This Solemnity, known in the modern Mass as "The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ" is a merging of two feasts. The first, the Solemnity of Corpus Christi, that is, the Body of Christ, until 1969 was celebrated on the Thursday after Trinity Sunday. The second, The Most Precious Blood, until 1969 was celebrated on the fixed date of July 1. For a number of years, the newly-merged Solemnity was still known as Corpus Christi. It has since been re-named "Body and Blood of Christ" and later "The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ," in accordance with the 1974 Graduale Romanum, which could legitimately be called the "official hymnal of the Roman Catholic Church."
Included in this weekend's Masses is the Sequence, which is chanted immediately following the second reading. Unlike the Sequences of Easter Sunday and Pentecost Sunday, the Sequence for this weekend is optional and comes in a long and short form. This weekend we will chant the short form. The melody and text (in English) are provided in the Mass Guide that is attached to the bulletin.
Speaking of Mass Guides, please remember to refer to said Mass Guide for all music references for the day. This keeps the liturgy flowing much more smoothly. And feel free to sing out, even if you're tone-deaf. The organ will guide you. ;)
At the 11:15 Mass, we have two CCD students receiving their First Holy Communion. Congratulations and God bless!
Last, but not least, don't forget that this coming Friday (June 7) is our Patronal Feast, the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. Mass will be in the Church at 6:00 PM. Bring friends, especially those who we have not seen since COVID.
And now, without further ado...
Meditation hymn: Tantum Ergo (Oreste Ravanello)