Thursday, May 30, 2013



This weekend we celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, or, as we traditionally know it, Corpus Christi.  In addition, six children will receive Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Most Holy Eucharist for the first time at the 11:15 AM Mass this Sunday, appropriately dated on a solemnity that is Eucharistically themed to begin with.
Also, at the 5:00 Saturday and 11:15 Sunday Masses, we will conclude with Benediction.
Some may ask: If it's Corpus Christi, then why does the missalette say Body and Blood of Christ?  The full Latin name in the liturgical calendar as we know it today would actually be Corpus et Sanguis Christi.  But in the liturgical calendar before 1969, the Body of Christ (Corpus Christi) and the Blood of Christ (designated as "Precious Blood") fell on two separate dates.  Corpus Christi, whose date is movable and (like Ascension, Pentecost, and Trinity) depends on the date of Easter, until the late 1960's did not fall on a Sunday at all.  It was the Thursday after Trinity Sunday (the Sunday after that was merely the Second Sunday after Pentecost).  The feast of the Precious Blood fell on the fixed date of July 1.
Since 1969, Corpus Christi and Precious Blood have been consolidated to one date, that Second Sunday after Pentecost.  Even in Masses celebrated in the Extraordinary Form (the Traditional Latin Mass according to the Roman Missal of 1962), where Corpus Christi would still fall on the Thursday date, some parishes will celebrate the traditional Mass of Corpus Christi on Sunday as an external solemnity.  Thus the new name, Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ.
The brass trio (dubbed by yours truly, "The Plumbers") will be on hand to enhance all Masses this weekend except for the 7:30 AM.  Numbers given are in Worship (red hymnal).
Entrance hymn: 363 Lift up your heads, O mighty gates (same tune as Christ is alive, which we sang during Easter Season).
Gloria: Messa Populare "Laus Tibi Christe", music by Federico Caudana (which we've been singing all along)
Responsorial Psalm: You are a priest for ever, in the line of Melchizedek, music by Richard Rice
- ("Melchizedek", pronounced "Mel-KEE-zeh-deck").
In place of the Sequence: 758 Tantum Ergo (in Latin)
Alleluia: chant, Mode VI
Offertory hymn: 737 Alleluia! sing to Jesus
Sanctus through Agnus Dei: same as last weekend
(In addition, at the 5:00 and 11:15 Masses: during the Elevation of the Host and Chalice, the brass will lead the short Fanfare in B-flat by John Ferguson.)
Communion anthemAve Verum by Camille Saint-Saƫns
Meditation hymn (7:30 and 9:00 Masses): 488 Jesus, my Lord, my God, my All
Benediction music (5:00 and 11:15 Masses):
757 O Salutaris Hostia and 758 Tantum Ergo (both in Latin)
Recessional hymn (ALL Masses): 524 Holy God, we praise Thy Name

Thursday, May 23, 2013


Two beloved hymns I can never imagine going without on the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity (or as many of us still call it for short, Trinity Sunday): Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty and a translation of the German hymn Gott Vater! sei Gepriesen.  You'll recognize the refrain in English that is part of the Gott Vater!:
- - O Most Holy Trinity, Undivided Unity, Holy God, mighty God, God immortal, be adored!
The great news is that these two familiar hymns are part of the list of hymns for this Sunday's Mass!
The sung ordinary of the Mass for this weekend and throughout the month of June is from Messa Populare "Laus Tibi Christe" by Federico Caudana.  These are sung parts of the Mass that we have sung before.  (Listen links: Gloria - Agnus Dei).
While the sung Gloria, Sanctus, and Agnus Dei are in Latin in this setting, the Memorial Acclamation (our response to the celebrant's call, Mysterium fidei, or The Mystery of faith) is in English, using the second of the three English options: When we eat this bread and drink this cup, we proclaim your death, O Lord, until you come again.  The Mass setting was written long before the "Memorial Acclamation" was introduced to the Mass (hint: the composer died in 1963, six years before the Memorial Acclamation was added).  Therefore, the music to the Memorial Acclamation is an adaptation of a couple of brief passages of the Gloria.
The music for the Amen, which concludes the Eucharistic Prayer, is simply the same as the triple Amen that concludes the Gloria.
The rest of the music (numbers are from the red hymnal, Worship):
Entrance hymn: 487 Come now, almighty King (Listen)
Responsorial Psalm: O Lord, our God, how wonderful your Name in all the earth!, music by Owen Alstott (found in the missalette along with the readings for May 26).
Alleluia: chant setting, mode VI (Listen - you'll recognize this instantly!)
Offertory hymn: 485 Holy, holy, holy
Communion anthem: Psalm 150 (O praise God in His holiness), music by Charles Villiers Stanford
Meditation hymn: 488 Jesus, my Lord, my God, my All
Recessional hymn: 484 O God, almighty Father
- the translation of the aforementioned Gott Vater! that is in Worship and several other hymnals!

