April 1 - Spy Wednesday (Sacred Heart Community Mass)
April 2 - Holy Thursday
April 3 - Good Friday
April 4 - The Easter Vigil
April 5 - Easter Sunday
(all of the dates are clickable to eliminate excessive scrolling)
Spy Wednesday - April 1
(Sacred Heart Community Mass) 6:30 PM
Normally this Mass is celebrated on First Friday, but since this First Friday is Good Friday, a day in which no Mass can be celebrated per order liturgical rubrics, this monthly Mass is moved to Wednesday, the first available day in April. This also is the Wednesday of Holy Week, traditionally known as Spy Wednesday, as the focus seems to be mainly on Judas' betrayal of Jesus.
Entrance hymn: Lift high the cross, Worship, #704
Psalm 69: Lord, in your great love, answer me, response music by yours truly, versicles sung to Psalm Tone 1. You may follow in the missalette, page 132.
Gospel Acclamation: Glory and praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ, music by yours truly, based on Vexilla Regis Prodeunt (Mode I)
Offertory hymn: Sing, my tongue, the Savior's glory, hymn section of missalette, #52
- Note: this is the text translated from the Latin by Venantius Fortunatus, themed on the Crucifixion, as opposed to the more familiar Latin text of the same title by St. Thomas Aquinas, which is themed on the Eucharist. The tune is the Mode III chant, which we have sung before.
Sanctus through Agnus Dei: same as the Sundays of Lent
Communion anthem: Vexilla Regis Prodeunt, chant, Mode I
Recessional hymn: O Sacred Head, surrounded, Worship, #434
Holy Thursday - April 2
7 PM
Entrance hymn: Lift high the cross, Worship #704
Gloria: Messa Populare "Laus Tibi Christe", music by Federico Caudana
Psalm 116: Our blessing cup is a communion with the Blood of Christ, music by yours truly
Holy Thursday - April 2
7 PM
Entrance hymn: Lift high the cross, Worship #704
Gloria: Messa Populare "Laus Tibi Christe", music by Federico Caudana
Psalm 116: Our blessing cup is a communion with the Blood of Christ, music by yours truly
Gospel Acclamation: Glory and praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ, music by yours truly, based on Vexilla Regis Prodeunt (Mode I)
Offertory hymn: At that first Eucharist, Worship, #733
Sanctus through Agnus Dei: same as the Sundays of Lent
Communion anthem: Ave Verum, music by Camille Saint-Saƫns
Solemn Translation of the Holy Eucharist: Pange Lingua Gloriosi, music by Fr. Carlo Rossini
Good Friday - April 3
7 PM
Psalm 31: Father, into your hands, I commend my spirit, music by Richard Rice
Gospel Acclamation: Glory and praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ, music by yours truly, based on Vexilla Regis Prodeunt (Mode I)
Music during the Veneration of the Cross:
- God so loved the world, by John Stainer (from his "The Crucifixion")
- Parce, Domine, music by Fr. Carlo Rossini
- Jesu, Salvator Noster, music by Fr. Carlo Rossini
- Enthroning: Christ Jesus Victor, Christ Jesus Ruler, Christ Jesus Lord and Redeemer!
Music at Holy Communion:
- Adoro Te, O Panis Caelice, music from Louvain
- O Sacred Head, sore wounded, Maroon, #75
- Solemn Return to the Repository: Tantum Ergo, music by Oreste Ravanello
Meditation hymn: Abide with me, Maroon, #467
The Easter Vigil in the Holy Night - April 4
7 PM
The Brass Trio will be on hand for this Most Holy of Nights!
Service of light and Exsultet: follow missalette
Psalm 104 (after first Old Testament Reading): Lord, send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth, music by Owen Alstott
Psalm 16 (after second Old Testament Reading): You are my inheritance, O Lord, music original
Exodus 15 (responsory after third Old Testament Reading): Let us sing to the Lord, he has covered himself in glory, music original
Gloria: Missa Cristo Risusciti, music by Luigi Picchi
Alleluia: based on O Filii et Filiae, adapted and arranged by yours truly
Litany of Saints: follow missalette
Sprinkling of Holy Water (after Renewal of Baptismal Promises, which on Easter and the Vigil, replaces the Creed): Vidi Aquam, music by Joseph Gruber
Offertory hymn: The Day of Resurrection, Maroon, #96, first tune
Sanctus through Agnus Dei: Missa Cristo Risusciti, music by Luigi Picchi
Communion anthem: Hallelujah, music by George Frederick Handel (from his "Messiah")
Meditation hymn: Regina Caeli, Worship, #443
Recessional hymn: Jesus Christ is ris'n today, Maroon, #85
Easter Sunday - April 5
7:30, 9, and 11:15 AM
The Brass Trio will be on hand at the 9:00 and 11:15 Masses!
