Friday, May 17, 2013


The day of Pentecost, the birth of the true Church, our Church, founded by Jesus Christ.  As Father Bucci said last weekend in his homily, it is Christ that built our Church, our "city of God".  We don't "build it", despite what Dan Schutte wrote in his little ditty, "City of God", which (thankfully) is fading in popularity as more priests faithful to Catholic teaching are emerging, filled with that same Holy Spirit that Jesus sent to his disciples ("Receive the Holy Spirit").
Sung Mass parts (Alleluia and Ordinary) are the same as the previous seven weekends.  This will be the last weekend of these musical settings (except for the Gloria), as these settings are based on hymns normally sung during Paschal Time (Easter to Pentecost).  Numbers given are from the red Worship hymnal.
The rest of the music:
Entrance hymn: 482 Come, Holy Ghost, Creator blest
Responsorial Psalm: Lord, send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth, setting by Owen Alstott, music in the missalette with the readings for "May 19, Pentecost".
Sequence: Veni, Sancte, Spiritus, a Mode I Gregorian chant, music found in the missalette with the readings for "May 19, Pentecost".  This is sung just after the second reading, and the Alleluia immediately follows the Sequence.  As per custom at Sacred Heart, we sang the Easter sequence in English, and we sing the Pentecost sequence in Latin. (Listen)
Offertory hymn: 474 Fire of God, undying flame (Listen)
- A well-known Advent hymn, Savior of the nations, come, is sung to the same tune.
Communion anthem: Spirit seeking light and beauty (Gaelic tune, Dohnmach Trionoide)
Meditation hymn: 443 O Queen of Heaven/Regina Caeli
- Side note for those not familiar with "Marian Antiphons": There are four "Marian Antiphons", really they are hymns to Mary and not actual antiphons (an antiphon is normally associated with a Psalm passage, or verse).  These hymns are usually sung seasonally and are as follows:
- - Advent through February 2 (Presentation of Our Lord): Alma Redemptoris Mater
- - February 2 through Good Friday: Ave Regina Caelorum
- - Easter through Pentecost: Regina Caeli
- - Day after Pentecost through the last Saturday before Advent: Salve Regina
Recessional hymn: 560 Now thank we all our God