Alleluia and Mass Ordinary same as the last few weeks. All numbers given are in the red Worship hymnal.
Entrance hymn: 669 All people that on earth do dwell
- same tune as Praise God, from whom all blessings flow. If all goes right, we may pull off the arrangement by Ralph Vaughan Williams, titled The Old Hundredth Psalm Tune. Vaughan Williams wrote this arrangement for choir, orchestra (with "all available trumpets") and organ, for the coronation of Her Majesty, Elizabeth II, Queen of England, in 1953. If the Archbishop of Canterbury agreed to allow a hymn at the coronation, Vaughan Williams offered to make "a mess-up of Old Hundredth", thus the arrangement that hopefully you will get to hear as you sing this Psalm 100-based hymn.
Responsorial Psalm: Go out to all the world, and tell the Good News, music adapted by yours truly from the Benediction chant Adoremus in aeternum Sanctissimum Sacramentum. (View score) The Psalm is the same Psalm that goes with the Benediction chant, but in English.
Offertory hymn: 690 Jerusalem, my happy home (Listen) (nice Early American tune!)
Communion anthem: Be thou my vision, music by Jean-Hubert Desrocquettes, arranged by yours truly
Meditation hymn: 729 O Food of exiles lowly (Listen)
- The text sung in the listen link is the Latin O Esca Viatorum, from which the hymn we will be singing is translated. The tune will be the tune in the listen link, written by Heinrich Isaak, and harmonized by Johann Sebastian Bach.
- Incidentally, some might be familiar with another hymn sung to this same tune: O Sacred Heart, all-holy. This is one of the first English hymns that was written since English hymns were allowed at Low Mass.
Recessional hymn: 628 Go, make of all disciples
Offertory hymn: 690 Jerusalem, my happy home (Listen) (nice Early American tune!)
Communion anthem: Be thou my vision, music by Jean-Hubert Desrocquettes, arranged by yours truly
Meditation hymn: 729 O Food of exiles lowly (Listen)
- The text sung in the listen link is the Latin O Esca Viatorum, from which the hymn we will be singing is translated. The tune will be the tune in the listen link, written by Heinrich Isaak, and harmonized by Johann Sebastian Bach.
- Incidentally, some might be familiar with another hymn sung to this same tune: O Sacred Heart, all-holy. This is one of the first English hymns that was written since English hymns were allowed at Low Mass.
Recessional hymn: 628 Go, make of all disciples