The numbers for today's hymn selections come from the Maroon hymnal.
Entrance hymn: 545 Hail to the Lord's Anointed.
- This hymn has two tunes. However, we are using neither. Instead we will use this more familiar tune, the same tune that we use for such hymns as The Day of Resurrection and Go, Make of All Disciples. You will still want to refer to the hymnal for the sake of the words. Just ignore the music.
Gloria: (if sung) Mass VIII, chant
Responsorial Psalm: Your words, Lord, are spirit and life, music by yours truly
Recessional hymn: 537 Christ for the world, we sing (Listen)
Entrance hymn: 545 Hail to the Lord's Anointed.
- This hymn has two tunes. However, we are using neither. Instead we will use this more familiar tune, the same tune that we use for such hymns as The Day of Resurrection and Go, Make of All Disciples. You will still want to refer to the hymnal for the sake of the words. Just ignore the music.
Gloria: (if sung) Mass VIII, chant
Responsorial Psalm: Your words, Lord, are spirit and life, music by yours truly
Alleluia: music by Theodore Marier. (same as last Sunday)
Offertory hymn: 477 God himself is with us (Listen)
- We will be using verses 1, 3, and 4. Verse 2 will be omitted.
Sanctus through Agnus Dei: same as last Sunday
Communion anthem: In thee is gladness, music by Giovanni Giacomo Gastoldi
- Although the composer is Italian, the original title for this piece was in German: In der ist Freude.
Meditation hymn: 199 (First tune) Now, my tongue, the mystery telling
- The text here is a translation of the Latin classic Pange lingua gloriosi that was penned by Saint Thomas Aquinas. The tune is the familiar Mode III chant, with a couple of very minor alterations. (Listen to the tune. The Latin text is sung in the video linked here)
Recessional hymn: 537 Christ for the world, we sing (Listen)