Saturday, August 10, 2024


The hymns on the most part today take on a Eucharistic theme.  "I am the living bread that come down from heaven," says the Lord.  That is our Gospel reading for this Sunday.

Last week during Communion, I sang the hymn O Esca Viatorum (O Food to pilgrims given), set to a tune written by Johann Michael Haydn.  This week at the Offertory, we will sing the hymn Glorious things of thee are spoken, set to the tune "Austria", written by J.M. Haydn's slightly more famous older brother, Franz Joseph Haydn.  The text is by John Newton.  It would surprise many that Newton also wrote the text of the hymn Amazing grace.  The third verse concludes this: Safe they feed upon the manna which He gives them as they pray.

The recessional hymn for the next two weeks is a new-to-you text, but set to a tune you should most likely recognize.  The hymn is O living Bread from heaven, and is sung to the tune "Aurelia", which is also sung with the more familiar hymn, The Church's one foundation.  Here is the first verse:

    O living Bread from heaven, how hast thou fed thy guest!
    The gifts thou now hast given hath filled my heart with rest.
    O wondrous food of blessing, O cup that heals our woes,
    My heart, this gift possessing, in thankful song o'erflows.

Incidentally, some may have recognized the Alleluia tune (before the Gospel) that I restored last weekend and will be our Alleluia for the month.  Known as "Alleluia O Clemens", it's based on the ending of the chant Salve Regina.  That ending many have sung before: O clemens, O pia, O dulcis Virgo Maria.  I adapted the Alleluia to three-quarters of that ending. ;)

So, without further ado...


Holy Angels Mass (BMP) (Gloria on Sunday unless recited; omitted on Friday)
A Community Mass (Richard Proulx) (Sanctus through Agnus)

ALLELUIA: Alleluia "O Clemens" (BMP)

Entrance hymn: Lift up your heads, ye mighty gates ("Truro")
Psalm 34: R./ Taste and see the goodness of the Lord (BMP) (PDF)
Offertory hymn: Glorious things of thee are spoken ("Austria") (Listen)
Communion hymn: Soul of my Savior ("Anima Christi")
Recessional hymn: O living Bread from heaven ("Aurelia") (Listen)

Quod scripsi, scripsi!