Ordinary of the Mass: If we sing the Gloria, it will be the chant setting from Mass VIII. For the rest of the sung Ordinary (Sanctus through Agnus Dei), we will continue Community Mass for September. The singing has really come along very nicely for this setting. (Your humble organist listens to these things, you know!) ;)
All numbers for the hymns are in the Maroon hymnal.
Entrance hymn: 315 We gather together (a familiar classic)
Responsorial Psalm: God, in your goodness, you have made a home for the poor, music by Owen Alstott (found in the Missalette with the readings for September 1)
Alleluia: music by Robert Twynham (we will use this throughout September)
Offertory hymn: 203 My God, thy table now is spread (Listen)
- Hymn starts at about the 56-second mark of the video linked above. You might recognize the tune, as it is also used with When I survey the wondrous cross.
Communion anthem: Cantate Domino canticum novum, music by Vincent d'Indy.
- Based on Psalm 96 (Psalm 95 in the Latin Vulgate Bible), the title translates simply, Sing to the Lord a new song.
Meditation hymn: 477 God himself is with us (Listen) (verses 1 and 3 only)
Recessional hymn: 352 Crown him with many crowns (another familiar classic)