Wednesday, August 28, 2013



Ordinary of the Mass: If we sing the Gloria, it will be the chant setting from Mass VIII.  For the rest of the sung Ordinary (Sanctus through Agnus Dei), we will continue Community Mass for September.  The singing has really come along very nicely for this setting.  (Your humble organist listens to these things, you know!) ;)

All numbers for the hymns are in the Maroon hymnal.

Entrance hymn: 315 We gather together (a familiar classic)

Responsorial Psalm: God, in your goodness, you have made a home for the poor, music by Owen Alstott (found in the Missalette with the readings for September 1)

Alleluia: music by Robert Twynham (we will use this throughout September)

Offertory hymn: 203 My God, thy table now is spread (Listen)
- Hymn starts at about the 56-second mark of the video linked above.  You might recognize the tune, as it is also used with When I survey the wondrous cross.

Communion anthem: Cantate Domino canticum novum, music by Vincent d'Indy.
- Based on Psalm 96 (Psalm 95 in the Latin Vulgate Bible), the title translates simply, Sing to the Lord a new song.

Meditation hymn: 477 God himself is with us (Listen) (verses 1 and 3 only)

Recessional hymn: 352 Crown him with many crowns (another familiar classic)


Tuesday, August 20, 2013




Alleluia and Mass Ordinary same as the last few weeks.  All numbers given are in the red Worship hymnal.

Entrance hymn: 669 All people that on earth do dwell
- same tune as Praise God, from whom all blessings flow.  If all goes right, we may pull off the arrangement by Ralph Vaughan Williams, titled The Old Hundredth Psalm Tune.  Vaughan Williams wrote this arrangement for choir, orchestra (with "all available trumpets") and organ, for the coronation of Her Majesty, Elizabeth II, Queen of England, in 1953.  If the Archbishop of Canterbury agreed to allow a hymn at the coronation, Vaughan Williams offered to make "a mess-up of Old Hundredth", thus the arrangement that hopefully you will get to hear as you sing this Psalm 100-based hymn.

Responsorial Psalm: Go out to all the world, and tell the Good News, music adapted by yours truly from the Benediction chant Adoremus in aeternum Sanctissimum Sacramentum.  (View score)  The Psalm is the same Psalm that goes with the Benediction chant, but in English.

Offertory hymn: 690 Jerusalem, my happy home (Listen) (nice Early American tune!)

Communion anthem: Be thou my vision, music by Jean-Hubert Desrocquettes, arranged by yours truly

Meditation hymn: 729 O Food of exiles lowly (Listen)
- The text sung in the listen link is the Latin O Esca Viatorum, from which the hymn we will be singing is translated.  The tune will be the tune in the listen link, written by Heinrich Isaak, and harmonized by Johann Sebastian Bach.
- Incidentally, some might be familiar with another hymn sung to this same tune: O Sacred Heart, all-holy.  This is one of the first English hymns that was written since English hymns were allowed at Low Mass.

Recessional hymn: 628 Go, make of all disciples


Thursday, August 15, 2013


Our two saints from the hometown of Fornelli are feasted this Saturday at the 5:00 PM Mass - San Pietro Martire and San Domenico Abate.  Our brass trio will be on hand for this Mass.

Speaking of our brass trio, please send up a prayer, or two, or three, for our retiring second trumpeter and flugelhornist, Mr. Chris Lawson.  He is experiencing some pretty bad dental problems, and those can have a great effect on the playing of any instrument by mouth.  His replacement this Saturday will be Mr. Alphonse (Al) Testa.  I'm hoping he works out to the point where he will be a keeper. ;)

There are two distinct music lists this weekend, one for the 5:00 Mass on Saturday (the parish feast), and one for the three Sunday Masses (Sunday XX of Ordered Time).

The Propers (readings, prayers, and Psalm) for the parish feast are still those appointed for the Sunday.  Only the hymns, anthems, and music for the Mass Ordinary will differ.


Saturday VIII-17-13: Parish Feast

Entrance hymn: Worship 547 Praise to the Lord, the Almighty

Gloria: Missa "Te Deum Laudamus", music by Lorenzo Perosi
- This is a two-part choral setting that we used at the 11:15 AM Mass on June 30, at which we honored SS. Peter and Paul.

Responsorial Psalm: Lord, come to my aid, music by Owen Alstott
- music found in missalette under "August 18".

Alleluia: music by Owen Alstott (the same as we've done the past few weeks)

Offertory anthem: Cor Jesu Trinitatis, sung to an altered form of the tune Gott soll Gepriesen.  
- Those who have attended First Friday Masses have heard this before.  Has a nice little trumpet descant penned by yours truly.  (sung in Latin)

Sanctus through Agnus Dei: Messa Populare "Laus Tibi Christe", music by Federico Caudana
- the setting we used throughout the month of June.

