Thursday, May 23, 2013


Two beloved hymns I can never imagine going without on the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity (or as many of us still call it for short, Trinity Sunday): Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty and a translation of the German hymn Gott Vater! sei Gepriesen.  You'll recognize the refrain in English that is part of the Gott Vater!:
- - O Most Holy Trinity, Undivided Unity, Holy God, mighty God, God immortal, be adored!
The great news is that these two familiar hymns are part of the list of hymns for this Sunday's Mass!
The sung ordinary of the Mass for this weekend and throughout the month of June is from Messa Populare "Laus Tibi Christe" by Federico Caudana.  These are sung parts of the Mass that we have sung before.  (Listen links: Gloria - Agnus Dei).
While the sung Gloria, Sanctus, and Agnus Dei are in Latin in this setting, the Memorial Acclamation (our response to the celebrant's call, Mysterium fidei, or The Mystery of faith) is in English, using the second of the three English options: When we eat this bread and drink this cup, we proclaim your death, O Lord, until you come again.  The Mass setting was written long before the "Memorial Acclamation" was introduced to the Mass (hint: the composer died in 1963, six years before the Memorial Acclamation was added).  Therefore, the music to the Memorial Acclamation is an adaptation of a couple of brief passages of the Gloria.
The music for the Amen, which concludes the Eucharistic Prayer, is simply the same as the triple Amen that concludes the Gloria.
The rest of the music (numbers are from the red hymnal, Worship):
Entrance hymn: 487 Come now, almighty King (Listen)
Responsorial Psalm: O Lord, our God, how wonderful your Name in all the earth!, music by Owen Alstott (found in the missalette along with the readings for May 26).
Alleluia: chant setting, mode VI (Listen - you'll recognize this instantly!)
Offertory hymn: 485 Holy, holy, holy
Communion anthem: Psalm 150 (O praise God in His holiness), music by Charles Villiers Stanford
Meditation hymn: 488 Jesus, my Lord, my God, my All
Recessional hymn: 484 O God, almighty Father
- the translation of the aforementioned Gott Vater! that is in Worship and several other hymnals!