As you well know, during certain seasons, we sing certain Mass settings in Latin, the language of which the Mass is written (and translated, of course, from Latin to many vernacular, or "spoken" tongues). While three of those settings are metrical (Mass of the Shepherds for Christmas Season, Misa Cristo Risusciti for Paschaltide, and the Laus Tibi Christe Mass during June and November, those months that have a good number of solemnities), others are in Gregorian Chant.
The simplest chant Mass is Mass XVIII, which Father Bucci often chanted during weekday Masses and probably the most familiar in many parishes. We've also used Mass VIII and Mass XVII. Mass XVII is what we've often used for the Sundays of Advent and Lent, while Mass VIII has been done during certain solemnities during those two seasons, namely Immaculate Conception (December 8) and St. Jospeh (March 19, followed by the Saint's highly favored pastry, Zeppoles!).
There are 18 Gregorian Masses in all, some rather simple, and others much more complex. These are compiled in a collection known as the Kyriale (Ky-ree-AH-leh). And the universal liturgical books, those being the Liber Usualis, the Graduale Romanum, and the Gregorian Missal, have assigned days and seasons to some of these Masses. Obviously we won't be using all 18 anytime soon. But they are:
Mass I: during the Season of Easter
Mass IV: on feasts of the Apostles
Mass V: no particular assignment
Mass IX: on solemnities and feasts of Our Lady
Mass X: on feasts and memorials of Our Lady
Mass XI: on Sundays of the Year ("Ordinary Time")
Mass XVI: in Ordinary Time during the week
Mass XVII: on Sundays of Advent and Lent (which we have been doing)
Mass XVIII: on weekdays of Advent and Lent (the most familiar here and abroad, and by far the
most simple)
Masses II, II, VI, VII, VIII, XII, XIII, XIV and XV have no assignment in terms of the Ordinary Form of the Mass (that is, our current form, aka the "Novus Ordo"). Mass VIII is probably the second most popular of the Gregorian Masses.
For the Sundays of Advent, we will be using Mass XVII, which is the Mass we've been using in Advent and Lent for the past few years.
In 1974, Pope St. Paul VI distrubuted a collection of Mass chants to all parishes of the world that many should (or should have) acquainted themselves with. This includes the Kyrie from Mass XVI, the Gloria from Mass VIII, Credo III (that's another collection to be discussed in another post)
And now, without further ado...
Kyrie, Sanctus and Agnus Dei: Mass XVII
The Gloria is OMITTED.
Memorial Acclamation: Mortem tuam annuntiamus, Domine... (Jubilate Deo chant)
Amen: adapted from the Sanctus melody from Mass VIII
ALLELUIA "Conditor Alme" (BMP) (
Hymns, etc.
Entrance hymn:
Lo! he comes with clouds descending ("Helmsley") (
Psalm 25: To you, O Lord, I lift my soul (Robert Twynham/Joseph Gelineau, SJ)
Offertory hymn:
Rejoice, rejoice, believers ("Greenland") (
- NOTE: We'll be using a slightly lower key than in the link, but you get the idea.
Communion hymn:
To you I lift my soul (Text by John Dunn/"Love Unknown") (
- NOTE: The hymn in the listen link given here is sung to the same tune as the hymn we will be using during Communion.
Recessional hymn: O come, O come, Emmanuel ("Veni, Emmanuel")
Quod scripsi, scripsi!