Mass for Christian Unity (Jan Vermulst) (Sanctus and Agnus Dei)
Holy Angels Mass (BMP) (Gloria, when sung, and Memorial Acclamation A)
Dresden Amen (arr. Theodore Marier)
ALLELUIA I for Ordinary Time (BMP)
February 2 - Sacred Heart Community Mass (First Friday)
Feast of the Presentation of the Lord (6 PM)
Also known as "Candlemas", and traditionally known as "The Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary".
Entrance antiphon: The Lord will come to us... (Mode VIII/Worship hymnal, #1023)
Psalm 24: R./ Who is this king of glory? It is the Lord. (Jon Laird)
Offertory hymn: Hail to the Lord who comes ("Old 120th"/Maroon hymnal, #115)
Communion responsory: Nunc Dimittis, R./ Guard us, O Lord, while we sleep... (Guy Weitz/Dom Anthony Gregory Murray, OSB/Pérè Joseph Gelineau, SJ/Worship hymnal, #90)
Meditation hymn: In his temple now behold him ("St. Thomas"/in Mass Guide)
Recessional hymn: O Sion, open wide thy gates ("Bedford"/Maroon hymnal, #116)
February 4 - Sunday V of the Year
Entrance hymn: Fight the good fight ("Mendon"/in Mass Guide)
Psalm 147: R./ Praise the Lord who heals the brokenhearted (BMP)
Offertory hymn: The King of love my shepherd is ("St. Columba"/Pew Missal, #261)
Communion responsory: Psalm 34, A power came out... (BMP)
- or motet: Adoro Te, O Panis Caelice (from Louvain)
Meditation hymn: How sweet the Name of Jesus sounds ("St. Peter"/Maroon hymnal, #455, vv. 1-4)
Recessional hymn: Jesus shall reign ("Duke Street"/Maroon hymnal, #542)
February 11 - Sunday VI of the Year
The last Sunday before Ash Wednesday, in which we put the Alleluia away with a bang. Our entrance and recessional hymns contain ample alleluias (three per verse in the recessional, six to seven per verse in the entrance).
Entrance hymn: Ye watchers and ye holy ones ("Lasst uns Erfreuen"/Pew Missal, #287)
Psalm 32: R./ I turn to you, Lord, in time of trouble...(BMP)
Offertory hymn: Tell out, my soul ("Woodlands"/Worship hymnal, #534)
Communion responsory: Psalm 78, They ate, and they were fully satisfied (BMP)
- or motet: Cantate Domino canticum novum (Vincent d'Indy)
Meditation hymn: I sought the Lord ("Artavia"/Maroon hymnal, #405)
Recessional hymn: Christ is the King ("Gelobt sei Gott"/Worship hymnal, #500)
Lent lists coming soon.
Quod scripsi, scripsi!