There is no Sunday XXXI this Year. You read that right! November 1, the Solemnity of All Saints, falls on a Sunday this year, thus trumping Sunday XXXI. The weekdays of Week XXXI, of course, still exist.
For the month of November, we'll be using the "Laus Tibi Mass" (except for All Souls).
On this post, we'll bring you the music lists for both November 1 and 2 - All Saints and All Souls, respectively.
On All Souls Day, for both Masses (9 AM and 7 PM, both in the Church), the Introit, Communion, and Recessional chants are all in Latin. A translation will be provided on the worship sheets for that day. Also, anyone who has attended funerals at Sacred Heart since 2001 has probably heard these chants at least once.
Solemnity of All Saints
Saturday, X-31, at 5 PM; Sunday, XI-1, at 7:30, 9, and 11:15 AM
ORDINARY OF THE MASS: Messa Popolare "Laus Tibi Christe" (Federico Caudana)
The rest:
Entrance hymn: For all the saints ("Sine Nomine")
Psalm 24: R./ Lord, this is the people that longs to see your face (J. Robert Carroll/Joseph Gelineau, SJ)
Alleluia: from the hymn Christ is the King ("Gelobt sei Gott")
Offertory hymn: By all your saints still striving ("St. Theodulph")
- NOTE: same tune as the Palm Sunday staple, "All glory, laud, and honor"
Communion responsory: Beatitudes, R./ Remember, Lord, thy servants, when thou dost take thy throne (BMP) (PDF)
Meditation hymn: Jesus, my Lord, my God, my All ("Sweet Sacrament")
Recessional hymn: Ye watchers and ye holy ones ("Lasst uns Erfreuen")
Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls)
Monday, XI-2, at 9 AM and 7 PM
Sanctus and Agnus Dei: Mass XVIII (Pro Defunctis)
- NOTE: These are the simple chant settings you are probably familiar with, but there are a couple of slight changes in the Agnus Dei. The phrase "miserere nobis" (have mercy on us) is replaced by "dona eis requiem" (grant them rest), while the phrase "dona nobis pacem" (grant us peace) is replaced by "dona eis requiem sempiternam" (grant them eternal rest).
Memorial Acclamation: Mortem tuam annuntiaums, Domine (Jubilate Deo)
Amen: melody adapted from the Sanctus of Mass VIII
The rest:
Introit (Entrance chant): Requiem Aeternam (Mode VI) (Listen)
Psalm 23: R./ The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want (BMP)
Sequence (chanted by organist): Dies irae (Mode I)
Alleluia: music by Theodore Marier
Offertory hymn: Jesus, Son of Mary ("Adoro Te Devote"/Mode V) (Listen)
Communion responsory: Psalm 130, R./ Lux aeterna luceat eis, Domine, cum sanctis tuis in aeternum, quia pius est. (Mode VIII/Graduale Simplex) (Listen)
Recessional chant: In paradisum (Mode VII/VIII) (Listen)
Quod scripsi, scripsi!