Entrance hymn: The Day of Resurrection, Maroon, #96, first tune
Gloria: Missa Cristo Risusciti, music by Luigi Picchi
Psalm 118: This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad, music by Owen Alstott
Alleluia: based on O Filii et Filiae, adapted and arranged by Owen Alstott
Sprinkling of Holy Water (after Renewal of Baptismal Promises, which on Easter and the Vigil, replaces the Creed): Vidi Aquam, music by Joseph Gruber
Offertory hymn: That Easter Day with joy was bright, Maroon, #98
Gospel Acclamation: Glory and praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ, music by yours truly, based on Vexilla Regis Prodeunt (Mode I)
Music during the Veneration of the Cross:
- God so loved the world, by John Stainer (from his "The Crucifixion")
- Parce, Domine, music by Fr. Carlo Rossini
- Jesu, Salvator Noster, music by Fr. Carlo Rossini
- Enthroning: Christ Jesus Victor, Christ Jesus Ruler, Christ Jesus Lord and Redeemer!
Music at Holy Communion:
- Adoro Te, O Panis Caelice, music from Louvain
- O Sacred Head, sore wounded, Maroon, #75
- Solemn Return to the Repository: Tantum Ergo, music by Oreste Ravanello
Meditation hymn: Abide with me, Maroon, #467
The Easter Vigil in the Holy Night - April 4
7 PM
The Brass Trio will be on hand for this Most Holy of Nights!
Service of light and Exsultet: follow missalette
Psalm 104 (after first Old Testament Reading): Lord, send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth, music by Owen Alstott
Psalm 16 (after second Old Testament Reading): You are my inheritance, O Lord, music original
Exodus 15 (responsory after third Old Testament Reading): Let us sing to the Lord, he has covered himself in glory, music original
Gloria: Missa Cristo Risusciti, music by Luigi Picchi
Alleluia: based on O Filii et Filiae, adapted and arranged by yours truly
Litany of Saints: follow missalette
Sprinkling of Holy Water (after Renewal of Baptismal Promises, which on Easter and the Vigil, replaces the Creed): Vidi Aquam, music by Joseph Gruber
Offertory hymn: The Day of Resurrection, Maroon, #96, first tune
Sanctus through Agnus Dei: Missa Cristo Risusciti, music by Luigi Picchi
Communion anthem: Hallelujah, music by George Frederick Handel (from his "Messiah")
Meditation hymn: Regina Caeli, Worship, #443
Recessional hymn: Jesus Christ is ris'n today, Maroon, #85
Easter Sunday - April 5
7:30, 9, and 11:15 AM
The Brass Trio will be on hand at the 9:00 and 11:15 Masses!
Entrance hymn: The Day of Resurrection, Maroon, #96, first tune
Gloria: Missa Cristo Risusciti, music by Luigi Picchi
Psalm 118: This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad, music by Owen Alstott
Alleluia: based on O Filii et Filiae, adapted and arranged by Owen Alstott
Sprinkling of Holy Water (after Renewal of Baptismal Promises, which on Easter and the Vigil, replaces the Creed): Vidi Aquam, music by Joseph Gruber
Offertory hymn: That Easter Day with joy was bright, Maroon, #98
Sanctus through Agnus Dei: Missa Cristo Risusciti, music by Luigi Picchi
Communion anthem: Hallelujah, music by George Frederick Handel (from his "Messiah")
Meditation hymn: Regina Caeli, Worship, #443
Recessional hymn: Jesus Christ is ris'n today, Maroon, #85
Happy and blessed Holy Week and Easter to all!
Communion anthem: Hallelujah, music by George Frederick Handel (from his "Messiah")
Meditation hymn: Regina Caeli, Worship, #443
Recessional hymn: Jesus Christ is ris'n today, Maroon, #85
Happy and blessed Holy Week and Easter to all!