Friday, May 17, 2013


The day of Pentecost, the birth of the true Church, our Church, founded by Jesus Christ.  As Father Bucci said last weekend in his homily, it is Christ that built our Church, our "city of God".  We don't "build it", despite what Dan Schutte wrote in his little ditty, "City of God", which (thankfully) is fading in popularity as more priests faithful to Catholic teaching are emerging, filled with that same Holy Spirit that Jesus sent to his disciples ("Receive the Holy Spirit").
Sung Mass parts (Alleluia and Ordinary) are the same as the previous seven weekends.  This will be the last weekend of these musical settings (except for the Gloria), as these settings are based on hymns normally sung during Paschal Time (Easter to Pentecost).  Numbers given are from the red Worship hymnal.
The rest of the music:
Entrance hymn: 482 Come, Holy Ghost, Creator blest
Responsorial Psalm: Lord, send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth, setting by Owen Alstott, music in the missalette with the readings for "May 19, Pentecost".
Sequence: Veni, Sancte, Spiritus, a Mode I Gregorian chant, music found in the missalette with the readings for "May 19, Pentecost".  This is sung just after the second reading, and the Alleluia immediately follows the Sequence.  As per custom at Sacred Heart, we sang the Easter sequence in English, and we sing the Pentecost sequence in Latin. (Listen)
Offertory hymn: 474 Fire of God, undying flame (Listen)
- A well-known Advent hymn, Savior of the nations, come, is sung to the same tune.
Communion anthem: Spirit seeking light and beauty (Gaelic tune, Dohnmach Trionoide)
Meditation hymn: 443 O Queen of Heaven/Regina Caeli
- Side note for those not familiar with "Marian Antiphons": There are four "Marian Antiphons", really they are hymns to Mary and not actual antiphons (an antiphon is normally associated with a Psalm passage, or verse).  These hymns are usually sung seasonally and are as follows:
- - Advent through February 2 (Presentation of Our Lord): Alma Redemptoris Mater
- - February 2 through Good Friday: Ave Regina Caelorum
- - Easter through Pentecost: Regina Caeli
- - Day after Pentecost through the last Saturday before Advent: Salve Regina
Recessional hymn: 560 Now thank we all our God

Friday, May 10, 2013


Many dioceses outside of the Northeast celebrate the Ascension on the Sunday that follows.  Luckily, we're in the Northeast, which means we celebrated the Ascension last Thursday, the proper day - that is, 40 days after our Lord's Resurrection.  Traditionally, the Ascension had an octave which would run until next Thursday (16 May).  Scripturally, our readings for this Sunday, the Seventh Sunday of Easter, still reflect the theme of the Ascension.  The hymns of the day reflect that.
On another note, a happy and blessed Mother's Day for all mothers reading it.  At the 7:30 AM Mass, the CCD children will crown the Blessed Mother during the entrance procession.
All numbers listed refer to the red Worship hymnal.   Alleluia and sung Mass Ordinary is the same musical settings as the previous few Sundays.
Entrance hymn:
- (except 7:30) 471 Hail the day that sees him rise (our entrance last Thursday as well)
- (7:30 only) 702 Hail, holy Queen enthroned above (to accompany the crowning)
Responsorial Psalm: The Lord is King, the Most High over all the earth, music by Richard Proulx and Joseph Gelineau, SJ.  (Music is in Worship, #854)
Offertory hymn: 466 Christ is alive (Listen)
- Same tune as a hymn used often at Advent and at First Communion as well, Lift up your heads, ye mighty gates
Communion anthem: Ave Maria
- (5:00 Sat. and 9:00) music by Lorenzo Perosi (soprano/alto duet)
- (7:30) music by Jacob Arcadelt (bass solo)
- (11:15) music by Franz Schubert (soprano solo)
Meditation hymn: 443 O Queen of heaven/Regina Caeli (English/Latin)
Recessional hymn: 469 A hymn of glory let us sing (our recessional last Sunday as well)

