Music will be enhanced by our brass trio at the Easter Vigil, and at the 9:00 and 11:15 Masses on Easter Sunday.
Exsultet (Easter Proclamation): Roman Missal chant, sung by yours truly (in English)
- The text is in the missalette, in the Easter Vigil section. There is a brief dialogue between cantor and congregation (Lift up your hearts/We lift them up to the Lord, etc.), same melody as the dialog of the Preface of the Eucharistic Prayer that Fr. Bucci normally leads.
- The Exsultet may be sung by a priest, deacon, or cantor.
Of the seven Old Testament readings, the first three are proclaimed. The music to the Responsorial Psalms that follow all three of these readings can be found in the missalette on the pages corresponding to these readings.
Gloria: Messa "Cristo Risuciti", music by Luigi Picchi
- Note: the music to this Mass is based on a tune normally associated with Paschal Time. That tune, normally associated with the hymn Christ the Lord is risen again, is known in Latin as Surgit in Haec Dies, and in German as Christ ist Erstanden. This Mass setting will be in use throughout the Paschal Season.
Alleluia: refrain from the chant hymn O Filii et Filiae (O Sons and Daughters), a Mode II processional that originated in Paris. This will be the alleluia used before the Gospel for the duration of the Easter Season, including Pentecost.
Litany of Saints: Roman Missal chant, found in the missalette in the baptismal section of the Vigil.
Music during the Sprinkling of Holy Water (after the Renewal of Baptismal Promises): Vidi Aquam, music by Joseph Gruber.
- Translation: I saw water flowing from the temple, from the right side, alleluia. And all to whom this water came were saved and shall say: Alleluia, alleluia.
- How many remember chanting the Asperges Me on Sundays in the traditional Latin High Mass? Well, during Paschal Time, the Asperges Me was replaced by the Vidi Aquam.
Offertory hymn: Maroon 98 That Easter Day with joy was bright (Listen)
- Tune is exactly the same as What Star Is This, which we sang at the Epiphany
Sanctus: Messa "Cristo Risuciti", music by Luigi Picchi
Memorial Acclamation and Amen: adapted from Surgit in Haec Dies, on which Messa "Cristo Risuciti" is based. The Memorial Acclamation is in English, using the first option: We proclaim your death, O Lord, and profess your resurrection, until you come again.
Agnus Dei: Messa "Cristo Risuciti", music by Luigi Picchi
Communion anthem: Festive Alleluia, by Gordon Young
Meditation hymn: Worship 443 Regina Caeli, in Latin and English (There is only one verse of each)
Recessional hymn: Maroon 85 Jesus Christ is ris'n today
MASSES AT 7:30, 9:00, AND 11:15 AM
Entrance hymn: Maroon 96 The day of Resurrection (Listen)
Gloria: same as at the Vigil, see above
Responsorial Psalm: This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad, music in the missalette, under Easter Sunday
Sequence: Victimae Paschali Laudes, music in the missalette, chanted in Latin (translation provided)
- One of only three sequences used in the modern liturgical calendar. The other two are used at Pentecost and at Corpus Christi.
Alleluia: same as at the Vigil, see above
Everything from the Sprinkling Music to the end: same as at the Vigil, see above