Friday, May 10, 2013


Many dioceses outside of the Northeast celebrate the Ascension on the Sunday that follows.  Luckily, we're in the Northeast, which means we celebrated the Ascension last Thursday, the proper day - that is, 40 days after our Lord's Resurrection.  Traditionally, the Ascension had an octave which would run until next Thursday (16 May).  Scripturally, our readings for this Sunday, the Seventh Sunday of Easter, still reflect the theme of the Ascension.  The hymns of the day reflect that.
On another note, a happy and blessed Mother's Day for all mothers reading it.  At the 7:30 AM Mass, the CCD children will crown the Blessed Mother during the entrance procession.
All numbers listed refer to the red Worship hymnal.   Alleluia and sung Mass Ordinary is the same musical settings as the previous few Sundays.
Entrance hymn:
- (except 7:30) 471 Hail the day that sees him rise (our entrance last Thursday as well)
- (7:30 only) 702 Hail, holy Queen enthroned above (to accompany the crowning)
Responsorial Psalm: The Lord is King, the Most High over all the earth, music by Richard Proulx and Joseph Gelineau, SJ.  (Music is in Worship, #854)
Offertory hymn: 466 Christ is alive (Listen)
- Same tune as a hymn used often at Advent and at First Communion as well, Lift up your heads, ye mighty gates
Communion anthem: Ave Maria
- (5:00 Sat. and 9:00) music by Lorenzo Perosi (soprano/alto duet)
- (7:30) music by Jacob Arcadelt (bass solo)
- (11:15) music by Franz Schubert (soprano solo)
Meditation hymn: 443 O Queen of heaven/Regina Caeli (English/Latin)
Recessional hymn: 469 A hymn of glory let us sing (our recessional last Sunday as well)