (Bartlett)
Meditation hymn: What wondrous love is this (Worship hymnal, #600)
Recessional hymn: Christ is the King (Worship hymnal, #500)

Ash Wednesday
Wednesday, II-26, at 9 AM and 7 PM

Kyrie: Messa Popolare Laus Tibi Christe (Federico Caudana)
Sanctus Agnus: Mass XVIII
Memorial: Save us, Savior of the world... (ICEL chant)
Amen: adapted from Sanctus VIII

Entrance hymn: Lord, who throughout these forty days (Maroon hymnal, #59)
Psalm 51: R./ Be merciful, O Lord, for we have sinned (Worship hymnal, #1091)
Gospel Acclamation "Vexilla Regis" (BMP) (PDF)
Offertory hymn: Our Father, we have wandered (Worship hymnal, #755)
Communion responsory: Attende, Domine (Worship hymnal, #414)
Imposition of Ashes: Parce, Domine (Mode I/BMP or Rossini)

Coming soon: Sung Creed
Beginning on the weekend of February 29/March 1 (First Sunday of Lent): a sung setting of the Creed in ENGLISH.  Click here to listen.  Readers here will be the first to learn it.

Quod scripsi, scripsi!

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Sunday VI


Gloria: recited or Holy Angels Mass (BMP) (PDF)
Sanctus/Agnus: Mass for Christian Unity (Jan Vermulst)
Memorial: We proclaim your death... (Holy Angels Mass/BMP) (PDF)
Dresden Amen

Alleluia: Theodore Marier

The rest:
Entrance hymn: We sing the praise of him who died (Maroon hymnal, #340)
Psalm 119: R./ Blessed are they who follow the law of the Lord (Fr. Samuel Weber, OSB)
Offertory hymn: Jesus, Lover of my soul (Maroon hymnal, #415, first tune)
Communion music:
- (11:15) Pange Lingua (alternating between Mode III, found in the Worship hymnal at #813, and an original setting)
- (all others) Psalm 78, R./ They ate, and they were fully satisfied (BMP) (PDF)
Meditation hymn: I sought the Lord (Maroon hymnal, #405)
Recessional hymn: Sing praise to the Lord (Worship hymnal, #539)

Quod scripsi, scripsi!

Saturday, February 8, 2020

The Three-Day Weekend

Sorry so late.  Mea culpa!


Holy Angels Mass (BMP) (Gl/Mem)
Mass for Christian Unity (Jan Vermulst) (Sa/Ag)
Dresden Amen

Alleluia: Theodore Marier

The rest:

First Friday (Sacred Heart Community Mass)
Friday, II-7, at 6 PM

Entrance: O Sacred Heart, O Love Divine
Psalm 18: R./ Blessed be God, my salvation (Tone 8G)
Offertory: Cor dulce, Cor amabile
Communion: Panis Angelicus (Cesar Franck)
Recessional: To Jesus' Heart, all-burning

My apologies for forgetting to put the Sacred Heart hymn sheets out this evening.  By the time I realized it, I had already started the entrance hymn.  Most of you regulars know the refrains on these anyways. ;)

Sunday V of the Year
Saturday, II-8, at 5 PM; Sunday, II-9, at 7:30, 9, and 11:15 AM

Entrance: When morning gilds the skies (Maroon hymnal, #367)
Psalm 112: R./ The just man is a light in darkness to the upright (BMP) (PDF)
Offertory: O Jesus, I have promised (Maroon hymnal, #570, second tune)
- (11:15) Laudate Dominum (Giuseppe Pitoni)
- (all others) Ps. 42, R./ I will go to the altar of God; praise the God of my joy (Worship hymnal, #38, antiphon I)
Meditation: Blest are the pure in heart (Maroon hymnal, #418)
Recessional: O worship the King (Maroon hymnal, #288)

Quod scripsi, scripsi!