Thursday, May 2, 2013


First Friday: V-2-13 at 6 PM

Numbers refer to Worship - mostly stuff that is familiar.  Alleluia and sung Mass Ordinary is the same musical settings as the previous few Sundays.

Entrance hymn: 449 This joyful Eastertide
Responsorial Psalm: Their message goes out through all the earth, music: Psalm Tone 8G
Offertory hymn: O Sacred Heart, O Love Divine
Communion anthem: Panis Angelicus, sung to a Hungarian tune
Recessional hymn: 469 A hymn of glory let us sing
- same tune as Ye watchers and ye holy ones, which we sang last Sunday

Sunday VI of Easter: V-5-13

Numbers refer to Worship - mostly stuff that is familiar.  Alleluia and sung Mass Ordinary is the same musical settings as the previous few Sundays.

Entrance hymn: 449 This joyful Eastertide
Responsorial Psalm: O God, let all the nations praise you, music in missalette for May 5
Offertory hymn: 451 The strife is o'er
- using the tune of Christ is the King, a tune we used a couple of weeks ago
Communion anthem: Omni die dic Mariae/Daily, daily sing to Mary (alternating Latin and English)
Meditation hymn: 443 O Queen of heaven/Regina caeli (English/Latin)
Recessional hymn: 469 A hymn of glory let us sing

Tuesdays in May: 7 PM, Devotions to the Blessed Virgin Mary

Numbers refer to Worship

Entrance hymn: 708 Immaculate Mary
Exposition hymn: O Salutaris Hostia
- Tune is an altered form of the tune used mainly with the hymn O Jesus, joy of loving hearts
Rosary and Litany are recited.
Benediction hymn: Tantum ergo, music by Oreste Ravanello
- This is a tune we used on Good Friday, as well as during Devotions last October
After the Divine Praises: 443 O Queen of heaven/Regina caeli (English/Latin)
Recessional hymn: 702 Hail, holy Queen enthroned above

Confirmation; V-8-13, 7 PM (also Vigil of Ascension)
The Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ; V-9-13, 9 AM, 7 PM

The Mass for Confirmation falls on the eve (Vigil/Anticipated Mass) of the Ascension (Bishop availability just happened to work that way).  Therefore, the music is the same for both Wednesday and Thursday.  Our brass trio will be with us on Wednesday (Confirmation).
Numbers refer to Worship - mostly stuff that is familiar.  Alleluia and sung Mass Ordinary is the same musical settings as the previous few Sundays.

Entrance hymn: 471 Hail the day that sees him rise
- same tune as Christ the Lord is risen today, alleluia, which we sang two weeks ago.
Responsorial Psalm: God mounts his throne to shouts of joy, a blare of trumpets for the Lord, music by Robert Kreutz and Joseph Gelineau, SJ.

Anointing (Confirmation Mass only): 479 Veni, Creator Spiritus (Listen)
Offertory hymn: 496 Crown him with many crowns
Communion anthem: Christus Vincit, music by yours truly
Meditation hymn: 443 O Queen of heaven/Regina caeli (English/Latin)
Recessional hymn: 628 Go, make of all disciples
- same tune as The Day of Resurrection, which we sang on Easter Day.
