This Sunday is also known as "Good Shepherd Sunday", as the Gospel for the day (in all three years) depict Christ as the Good Shepherd. Much of the music for this day reflects that theme, while keeping with the Paschal Season.
Sung Ordinary of the Mass and Alleluia same as past three weekends.
Numbers given this weekend are in the Maroon hymnal.
Entrance hymn: At the Lamb's high feast we sing, #89
- Tune is the same as the Epiphany hymn Songs of thankfulness and praise
Psalm 118: The stone rejected by the builders has become the cornerstone, music by yours truly, adapted from the Alleluia from O Filii et Filiae (which is our Alleluia for the Easter Season)
Offertory hymn: The King of love my shepherd is, #345, first tune
Communion anthem: He shall feed his flock, from "Messiah" by George Frederick Handel
Meditation hymn: Savior, like a shepherd lead us, #247
- Tune is based on the familiar Marian hymn O Sanctissima, with the first lines repeated, and a more moderate tempo (unlike O Sanctissima, which is taken rather slowly).
Recessional hymn: Crown him with many crowns, #352