Communion anthem: I Cieli Immensi, by Benedetto Marcello (sung in Italian)

Meditation hymn: Worship 488 Jesus, my Lord, my God, my All 

Recessional hymn: Worship 524 Holy God, we praise Thy Name, arranged by yours truly

Sunday VIII-18-13: Sunday XX

Entrance hymn: Worship 558 Father, we thank thee who hast planted (Listen)

Gloria: recited, or Mass VIII (Father's discretion)
- For those who attended the 9 AM or 7 PM Mass this Thursday past for the Assumption, Mass VIII is the Gloria we sang.

Responsorial Psalm and Alleluia: same as the parish feast, listed above

Offertory hymn: Worship 813 Hail, our Savior's glorious body (sung in English) (Listen)
- This is the Mode III chant tune that is most common for Pange, Lingua, Gloriosi, one of the beloved Eucharistic hymns written by St. Thomas Aquinas.  The last two verses of this hymn is the Tantum Ergo.

Sanctus through Agnus Dei: A Community Mass, music by Richard Proulx
- the setting we've been using throughout July and August (with the exception of this Saturday)

Communion anthemI Cieli Immensi, by Benedetto Marcello (sung in Italian)

Meditation anthemPanis Angelicus, music by Pére Louis Lambillotte, SJ
- THREE LITTLE FACTOIDS: 1) This is another one of those texts given to us by St. Thomas Aquinas.  2) Just like the Tantum Ergo is the end of the Pange Lingua, the Panis Angelicus (Bread of Angels) is the end of another hymn, Sacriis Solemniis (At our solemn Feast).  3) The French Jesuit Fr. Lambillotte, who gave us the music we're singing for the Panis Angelicus this Sunday, is the same priest who wrote the music for two other well-known hymns: On this day, O beautiful Mother, and Come, Holy Ghost.

Recessional hymn: Worship 520 All creatures of our God and King


Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Masses Wednesday, August 14, at 6 PM,
and Thursday, August 15, at 9 AM and 7 PM


All numbers are in the red hymnal, Worship, all of which are familiar.  The Alleluia and sung Ordinary from the Sanctus through the Agnus Dei remain the same.

Entrance hymn: 702 Hail, holy Queen enthroned above

Gloria: Gloria VIII (chant), or recited (Father's discretion)

Responsorial Psalm: The queen stands at your right hand arrayed in gold, music by yours truly
- Click here for instructional video I created about this Psalm setting for my own podcast series "iSNARK! TV" two years ago (That year, the holy day fell on a Monday, and the obligation was lifted).

Offertory hymn: 712 O Sanctissima

Communion anthem
- (Evening Masses): Ave Maria, setting by Franz Schubert (cantor: Elaine)
- (Morning Mass): Ave Maria, setting by Jacob Arcadelt (cantor: yours truly)

Meditation hymn: 703 Salve Regina 

Recessional hymn: 708 Immaculate Mary


Thursday, August 8, 2013



Alleluia and Sung Mass Ordinary same as the previous few weeks.

Entrance hymn: Maroon #780 (in the back "supplement" section) Christ is made the sure foundation

Responsorial Psalm: Worship #921 Blessed the people the Lord has chosen to be his own, music of the antiphon by Fr. Columba Kelly, OSB; music of the versicles by Pére Joseph Gelineau, SJ

Offertory hymn: Maroon #4 Rejoice, rejoice, believers (Listen)

Communion anthem: Soul of my Savior, music by William J. Maher, arrangement from the Pius X Hymnal

Meditation hymn: Maroon #356, first tune At the Name of Jesus (Listen)

Recessional hymn: Maroon #600 Ye holy angels bright
- Same tune as Rejoice, the Lord is King, which we sang a couple of weeks ago.


Thursday, August 1, 2013



Sung Alleluia and Ordinary of the Mass same as the last few weeks.


Entrance hymn: O Sacred Heart, O Love Divine

Responsorial Psalm: Sing with joy to God, our help, music by yours truly.

Offertory hymn: Back of missalette, #38, Soul of my Savior (Listen)
- Those who frequent our First Friday Masses will get a head start on this one.  It will also be our meditation hymn for this Saturday and Sunday.  Also, the duet and I have sung this piece before as an anthem during Holy Communion.  The hymn is a translation of the beloved Anima Christi. 

Communion hymn: Cor Jesu Trinitatis, music: altered form of Gott Soll Gepriesen

Recessional hymn: To Jesus' Heart, all-burning


Entrance hymn: Maroon hymnal, #301, Immortal, invisible, God only wise (Listen)

Responsorial Psalm: If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts, music by Owen Alstott
- music as written in the missalette for August 4

Offertory hymn: Maroon hymnal, #424, I heard the voice of Jesus say (Listen)
- Neither of the two tunes in the Maroon hymnal are familiar, so we are singing the words from the hymnal to the more familiar tune (see Listen link above)

Communion anthem: Cantate Domino Canticum Novum, music by Vincent d'Indy

Meditation hymn: Back of missalette, #38, Soul of my Savior
- See First Friday list, above, for notes on this hymn.

Recessional hymn: Maroon hymnal, #288, O worship the King (Listen)
