Monday, January 28, 2013


Just think!!! There are only two Sundays left of Ordinary Time.  Lent is coming very quickly.  For those less familiar with moveable dates, because Easter is early this year (March 31), a number of other feasts are earlier this year:
- Ash Wednesday
- Palm Sunday
- The Triduum (Maundy/Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday)
- Divine Mercy Sunday (Sunday II of Easter, traditionally known as Low Sunday)
- The Ascension
- Pentecost
- Post-Pentecost Solemnities (Most Holy Trinity, Corpus Christi, Sacred Heart)

This also means that there will be a few more numbered Sundays of Ordinary Time between Corpus Christi and Christ the King, just as there are less numbered Sundays this year between the Baptism of the Lord and Ash Wednesday.

And now, without further ado...

Music for Holy Mass

Hymn numbers for this day will be in the Red Worship hymnal.  Feel free to take advantage of the "Listen" links to familiarize yourself with a hymn, and, by all means, FEEL FREE TO SING OUT at Mass.  Even if you're still not sure of a tune, it will come to you.  Ever notice that the organ is usually "louder" (or at least "stronger") at certain points (excluding fanfares and postludes)?  Those louder points are usually to support (help, encourage, boost) the congregation's singing.  In the words of Jesus, "Have no fear, little flock". :)

Entrance hymn: 588 Love divine, all loves excelling (tune is the same as Alleluia! Sing to Jesus)
- (Listen)

Gloria (if sung): Mass VIII (in Latin)

Responsorial Psalm: I will sing of your salvation, music by Owen Alstott (missalette, page 55)

Alleluia: same as Sunday II

Offertory hymn: 617 Christ is made the sure foundation (Listen)

Sanctus through Agnus Dei: same as Sunday II

Communion anthem: 598 Ubi Caritas (We're singing this as an anthem, but the number is here if you would like to join in the refrain during Communion).  (Listen)

Meditation hymn: 605 O Jesus, joy of loving hearts (Listen)

Recessional hymn: 492 Jesus shall reign (Listen)
