Messa Popolare "Laus Tibi Christe" (Federico Caudana) (Kyrie)
Mass XVIII (Sanctus and Agnus Dei) (First Friday)
Mass XVII (Sanctus and Agnus Dei) (Sundays of Lent)
ICEL Chant (Memorial Acclamation Save us, Savior of the world...)
adaptation of Sanctus VIII (Amen)
GOSPEL ACCLAMATION: setting by Fr. Samuel Weber (found with the readings in the Pew Missal)
The rest...
February 25 - Sunday II of Lent
Entrance hymn: The glory of these forty days ("Erhalt Uns, Herr"/Pew Missal, #260)
- The tune "Erhalt Uns, Herr" is known in some hymnals as "Spires".
Psalm 116: R./ I will walk before the Lord in the land of the living (Sam Schmitt) (PDF)
Offertory hymn: O wondrous type, O vision fair ("Wareham"/Maroon hymnal, #119)
Communion hymn:
- (5:00 on Saturday): Fairest Lord Jesus ("Schönster Herr Jesu"/Maroon hymnal, #346, first tune)
- - The tune here is simply known by the English title, "Fairest Lord Jesus" in the Maroon hymnal.
- (Sunday): Soul of my Savior ("Anima Christi"/Pew Missal, #247)
Meditation hymn: Lord, as to thy dear cross we flee ("St. Bernard"/Maroon hymnal, #413)
Recessional hymn: There is a green hill far away ("Horsley"/Maroon hymnal, #65, first tune)
March 1 - Sacred Heart Community Mass (First Friday/6 PM)
Entrance hymn: O Sacred Heart, O Love Divine (in Mass Guide)
Psalm 105: R./ Remember the marvels the Lord has done (BMP) (PDF)
Offertory hymn: Attende, Domine (Chant, Mode V/Pew Missal, #93)
Communion hymn: Panis Angelicus (Hungarian tune/in Mass Guide)
Recessional hymn: To Jesus' Heart, all-burning ("Cor Amoris"/in Mass Guide)
March 3 - Sunday III of Lent
Entrance hymn: We sing the praise of him who died ("Breslau"/Maroon hymnal, #340)
Psalm 19: R./ Lord, you have the words of everlasting life (Richard Proulx/Joseph Gelineau/Worship hymnal, #794)
Offertory hymn: Lord Christ, when first thou cam'st to men ("Mit Freuden Zart"/Maroon hymnal, #523)
- The tune "Mit Freuden Zart" is known in some hymnals, including one of the most popular hymnals in the 1960s and 1970s, "People's Mass Book", as well as our Maroon hymnal, as "Bohemian Brethren", named after the origin of the tune.
Communion motet: Jesu, Salvator noster (Fr. Carlo Rossini)
Meditation hymn: Behold the Lamb of God ("Wigan"/Maroon hymnal, #338)
Recessional hymn: Let thy Blood in mercy poured ("Jesu, Meine Zuversicht"/Maroon hymnal, #190)
- This tune name was changed to "Luise" in the Maroon hymnal, after Luise Henriette von Brandenburg, the author of the German hymn text "Jesu, Meine Zuversicht", translated "Jesus Christ, my sure defense". The title "Jesu, Meine Zuversict" is given to the tune as well in many hymnals today.
Quod scripsi, scripsi!